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Structure of the southernmost Okinawa Trough from reflection and wide-angle seismic data
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Tectonophysics 466 (2009) 281
Structure of the southernmost Okinawa Trough from
reflection and wide-angle seismic data
Frauke Klingelhoefer
, Chao-Shing Lee
, Jing-Yi Lin
, Jean-Claude Sibuet
Ifremer, Department of Marine Geosciences, BP 70, 29280 Plouzané cedex, France
Institute of Applied Geophysics, National Taiwan Ocean University, 2 Pei-Ning Road, Keelung 202, Taiwan
Received 28 February 2006; received in revised form 19 September 2006
Available online 9 January 2008
During a passive seismic experiment in the Okinawa Trough the shots of two reflection profiles were recorded by ocean bottom seismometers
(OBS). Both profiles include 3 ocean-bottom instruments, are about 65 km in length and located in the axial portion of the southwestern Okinawa
Trough. Processing of the reflection seismic data images recent deformation of the sedimentary units. Forward modelling of the wide-angle data
on both profiles reveals a 1
2 km thick sedimentary infill overlying an acoustic basement characterised by seismic velocities between 3.2 and
3.5 km/s. Crustal thickness could only be modelled on one profile and was determined to be around 10 km, thickening towards the Ryukyu Arc in
the south. Gravity modelling was used to additionally constrain both profiles especially the deep structure of Profile 1.
© 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Okinawa Trough; Wide-angle seismics; Crustal structure; Back-arc basin
1. Introduction
of seamounts which ends close to Taiwan in Kueishantao Island
Sibuet et al., 1998
Five other belts of basins corresponding to five different
rifting phases were identified in the East China Sea (
Sibuet and
Hsu, 1997
). They are mostly oriented NE
The Okinawa Trough, bounded by the Ryukyu Arc to the south
and east and by the East China Sea continental shelf to the north
and west, is a curved backarc basin, located behind the Ryukyu
trench-arc system (
Fig. 1
). Its maximumdepth (2300 m) is located
to the south and decreases to only 200 m towards the north, close
to Japan. It formed by extension either of continental lithosphere
Uyeda, 1977
) or of continental lithosphere previously intruded
by arc volcanism (
Sibuet and Hsu, 1997
Sibuet and Hsu (1997)
proposed, that the series of continental shelf basins located
parallel to the mainland China shoreline consist of several belts of
backarc basins separated by relic arcs. The Okinawa Trough in
this case represents an active backarc basin formed by extension
of a continental crust which contains an unknown proportion of
arc material. From Kyushu to Okinawa Island subaerial active
volcanoes coincide with the Ryukyu arc (
Sibuet et al., 1998
Southwest of Okinawa Island, the volcanic front moves
progressively into the Okinawa Trough and consists of a series
SWand their tectonic
history shows that rifting occurred between late Cretaceous/
early Paleocene and middle Miocene (
Sibuet and Hsu, 1997
). In
the Okinawa Trough, rifting probably started in middle Miocene
Letouzey and Kimura, 1986
During one of the first wide-angle seismic studies carried out in
the Philippine Sea area, three regional seismic transects were
acquired (
Murauchi et al., 1968
). On the basis of these refraction
seismic measurements,
Murauchi et al. (1968)
deduced, that the
crust underlying the Okinawa Trough is generally similar to that of
continental crust. They found aMoho depth of 12 km in the eastern
Okinawa Trough rapidly thinning towards the northwest (
Fig. 1
From reflection seismic data the sedimentary and upper crustal
velocities were determined by
Ludwig et al. (1973)
in the northern
Okinawa Trough around 31°N and
Leyden et al. (1973)
offshore refraction velocities with onland drilling and refraction
data to propose a crustal structure in the Okinawa Trough. Based
on models from wide-angle seismic data,
Hagen et al. (1988)
Corresponding author. Tel.: +33 298 22 42 21; fax: +33 298 22 45 49.
E-mail address:
(F. Klingelhoefer).
0040-1951/$ - see front matter © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
F. Klingelhoefer et al. / Tectonophysics 466 (2009) 281
Fig. 1. Contoured seafloor bathymetry of the study region (Sibuet, unpublished data). OBS positions are marked by black circles and the two black lines mark the two
profiles from this study. Black diamonds mark receiving ship position from
Lee et al. (1980)
, black dotted line represents the OBS profile from
Hagen et al. (1988)
black broken line represents Profile 1 from the TAICRUST experiment (
Wang et al., 2001, 2004
). Inset: location of the study area. Inverted triangles mark refraction
measurement positions from
Murauchi et al. (1968).
14 km deepening towards the south.
Lee et al. (1980)
using two ship seismic refraction lines,
found that the Okinawa Trough is underlain by a roughly 9 km
thick crust, which is overlain by an acoustic basement layer and a
During the 2003 Okinawa Trough cruise performed on the
Ocean Researcher 1 vessel, two reflection seismic profiles were
shot along aligned ocean bottom seismometers (OBS) which
were deployed to record earthquake data. The main aim of the
marine experiment was the acquisition of passive seismological
data in order to constrain the deep crustal and mantle structure in
the region of an inferred tear of the Ryukyu slab (
Lin et al.,
). Results from inversion of the seismological data are
described by Lin et al. (this volume). The reflection and wide-
angle seismic data presented in this paper provide information
on the sedimentary and crustal velocity structure at a much
higher resolution than the models established from seismolo-
gical data. Both models are therefore complimentary and
presented in separate papers.
2 km thick layer of sediments (
Fig. 1
inset). During the
TAICRUST survey combined reflection and wide-angle seismic
profiles were acquired in southwestern Ryukyu subduction zone
Fig. 1
inset). Profile 1 of this experiment, extends from the
southern Okinawa Trough, close to our study area, over the
Ryukyu Arc, the Nanao Forarc Basin, the Yaeyama Accretionary
Ridge, the Ryukyu Trench into the Huatung Basin (
Wang et al.,
2001, 2004
). 8 OBS were deployed, on this 300 km long profile.
Forward modelling and tomography of these data yielded a
Moho depth of 22 km underneath the Ryukyu Arc, rising
towards the Okinawa Trough (
Wang et al., 2001, 2004
Higher crustal thicknesses of up to 20
2. Data acquisition, quality and processing
23 km are found in
the northernmost Okinawa Trough (
Nakahigashi et al., 2004
). A
regional velocity model has been constructed using available
datasets and applied to reduce the relocation error of local
earthquakes (
Font et al., 2003
). Large-scale velocity models
from earthquake tomography image the subducting slab in the
upper mantle (
Lallemand et al., 2001; Nakamura et al., 2003;
Hsu, 2001
The two reflection seismic profiles presented in this paper
were shot along the ocean-bottom instruments using a 600 m-
long 12 channel streamer and a 1275 in.
airgun array (
Fig. 1
Each of the two profiles modelled in this study used three ocean
bottom seismometers of the Ifremer OBS pool. All instruments
are equipped with a 3-component externally deployed geophone
and one hydrophone (Auffret et al., 2004).
Because the main aim of this cruise was the recording of the
natural seismicity in the Okinawa Trough during 12 days, the
propose the nature of the crust east of Taiwan and south of the
Ryukyu Trench to be oceanic and continental north of the trench,
close to our study area (
Fig. 1
). Moho depth in the continental part
of the model is around 12
F. Klingelhoefer et al. / Tectonophysics 466 (2009) 281
Fig. 2. (A) Part of reflection seismic Profile 2 crossing the Okinawa Trough. The data are bandpass filtered, stacked and migrated. An automatic gain control has been
applied. (B) Interpretation of the reflection seismic section.
interval between OBS stations was chosen to be about 20 km,
and not specifically designed for wide-angle seismic experi-
ments. The active seismic shots served two purposes: first to
allow an exact relocation of the OBS position and second the
acquisition of reflection seismic data using a streamer. Analyses
of active source data on the two profiles and the reflection
seismic data allowed us to determine the geometry of the se-
dimentary and upper crustal layers in the trough. Although the
number of instruments per profile was small and the reflection
seismic data are of only fair quality, these data present sub-
stantial additional constraints on the crustal structure in this area
where deep seismic data are otherwise scarce. They also provide
complimentary information to the lower resolution velocity
models from the passive seismic experiment Lin et al. (this
Processing of the multi-channel seismic data included spher-
ical divergence correction, bandpass filtering (filter corner
frequencies: 3
Pre-processing of the OBS data included calculation of the
clock-drift corrections (between 2 and 5 ms per day) to adjust
the clock in each instrument to the GPS base time. Instrument
locations were corrected for drift from the deployment position
during their descent to the seafloor using the direct water wave
arrival. Picking of the onset of first and secondary arrivals was
performed without filtering where possible. Different filters
were applied to the instruments where necessary, depending on
the quality of the data and offset to the source. Data quality of
the 3 instruments on Profile 2 is good with deep arrivals from
the crust-mantle boundary and the upper mantle on all three
instruments (
Fig. 3
). On Profile 1 the data quality is much lower
and no crustal or mantle arrivals could be identified on all three
3. Velocity and gravity modeling
120 Hz), normal move-out correction and
stack (
Fig. 2
). An automatic gain control was applied after the
stack. The shallow sedimentary layers are well imaged in the
seismic reflection section and the accoustic basement reflector
is distinguishable in regions of low sediment thickness.
5, 60
The data were modelled using the inversion and ray tracing
algorithm RAYINVR (
Zelt and Smith, 1992
). Modelling was
performed using a layer-stripping approach, proceeding from the
top of the structure towards the bottom. The upper layers in the
model, not constrained by arrivals from within the same layer,
F. Klingelhoefer et al. / Tectonophysics 466 (2009) 281
Fig. 3. (A) Bandpass (3
5, 48
72) Hz) filtered vertical geophone data from OBS 15. The data are gain-adjusted according to offset and reduced to a velocity of 6 km/s.
(B) Data from OBS 14 processed as in (A). (C) Data from OBS 13 processed as in (A).
were adjusted to improve the fit of arrivals from lower layers. We
used a two-dimensional iterative damped least-squares inversion
of travel times (
Zelt and Smith, 1992
). Arrival times of the main
sedimentary layers and basement were picked from the
reflection seismic data where possible. The arrival times were
converted to depth using the OBS data and velocities consistent
with those from velocity analysis of the reflection seismic data.
The depth and velocities of the crustal layers and the upper
mantle were modelled from the OBS data only. Based on the data
quality the picking uncertainties were taken to be 50 ms for the
direct water arrivals and 100 ms for all other arrivals.
The Profile 2 velocity model is comprised of 6 layers: the
water layer, one sedimentary layer, one underlying acoustic
basement layer, two crustal layers and the upper mantle layer
Fig. 4
). Each layer is defined by depth and velocity nodes. The
water velocity is found to be 1500 m/s from modelling, which
agrees with existing water velocity data from oceanographic
measurement compilations (
Dietrich et al., 1975
). The seafloor
F. Klingelhoefer et al. / Tectonophysics 466 (2009) 281
Fig. 4. (A) Gravity anomaly from satellite altimetry (
Sandwell and Smith, 1995
) (broken black line) and predicted gravity anomaly from conversion of the seismic
velocities to densities. (B) Final velocity model of Profile 2 including the model boundaries (solid lines) and iso-velocity contours every 0.25 km/s. OBS locations are
marked by black circles. Mean layer densities used for gravity modelling are annotated in italic. (C) Ray coverage of Profile 1 with every 5th ray plotted. (D) Fit
between the travel time picks (dark grey bars) and the predicted arrival times (black lines) from ray-tracing.
bathymetry was taken from a bathymetric map of the Okinawa
Trough, produced from a new grid (grid spacing 150 m) and
including all available swath bathymetric data from French and
Japanese oceanographic ships (
Sibuet et al., 2004b
). The sea-
floor model layer includes depth nodes at a spacing of 1.5 km
Fig. 4
). The sedimentary layer is modelled using the reflection
seismic data for layer geometry converted to depth using
velocities from the OBS data and sampled at the same node
spacing as the seafloor layer. Sediment velocities range from
1.9 km/s to 2.1 km/s. The acoustic basement layer displays
velocities between 3.2 and 3.5 km/s. The top of the crust has
also been modelled with a node spacing of 2.5 km, as it is not
well resolved everywhere on the profile in the reflection seismic
data. The crust is modelled by two layers of 4.5 to 5.6 km/s and
5.6 to 7.0 km/s. The lower-crustal layer and the Moho are
imaged at a lower resolution.
Thus we use a depth node spacing of 10 km. No arrivals from
the upper mantle have been modelled so a constant gradient was
assumed from 8.0 km/s to 8.2 km/s throughout the model for
gravity modelling (
Fig. 4
As no deep arrivals could be used to constrain the deeper
velocity structure on Profile 1, a similar deep crustal structure
and Moho depth as found in Profile 2, have been assumed to
model Profile 1 (
Figs. 5 and 4
). The deep part of this model is
thus constrained by gravity modelling only. Sedimentary velo-
cities range from 1.9 to 2.1 km/s and the acoustic basement from
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