Herbie - Goes To Monte Carlo - CD2.txt

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{1}{75}movie info: XVID  736x416 25.0fps 699.7 MB|/SubEdit b.4043 (http://subedit.prv.pl)/
{11}{121}I hope what�s-his-name didn�t hide|Herbie so well he can�t find him.
{124}{261}I wish you hadn�t said that.|I�m a mechanic. I need a car!
{264}{367}There�s a million details|have to be taken care of for a race!
{370}{459}And you know I pride myself|on being thorough.
{472}{511}My tools! Where�s my tools!
{596}{635}Right here.
{661}{703}I knew that!
{841}{917}Inspector, the race is about to|begin! Where�s our car!
{920}{974}Believe me,|I am as concerned as you are!
{977}{1109}But I�m sure Fontenoy will be here.|He�s unpredictable, but dependable.
{1173}{1237}Let me check with headquarters|again!
{1389}{1437}It will be here!
{1440}{1502}You be ready!
{1546}{1603}Who�s that?
{1606}{1668}That�s Double-X, you dummy!
{1695}{1782}Better duck, here comes trouble!
{1968}{2095}- Look, about last night...|- I know. Me too. Sorry.
{2098}{2172}Not about missing me with that vase,|I hope?
{2193}{2314}No. I guess I was a little uptight|last night. Nervous about the race.
{2340}{2451}Yeah. Well, I threw a few brickbats|myself. In the wrong direction.
{2454}{2548}We didn�t get off to a flying start,|did we?
{2551}{2648}Herbie and I|take a little getting used to.
{2682}{2822}When you keep including Herbie|you take a lot of getting used to.
{2924}{2996}By the way, where is... it?
{2999}{3038}- Well, I...|- Douglas.
{3061}{3132}Did you misplace your little car?
{3146}{3188}Just temporarily.
{3191}{3254}You should look under a rock,|you might find it.
{3257}{3369}No, not under a rock, Gilbert,|under a gravestone.
{3372}{3494}{y:i}Attention, everyone! All drivers|{y:i}bring your machines to the grid!
{3497}{3557}{y:i}Five minutes to race time!
{3584}{3623}It�s just as well, Douglas.
{3626}{3732}You know the saying.|They never come back.
{3889}{3929}Well, I�d better go.
{3998}{4046}Good luck.
{4081}{4135}I think you mean that.
{4151}{4282}{y:i}Drivers will please take your|{y:i}positions as quickly as possible!
{5712}{5754}Take the brake off!
{5757}{5810}The brake is off!
{5827}{5919}You know something?|That Lancia�s waiting on Herbie.
{5922}{6017}Yeah? Well, so are we!|All we need is her hanging around!
{6166}{6234}I hope you had nothing to do with|this!
{6237}{6319}- I didn�t but I think I know who did.|- I know, your Herbie!
{6322}{6413}Yes, Herbie�s missing,|and your Lancia�s missing him!
{6416}{6524}You must think I�m a fool|with this Herbie, Herbie, Herbie!
{6527}{6605}Well, I don�t believe in fairy tales|or Herbie or you!
{6655}{6706}Pop the hood, will you?
{6794}{6877}- What are you doing?|- You want your car started?
{6995}{7065}Listen... I know how you feel.
{7068}{7138}But you better get over it|right now.
{7141}{7229}Forget Herbie.|You know why he isn�t here?
{7232}{7285}He�s found somebody else, that�s why.
{7288}{7379}And he didn�t have the guts to tell|you, so I�m telling you.
{7382}{7468}Oh, yeah. We�re talking|about the same guy, alright.
{7471}{7602}Old Herbie.|Old fun-loving, fickle Herbie.
{7674}{7799}- Now you see him, now you don�t.|- He�s right, you know.
{7802}{7914}So far we�ve had to tell a Fiat,|a Thunderbird and an Austin Healey.
{7917}{8017}I know how you feel.|It�s... fun while it lasted.
{8020}{8159}But the truth is, you weren�t the|first and you won�t be the last.
{8213}{8289}You might as well take off.
{8333}{8449}Will somebody help me start my car?
{8510}{8573}Let me have a look.
{8627}{8685}- Thank you!|- No problem!
{8688}{8782}I was beginning to think|everyone was crazy!
{8953}{9021}Well, so much for the Lancia!
{9024}{9101}Yes. So much for both of �em,|I guess.
{9352}{9428}Douglas! Let�s go! Don�t you realise|you�ve got pole position!
{9431}{9520}- I also realise we don�t have a car!|- But It�ll be here!
{9523}{9629}It had better be, in two minutes,|or you can try again next year!
{9887}{9930}{y:i}Ladies and gentlemen!
{9933}{10093}{y:i}The first inaugural running of the|{y:i}Trans-France Race is about to begin!
{11704}{11749}What�s that?
{11752}{11812}It�s an armoured truck.
{11849}{11890}That armoured truck is us!
{11927}{11955}Excuse me!
{11958}{11999}Yes, yes!
{12306}{12355}Where�s Herbie? Are you crazy?
{12358}{12490}We�re supposed to be in a race|and you�re guarding the crown jewels!
{12493}{12546}We didn�t travel 6,000 miles
{12549}{12642}to see some French pastry|dressed up like a tin soldier.
{12645}{12725}I�ve had it with the French!|The men, the women and...
{12970}{12998}Are we still in it?
{13001}{13074}You could be starting and finishing|in last in place!
{13077}{13145}No time to lose.|You have things to attend to!
{13190}{13267}- Gas! Move it, Wheely!|- Check. Top of my list!
{13538}{13591}Fill it up!
{13594}{13637}Monsieur Douglas, stop!
{13640}{13685}What? What do you mean, stop?
{13688}{13759}The tank is full.|I filled it this morning.
{13774}{13810}Let�s go! Wheely
{14034}{14090}Come on, Herbie,|the race is back there!
{14093}{14205}I know. He can�t fool me,|he�s looking for that Lancia!
{14224}{14354}Inspector! What I was going to say, sir.
{14357}{14451}Suppose there�s a link between|the men who attacked the car
{14454}{14515}- and the men who stole the diamond!|- Not now!
{14518}{14592}What if they have hidden|the stolen diamond in the car?
{14642}{14695}- What?|- If I may suggest...
{14698}{14788}we should have our men|search that car immediately.
{14841}{14925}- There is no time!|- But it�s still here!
{15018}{15152}Yes... but it is obviously|tuning up. Or something.
{15212}{15324}Just say the word, and the men and I|will search it bumper to bumper!
{15327}{15382}The word is no, Fontenoy!
{15512}{15635}What you don�t seem to understand|is that a thorough search
{15638}{15687}would take over an hour.
{15690}{15781}An hour�s delay would deprive|Douglas of winning a race
{15784}{15875}he has travelled|half way round the globe to enter.
{15942}{16012}I admire you for your consideration.
{16015}{16113}And I understand now|exactly how you are thinking.
{16180}{16226}Sorry, sir.
{16314}{16380}Forget the Lancia,|Herbie, she�s gone!
{16383}{16447}You heard him right. Gone. Split!
{16649}{16697}Yeah, that�s right.
{16700}{16796}She took off in that race|like you never existed.
{16799}{16883}She wanted me to tell you|it was fun while it lasted
{16886}{16965}but when push came to shove|she shoved off.
{16968}{17022}That�s just the way women are.
{17025}{17170}Might as well face it. You�ve been|deserted.Jilted. Abandoned!
{19968}{20099}Too late now. We�ll get it|in Monte Carlo. After the race.
{20321}{20421}Inspector!|I think you will be proud of me!
{20424}{20483}What now, Fontenoy?
{20486}{20556}I have done exactly|what I know you would want.
{20599}{20725}Notified Monte Carlo. Their police|will search the car when it arrives.
{20900}{20957}I�ll take care of my truck, sir.
{23512}{23543}Catch anything?
{23605}{23655}I didn�t think so.
{23658}{23728}- Which way?|- Right.
{27354}{27461}Hope they get that trophy to Monaco|in a fast jet, or we�ll beat it.
{27464}{27537}Unfortunately someone|put the Alps in our way.
{27941}{28077}The way Herbie�s flying, nothing|could stop him, even the Himalayas!
{30601}{30694}This road�s not even on the map!|Maybe we should ask directions?
{30697}{30779}- From who, a French mountain goat?|- Must be somebody.
{31311}{31381}- Maybe I�ll just call from in here!|- Yeah!
{31702}{31771}Hey. There�s someone out there!
{31835}{31918}No. That�s just me!|I never heard a real echo before!
{31997}{32054}Will you sit down, Wheely!
{32057}{32120}Just one more, OK?
{32275}{32314}Come on, Wheely!
{33025}{33077}I got somebody.
{33154}{33230}The guys who were after Herbie!
{33354}{33412}Get out of the car!
{33701}{33773}I�m taking over! I�ll drive!
{33928}{33992}If it worked once,|maybe it�ll work again!
{34407}{34490}I like your yo-de-lay-hoo!
{35449}{35512}Well, we�re back on the beam.
{35515}{35580}How many cars you figure|ahead of us?
{35583}{35659}Would you believe, all of them?
{35701}{35750}Is that a knocking I hear|in the gas tank?
{35789}{35849}Not in my gas tank! Never!
{35852}{35942}Sound like something|clonking around in there!
{35966}{36073}We either listen to the driver|and stop to take the gas tank apart
{36076}{36157}or we listen to the mechanic|and try to win!
{36160}{36262}I�m listen to the mechanic!|Let�s go, Herbie!
{37844}{37889}What�s wrong?
{37892}{37971}I don�t know. Oil pressure�s up,|there�s plenty of gas...
{37974}{38034}But he�s not getting it.
{38435}{38499}I hate to mention this again, but...
{38502}{38569}That nonsense|about the gas tank again?
{38572}{38668}Alright, let�s get it straight|who the mechanic is here!
{38671}{38774}You say it�s the gas tank,|and I say it isn�t!
{38777}{38834}You see... It isn�t the gas tank.
{38837}{38960}It�s this rock|that was in the gas tank...
{38963}{39031}Hold it!
{39034}{39111}There�s only one kind of rock|that glistens like that!
{39114}{39213}Sure, quartz. There�s millions|of them in any quarry in Philly.
{39216}{39357}But not one|that�s worth six million bucks!
{39415}{39448}{y:i}L�Etoile de Joie!
{39451}{39503}The tall "de" what?
{39515}{39554}{y:i}L�Etoile de Joie!
{39637}{39765}That�s the biggest hunk|of diamond I ever saw in my life!
{39768}{39844}What I don�t understand is how it...
{39847}{39934}- The black sedan!|- Huh? Where?
{39937}{40010}No, no. They�re the ones|that robbed the museum!
{40013}{40108}They weren�t trying to knock us out,|they wanted this out of Herbie!
{40111}{40183}Thank you for helping us.|Up with your hands.
{40217}{40295}You gave us the slip|for the last time!
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