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Multiple Choice
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Multiple Choice
A number of definitions are listed. Below each definition are
4 words that may match the definition. Print the letter of the
word which matches the definition in the space provided by
each definition.
1. A word or phrase that particular people use in particular situations.
A. saying B. medal C. opportunity D. act
2. A possibility due to a favorable combination of circumstances.
A. opportunity B. medal C. require D. as
3. Midway between extremes.
A. medal B. upon C. medium D. require
4. In contact with; on top of.
A. upon B. saying C. require D. medium
5. "We got there just ______ school started."
A. medal B. opportunity C. as D. act
6. Play a role or part.
A. act B. opportunity C. as D. dirty
7. Move forward or upward in order to touch.
A. upon B. opportunity C. reach D. require
8. An award for winning a championship or commemorating some other event.
A. medal B. saying C. reach D. act
9. Soiled, as with dirt; unclean.
A. dirty B. opportunity C. require D. medium
10. Consider obligatory; request and expect.
A. require B. dirty C. saying D. act
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