
(26 KB) Pobierz
00:00:01:/SubEdit b.3890 (
00:03:43:One of my mon's colleague just lost his mind.|He began to sing the opera.
00:03:47:You heard that shit just now?
00:04:06:Xiao Ji?
00:04:08:Why you are here, Xiao Wu?
00:04:11:Haven't seen you for 2 days.|Were you buried in the books or something?
00:04:13:Not really. I'm just browsing the job classified.
00:04:17:Want some inner news?
00:04:21:Let me give you a good one.
00:04:26:They are looking for actors for Mongolia King Brewster.|Why don't you go have a try?
00:04:31:What do they need the actors for?|Who knows?
00:04:36:All the actors need to do is just singing and dancing.|And they get the alcohol sold.
00:04:39:So called "Economic sings|on the stage of entertainment".
00:04:43:Oh, I see.
00:04:49:Commission charge, please.
00:04:50:What commission charge?|For the inner news.
00:04:57:10 bucks for cigarettes will do.|I haven't got a cent on me, for real.
00:05:02:And you?
00:05:04:Just got sacked. How would I have money?
00:05:07:Your poor guy.
00:05:29:'The Charity Lottery of Shanxi...'
00:05:31:'in the way of the international accepted|combination chosen numbers,'
00:05:34:'allow you choose any seven mumbers...'
00:05:39:out of the 31 numbers from 01 to 31
00:05:42:'The combination of 7 different|numbers will be your lot.'
00:05:46:'Invalid if more or less than 7 numbers.'
00:05:50:'Every lot you bid cost 2 Yuan,|and every lottery ticket can be printed up to 5 lots.'
00:06:30:'Wish you good luck and win the prize!'
00:07:28:Hello everybody,
00:07:31:Welcome to our audtion|at the Mongolia King Brewster.
00:07:37:Next, let's welcome Miss Zhao Qiaoqiao,
00:07:41:the well-known model and singer in our town,
00:07:43:perform the modern dance for us.
00:07:46:Unknown Pleasures.
00:07:50:Let's think about the spirit of|the Mongolia King Brewster again.
00:07:56:Toast on the Mongolia King.
00:07:59:Toast on the Mongolia King.
00:08:03:Thank you.
00:09:14:So many people, Mr. Ren.
00:09:17:-Qiaoqiao is back.|-Give me the money.
00:09:20:They are all VIPs. Say hello to them first.
00:09:25:Sir, nice to see you all, sir.
00:09:26:Only for the people.
00:09:34:Why don't you take some pictures|with this young star?
00:09:37:Take some pictures.
00:10:17:A bit closer.
00:10:23:Who's left out?
00:10:28:Now all the pictures are taken.|Would you give me the money, Mr. Ren?
00:10:31:Go find the accountant.
00:10:32:Accouuntant Liu, would you give me the money?
00:10:35:Wait two more days, OK? Besides,|You're joining our Performace Group anyway.
00:10:39:Two days? So long.
00:10:42:You will stay. So lucky you can join us.
00:10:47:Thank you. Thanks.
00:10:52:But I still want my money.
00:10:54:Give me two more days, OK?
00:10:56:You're going to be our member anyway.
00:10:59:Two days?
00:11:01:Ok. Two days then.
00:11:04:All right?
00:11:05:Thank you. Two days.
00:11:07:Take care, sir, bye.
00:11:16:How much does the woman get?
00:11:47:Hey, here we go.
00:11:54:-What?|-Move aside.
00:11:56:-We meet again.|-Get out of the way.
00:11:59:-Let's be friend, OK?|-What friend?
00:12:02:Let me introduce myself. I'm Xiao Ji.
00:12:04:Xiao Ji? I know you now.|Now get lost.
00:12:09:Take care.
00:12:44:You done? Take a seat.
00:12:49:Let me introduce. This is the First Queen.
00:12:53:And this is the Queen.
00:12:56:San. He's a nice shithead.
00:12:58:He's just like the King of the Tang Dynasty.
00:13:02:San, I'll see you around.
00:13:07:See you.
00:13:52:Beg alms under the hill the young monk went.
00:13:55:Some advices from the old monk he was told.
00:13:58:Women under the hill are all tigers.
00:14:02:Never stay with them when you catch a sight.
00:14:06:Towns after towns, and villages after villages,
00:14:09:thought of the monk,
00:14:12:why the tigers never bite,
00:14:15:and look so nice.
00:14:36:Go have a look inside.
00:14:38:Go by yourself.
00:15:35:Who were you talking with?
00:15:38:-Qiao San.|-Who's Qiao San?
00:15:40:-You have some troubles with him?|-No.
00:15:43:You are not his match.
00:16:31:-A movie?|-All right.
00:16:35:-Room No. 2|-No. 2?
00:16:40:You go first. I'll bring you the menu.
00:16:42:Be quick.
00:16:48:You come here a lot?
00:16:50:Not really. I quitted today. Fired the boss.
00:16:55:For what?
00:16:56:He's just not my type.
00:16:58:You're alway like that.|Your mom will be angry.
00:17:02:She scolded me every day and I just turn a deaf ear.
00:17:09:How're you doing?
00:17:11:Can't decide which college to apply.
00:17:13:The teacher send us home to disscuse with the parents.
00:17:17:Why not disscusss with me?
00:17:19:I can't make my own choice.|Any use disscussing with you?
00:17:36:Gosh, yesterday is my bad day.|Just with a glance of the TV, I was scolded by mon.
00:17:40:What were you watching?
00:17:42:Nothing. Just WTO.
00:17:45:Said it'll be included in the Politics test.
00:17:51:WTO is so easy. Just the money earning stuff.
00:18:02:See, how nice to be the Monkey King.
00:18:04:Without parents and without control.|Just do as he will.
00:18:07:And will have no shit of WTO.
00:18:30:That's why you invited me to the Heaven Palace.
00:18:34:Old King Yu, you asked again and again...
00:18:38:-Sir, where's my bike?|-It was repaired a couple of days ago.
00:18:41:My own ticket? Missing long ago.
00:18:44:I told you come by when it's done.|Let me check inside.
00:18:47:Nothing at all?
00:18:58:Take a seat.
00:19:03:Why you have this?
00:19:11:Someone gave me.
00:19:20:It was in the afternoon of Jan 23, 2001,
00:19:22:the day of the Spring Festival Eve,
00:19:24:some fans of the Falun Dafa|burned themselves in the Tiananmen Square...
00:19:27:to accomplish their ultimate task.
00:20:15:Ah.|Who damn knows.
00:20:18:God, you've got a fortune.
00:20:25:American dollars?
00:20:28:The money the American use.
00:20:43:No place to exchange them, is there?
00:20:45:Nonsense. That's a lot of money.
00:20:54:Xiao Ji.
00:20:56:The key.
00:21:01:My old man just ran into a fortune.
00:21:06:How much is this?
00:21:07:10 USD is worth 1000 Yuan, I'll tell you that.
00:21:10:A thousand?
00:21:11:At least.
00:21:14:That's a fortune then.
00:21:17:Come back, you.
00:21:20:Come back.
00:22:14:-Where are you from?|-Me? I'm from Zhangjiakou.
00:22:18:-How far is Zhangjiakou away from here?|-Not too far.
00:22:27:When the highway's built, it'll only|take me one hour or so to go home.
00:22:32:And by Ivecog, too?
00:22:40:Look, your friend just sit there alone.
00:22:43:Come on, let sister Zhu give you a massage.
00:22:45:No. No.
00:22:47:Come on in, Binbin. Come in.
00:22:50:Come on. Come.
00:22:52:Come on. Come.
00:23:09:-The first time?|-Yes. First time.
00:23:13:-Where are you from?|-We are from the Spinnery.
00:23:17:State-owned company.
00:23:19:And you?
00:23:20:I'm from Zhangjiakou.
00:23:24:Here, lie down.
00:23:38:-No.|-What's it?
00:23:41:Easy. Easy.
00:23:54:That's it.
00:23:55:Easy. Come on.
00:24:22:That's it. That's it.
00:24:40:Hurry up. Don't waste your time.
00:25:10:Hurry, don't be late.
00:26:02:Why don't you go to work?
00:26:04:Why are you still here?
00:26:06:You don't go to work because of your|fucking girlfriend? You liar.
00:26:10:Don't call me a liar.
00:26:13:Don't cry at me. You are useless.
00:26:18:I would rather you enlisted in the army|and get away from me as far as possible.
00:26:23:Just wait and see. I'm not what you are thinking.
00:26:35:Let me grief, let me regret...
00:26:40:Even the heaven don't know either...
00:26:45:Take my pain and take my toil...
00:26:50:Gone with the wind and enjoy the unkown pleasure...
00:26:58:No worry about where a hero's starting out...
00:27:03:With pride and ambition,|and the heaven wil be proud...
00:27:08:Love is endless just for it...
00:27:13:Couldn't get it all life long till we die...
00:27:18:Why you come so late?
00:27:19:What are you shouting at?|I was filling out the application in school.
00:27:23:What did you apply for?
00:27:25:Mom want me to apply for|International Trade in Beijing.
00:27:28:-Beijing?|-Yeah. Isn't Beijing nice?
00:27:32:You will stock rabbits, won't you?
00:27:34:What are you talking about?
00:27:37:I heard that International Trades are|all about stocking rabbits.
00:27:42:And then sell them to Ukraine.
00:27:45:What you heard is nonsense.
00:27:47:I agree.
00:27:57:Can I ask you to do something?
00:28:00:Go ahead.
00:28:02:Don't get mad at me please.
00:28:05:I won't be.
00:28:09:The exams are really close.
00:28:12:So don't come and see me.
00:28:26:See, you are mad.
00:28:28:Not at all. How dare I to be mad at you princess?
00:28:56:No worry about where a hero's starting out...
00:29:01:With pride and ambition, and the sky wil be proud...
00:29:06:Love is endless just for it...
00:29:11:Support for you all life long till we die...
00:29:16:Love you so deep even the sky can't see...
00:29:21:Good or evil lingered for generations...
00:29:26:Can't live with love and heart all your life...
00:29:31:How can I forget your tenderness
00:30:04:Drink Mongul King Wine, you'll have a wonderful life!
00:30:07:Drink Mongul King Wine, you'll win the jackpot!
00:30:10:Thank you for coming to try Mongul King, Thank you.
00:30:30:-You are from the Bureau of Mineral Administration?|-You know me?
00:30:33:I graduated from the 7th High.
00:30:35:Me too. Let's have a bottom-up.
00:30:42:It's almost one year since I gr...
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