Tragic dragon.pdf
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There is no worse green than hospital green. Especially this particular - shitty -
hospital. I pulled up the stiff sheet around my neck and wrinkled my nose at it
while forcing back a gag. I fucking hated this place. My room was small, but
luckily, it was private and I didn't have to share with one of the infectious, sick
kids. In fact, this was the longest amount of time I had spent without any kids in
years. The owners of the 'home' I currently lived at had somehow managed to
convince the state they were perfectly capable of caring for ten children.
I snorted at the thought of the monstrous monthly check they received, but it
turned into a coughing fit that forced me nearly upright as my lungs fought to
expel the invading substance of the flu. When I was finally in control of myself
once again, I flopped back down onto the crinkly pillow and reached for the
remote control to the television. I began flipping through channels indifferently. It
was seriously pathetic how I wished for the hustle and bustle of the public school
yard as opposed to this room. I relaxed and tucked my familiar stuffed dragon
underneath my free arm snugly. He was too fucking fluffy and cute for any
respectable thirteen year old to cling to, but I couldn't bear to be parted with the
little fucker.
He was given to me the day I first entered the foster system. My caseworker was
struggling to make me smile as she brought me to my first home, but I was too
broken and hollow to manage one. She tried everything. Fast food, video
arcades, chocolate ice cream, even bloody movies.
When we reached the little house I was meant to live in, she reached in her back
seat and pulled it out for me to hold while I toured the house for the first time.
It always brought back that distant and painful memory, but I kept it as reminder
by my side wherever I attempted to sleep.
Never get attached.
I had been ragged on so hard for it that I was now resigned to hiding him under
blankets and in the bottom of duffel bags, but I never let him go. There was even
a ridiculously embarrassing nickname that I'd never ever admit to. And as I sat in
my crappy hospital bed, coughing up buckets of phlegm, I decided I might admit
to it... if I could get out of this fucking hell hole.
On the upside, I was feeling better. The cough was still a motherfucker, but it
was better than the fever and chills that only just recently abated that morning. I
felt... better. Not good, just better.
I stopped the button on Oprah and watched her prattle on about suicidal
housewives for twenty minutes as I tried my best to get comfortable in the
electric bed that was, unsurprisingly, not functional. Apparently, the debt the
little housewives had acquired over their flaccid marriages had them a little
depressed. I frowned mockingly and rolled my eyes.
What an awful existence
I heard the familiar sounds of tiny footsteps patter past my doorway and quickly
flipped the channel until I was sure they weren't entering my room.
Because...fucking Christ... if Jordan could see this shit, I'd never live it down.
He'd run around the house telling everybody I spent my day watching Oprah
fucking Winfrey and I'd probably have to lock his ass in the closet again. I
smirked at the thought. That little shit was the cutest six year old I had ever lived
He was also annoyingly up my ass and visited much too frequently.
I heard another pair of footsteps ten minutes later. But this was a pair I knew.
Older. Refined.
Dr. Cullen
I sat up manually, because this shitty hospital lacked the funding to fix their
goddamn beds, and waited for him as he stood outside the door and likely went
over my charts with his keen eye. I smirked once again, a little proud that I was
finally improving, even though I didn't deserve any of the credit.
He entered the room as he usually did; with a light knock and a three second
delay before he opened the door and stepped inside with a smile. He was wearing
that same white lab jacket that made him look clean and sterile with his khaki
slacks and shiny black shoes. He always looked so neatly groomed and emitted
an air of calm that made him perfect for his chosen profession.
"Well, well, well..." He cooed as he approached my bed with my chart in hand.
"Felling better today are we?" He asked, a hint of smugness in his voice as he
stared at the clipboard in his hand and scribbled something swiftly.
I shrugged against the pillow I had positioned against the wall and crossed my
feet under the blankets. "Worse than normal, but better than shit?" I replied with
a wry grin, earning a hearty chuckle as Dr. Cullen finally met my gaze.
"Hmmm..." He mused quietly with dramatically furrowed eyebrows. "Be sure to
write that in my evaluation when you leave." He smiled as he removed the
stethoscope from his neck and placed it in his ears. "My superiors would adore
that." His eyebrows raised and he lifted his hand in the air as if to feign writing.
"Dear superiors, your qualified medical staff has managed to make me feel...
better than shit." He smirked, and I just had to laugh, because really, it wasn't
common to hear anything like that come out of his mouth.
He put the cold metal stethoscope to my back and went through the normal
routine of "Breath in, breath out" before he finally pulled away and returned the
chart on the side of my bed. I watched in fascination as he scribbled his findings
in black ink.
Dr. Cullen always fascinated me. I couldn't quite place why. Maybe it was how he
went out of his way to keep me company at nights. He'd always come between
shifts and play cards with me, like some fucking uptight version of Patch Adams
or some shit. Normally, that kind of thing would exasperate me, but he was
He didn't treat me like some charity case kid when he kept me company. He
always engaged me in intriguing conversations about everything. Literature,
music, even politics. What kind of adult gives a shit what some kid thinks about
politics? But he always appeared so genuinely interested; offering his own
thoughts and opinions as he usually lost our card games. It seemed rather
intentional to me, but I never mentioned it. Because nobody ever let me win
before. The kids at 'home' all had the same mentality.
Survival of the fittest.
They were utterly devoid of compassion by the time they turned fifteen. That was
why I liked Jordan so much. He hadn't spent enough time in the system to
become jaded and cynical of everything. He still had that spark in his eyes that
shone of genuine excitement and vulnerable innocence. He wasn't hardened. But
he would be.
Dr. Cullen brought me from my musings as he wheeled his stool around to face
me from the counter across the room. He had the strangest look on his face. I
could tell there was a dash of caution as his bright blue eyes met mine, but there
was also a very uncharacteristic twinge of anxiety as his hand combed through
his hair in a gesture that clearly showed his nervousness.
I quirked an eyebrow at his abnormal behavior. He was always so collected.
Except, I suddenly remembered, for that afternoon five days ago when he put the
foster bitch in her place. Most of my fever had muddled my memories and hazed
them over even worse than the sleep deprivation I had become accustomed to
over the past four years, but that memory stood out prominently.
His mood had shifted slightly since that afternoon, but I could tell he was trying
to hide that it bothered him. I couldn't figure out why it would. I was used to shit
like that. What I wasn't used to however were people sticking up for me. It would
have pissed me off, but I felt too sickly and weak to object to his outrage on my
And now, I felt a little ashamed over the whole thing. It wasn't because I needed
his protection or anything, though that didn't exactly help my pride any. I was
ashamed because he had seen that part of my world. I was afraid he'd think less
of me, see me for what I really was. Just a piece of shit foster kid that was kept
around for the monthly government check.
But he came back that night and played cards with me like nothing had
happened. And even though I could still see the flash of silent fury in his eyes
every now and then, I refused to believe it was in any relation to that afternoon.
I cocked my head at him a bit, because he wasn't saying anything and he was
just fucking staring at me with those penetrating and intense eyes and... it made
me uncomfortable.
All at once his face collapsed into an agonizingly troubled expression that made
my stomach lurch into my throat. It wasn't exactly the most comforting face to
see on your personal physician turned... kind of friend. "You'll be discharged in
three days." He informed me in an oddly strained voice. The heel of his loafer
began tapping at the floor as his knee bobbed up and down. I nodded at him
slowly. I was pretty fucking excited about that, but he didn't seem to share my
enthusiasm for the freedom.
His cheeks suddenly puffed out momentarily as he held his breath and lowered
his face a bit. A gusty sigh was mingled with words as he expelled the breath
from his lips. "I was wondering if you might be interested in coming to stay with
me." He spoke hastily while his heel tapped rapidly on the floor.
I sat staring at him blankly for a few moments before I could finally process his
words. "Huh?" I asked bewildered as my jaw hung slightly agape.
He sighed again and finally lifted his face to meet my gaze. "You can't go back to
those awful people, Edward." He shoved his hands in the pockets of his sterile
jacket as I once again saw fury flash in his eyes at his coming tirade. "They will
use you and squander every bit of potential you have until you're nothing but
another statistic on the daily news, and I..." He halted abruptly and inhaled
deeply, appearing to calm himself. I was once again torn between awe and all
encompassing shame over the situation. He did see the real me. He just saw it as
a distant possibility of my future, and not the person I had already become.
I chuckled humorlessly and leaned back onto my pillow while I attempted to focus
on Oprah once again. "You don't have to worry about me Dr. Cullen." I waved my
hand in a dismissive gesture. "I can handle myself. I always have." My words
were far more bitter than I had originally intended, and I knew when I glanced
sideways at him that he could tell the process had already begun for me.
Then I was pissed off at myself, and maybe him a little too. I didn't want to be
the charity case I never thought I was to him. And this felt too much like it for
my comfort. In the matter of a minute, our whole dynamic had shifted from peer
to adult and child. I kept my eyes on Oprah as his stool noisily wheeled to my
bed side, and I fought back a grimace mingled with a gag.
"Edward?" He called to me softly while Oprah's next housewife finally broke down
into tears. "I'm not asking for an answer right now." His hand came to cover mine
on the blanket at my side and I flinched away.
Then I was torn between being deeply touched by a show of affection I rarely
received and being seriously creeped out. I didn't really know this man. I spent
time with him at nights when I refused to sleep or accept the sedatives, but… I
know him. And now he was asking me to come to his home and...
touching me outside the bounds of our doctor-patient relationship.
I had a difficult time determining if my paranoia was justly founded, or if it simply
stemmed from years of living with children who had been lured into homes with
nice people, who later turned out to be devious and menacing. Their nightly
horror stories whispered in the dark quiet of various bedrooms had made me ever
vigilant of affectionate contact like that.
He didn't seem to take any offense to my discomfort. "I have a son about your
age, you know?" He asked in a voice that wasn't defensive, just merely
informational, likely in an attempt to placate my suspicions.
I peeked at him curiously because I didn't know he had a family. "You're
married?" I asked quietly, as more of a statement than an inquiry while searching
the hand on my bed for a wedding band.
He shook his head and appeared apologetic as he withdrew his hand. "No. I
adopted Emmett six years ago. He's fourteen now." He smiled as his eyes shone
with something akin to pride and... something else.
? I furrowed my
brow at this expression on his face, and the way he beamed at his adopted son's
It kindled this feeling deep inside of my chest and I had to look away before he
could see the pain flashing in my eyes. It was a kind of love that I could spot
"We have a condo on the east side of the city." He continued as I watched the
television in a facade of disinterest. "It's just the two of us, so you'd have plenty
of space and more quiet than you're used to now." I saw him smile and shake his
head out of my periphery as he chuckled softly, as if to himself before he
continued. "I'm not Ward Cleaver or anything, but you'll be well cared for both
financially and medically." His words shifted to an oddly business-like tone, which
I rather appreciated. The whole sappy father bit was starting to irritate me.
"You'll be expected to maintain good grades in school much like Emmett, but I
doubt that's really a problem for you." I noted his smirk from the corner of my
eye as Housewife Number Four admitted to a sultry affair with her husband's
brother. He sighed and persisted, though I was attempting to seem very
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