why i made this.txt

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A little about why this compendium was produced...

a few months ago, my cheating lying ex broke up with me for the last time and i was devastated. I was needy and emotionally dependent on her, i.e a totally nonfunctional loser AFC, and completely for nothing, all of it my own fault. I started failing classes, my friends had abandoned me, and i sank into depression. All i had left was surfing porn websites and reading shitty self help.

I never want any of you to go through what i went through.

My travels in Israel this summer brought me to the home of an old Druze man living near  Jerusalem who told me something that will stay with me forever.

"The greatest happiness in a man's life comes from a good wife, and the greatest hardship is a bad one or no one!"

My compassion for you all leads me to put together this compendium. I have lost my accounts at all the private trackers i took these from because of this project. But the fact is, you all are giving yourselves the chance to improve and even though you could be successful without reading a single page (just by thinking about what you want, and observing the truth about how things work), i want to give you all the advantages you can have.

the most important thing not to lose sight of is that you have to be yourself or everything will come crashing down on you. Use critical thinking and common sense, make your own style of seduction (give yourself a callsign nickname only for the community; its fun), open your eyes and your head to reality. YOU DON'T NEED ANY OF THIS TO LIVE, SO DONT LET IT TAKE OVER YOUR LIFE! Have fun, take risks, be a MAN. You are worthwhile by virtue of existing.

let me leave you with a quote i made up:
Fear tells you that you are a worm pretending to be a lion, but you are really a lion who can't realize that you aren't a worm.

like Stephane says: dont accept anything based in fear, only accept things based on love.

good luck on your journey, which began the day you realized that things could be better. keep striving for your goals.

Michael (aka barak) (email me at baraksf at gmail dot com only if you cant find an answer else where, i do have a life you know ;) (ps GF calling, she's coming here to "finish reading harry potter" naked in bed.)

when your girl is venting LET HER VENT, just get it over with, or cut her off, or dump her. 

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