pytania na egzamin ECS dla elektryka.pdf

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H&S booklet single A5 pages:Layout 1
Setting The Standards
for the electrotechnical industry
Health & Safety
Administered in England, Wales
& Northern Ireland by the Joint
Industry Board for the Electrical
Contracting Industry
Administered in Scotland
by the Scottish Joint
Industry Board for the
Electrical Contracting Industry
ECS032/8 April 2010
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Introduction ............................................................................................. 1
General Health and Safety at Work ....................................................... 4
Manual Handling Operations ............................................................... 10
Reporting Accidents ............................................................................. 14
Personal Protective Equipment at Work............................................. 19
Health and Hygiene............................................................................... 23
Fire and Emergency.............................................................................. 27
Work at Height....................................................................................... 31
Work Equipment.................................................................................... 35
Special Site Hazards ............................................................................. 39
Electrotechnical .................................................................................... 42
The electrotechnical industry is constantly striving to improve the Health and Safety awareness of everyone who works
within the industry. The affiliation of the Electrotechnical Certification Scheme (ECS) to the Construction Skills
Certification Scheme (CSCS) requires anyone obtaining or renewing an ECS Identification Card to demonstrate an
acceptable standard of health and safety knowledge.
The ECS Health and Safety Assessment has been introduced as the method of assessing the health and safety
knowledge of people working in the electrotechnical industry. Passing the assessment will demonstrate that you have a
satisfactory level of health and safety knowledge.
This booklet should be used as a tool to help you prepare for the assessment. The booklet contains all the questions
that can be used to make up your assessment, together with the correct answer and, where applicable, a brief
explanation of the answer. The order of answers shown in the booklet may not be the same as the order used when
preparing individual assessments. Read through the booklet and attempt some of the questions from each topic so you
can improve your knowledge before attending the assessment. Remember, there are no trick questions and we are not
trying to trip you up.
The ECS Health and Safety Assessment contains a number of multiple choice questions. Each question will require you
to pick one correct answer from a choice of four.
If you are employed by one of the many companies that have become licensed assessment centres you will
take the assessment on a Personal Computer. If your assessment is provided by the Electrical Contractors’
Association (ECA), or you undertake the assessment in Scotland, it will be paper-based. Please ensure you
take some form of identification with you. A current or expired ECS card, passport, new style driving
license etc. You will also need to know your National Insurance Number.
An invigilator will explain how to undertake the assessment and you will be given a chance to take a practice test before
you start. The invigilator will be on hand during the assessment to provide help and guidance with the computer program
but will not offer any assistance with answering the questions. At the end of the assessment the computer program will
let you know if you have passed. You will be able to see which questions you got wrong so that you can study the
subject area before attempting the assessment again.
The assessment will be made up from questions covering ten topics. The numbers of questions that will be used from
each topic are:
General Health and Safety at Work ................................ 5
Manual Handling Operations........................................... 4
Reporting Accidents ........................................................ 3
Personal Protective Equipment at Work ......................... 4
Health and Hygiene......................................................... 3
Fire and Emergency ........................................................ 4
Work at Height ................................................................ 5
Work Equipment.............................................................. 4
Special Site Hazards....................................................... 3
Electrotechnical ............................................................... 5
Listed below are the areas of knowledge that will be assessed.
1. General Health & Safety
You should have a basic understanding of:
How the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, Regulations and Approved Codes of Practice affect you
Employer’s responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act
Your responsibilities to yourself and to others under the Health and Safety at Work Act
How health and safety law is enforced
The powers of Health and Safety Executive (HSE) inspectors
The key features of health and safety signs in the workplace
2. Manual Handling Operations
You should have a basic understanding of:
What manual handling operations mean in the context of an employee and what employers must do to protect
employees from injury
The types of injury you could suffer from carrying out manual handling tasks
The parts of your body most likely to be affected by manual handling injuries
How to decide whether a manual handling activity is safe
What must be taken into account when making a manual handling risk assessment
The principles of good manual handling techniques
3. Reporting Accidents
You should have a basic understanding of:
The need to report injuries, accidents, certain diseases and dangerous occurrences to the Health and Safety
Why you must report accidents to your employer
The need to record in the accident book all accidents that cause any injury whatsoever
What reportable injuries, dangerous occurrences and reportable diseases are
4. Personal Protective Equipment at Work
You should have a basic understanding of:
When PPE should be worn
Why your employer must provide you with PPE
Why you must use the PPE provided by the employer
Why you must take care of PPE supplied for your use
Why you must report lost or damaged PPE to your immediate superior
The possible effects of not wearing PPE
The limitations of PPE
5. Health and Hygiene
You should have a basic understanding of:
The dangers of exposure to substances, such as asbestos
The importance of good personal hygiene when working with hazardous substances
How to reduce the risks of diseases carried by vermin
The welfare facilities required to be provided on construction sites.
How to reduce the risks from hand-arm vibration and noise at work
6. Fire and Emergency
You should have a basic understanding of:
What to do in the event of an emergency at work
The types of fire extinguishers available and the types of fires they can each be used on
The importance of first aid following an accident
7. Work at Height
You should have a basic understanding of:
The importance of using the most suitable access equipment for the task
Only working from ladders or stepladders when the task is of low risk and short duration
Safety precautions to be taken when using scaffolds, mobile elevated work platforms, safety harnesses etc.
8. Work Equipment
You should have a basic understanding of:
Only using work equipment you have been trained and authorised to use
The importance of carrying out checks on equipment before use
Reporting any defects and not using defective equipment
The use of reduced low voltage systems to supply hand-held electrical equipment on construction sites
The safe use of extension cables
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