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Seven days by Soular
Link do oryginału:
http://www.literotica.com/stories/showstory.php?id=391897 1
Bella stared at her reflection in the mirror. She knew what she was about to offer
was a long shot, but she had to try. This current situation was killing her parents'
and making their lives miserable. She remembered the day he came into her father's
failing diner. She knew in his piercing green eyes that he was a fucking devil. She
loathed him with every single cell in her body. He had ruined her family. Her parents'
lives. Her life. She despised him and she hated money. Money really was the root of
all evil. It was the reason she was in this predicament. She never found any use for
1 Imiona bohaterów zostały przeze mnie zmienione bez zgody autorki i tylko na potrzeby własne. Autorka posiada prawa autorskie do
całego tekstu.
money. Sure, she may have never sported the newest, trendy clothing, but she
didn't feel the need to. She was never the girl in high school with the latest anything,
and she was just fine with that.
But now here she was putting on the only decent dress she owned (minus a black
funeral dress), which was now a little short from being washed a million times. It
was a black dress with thin straps. The color had started to fade, and under a bright
light it turned to an ashy black shade. She wore an old pair of black heels that
belonged to her mother, and she quickly pulled her wild grungy hair up in a ponytail.
She wanted to look somewhat presentable since she would be going into the lion's
den. Or snake pit...either was appropriate when talking about him.
She sighed as she turned off the light and walked out of the tiny bathroom she
shared with her mom and dad in their one bedroom apartment. Her dad was in the
bedroom asleep finally. His back pains kept him up and moaning most nights. Her
mother, Renee, was in the kitchen scraping the leftovers from dinner into containers.
She turned to look at Bella and then back at the dishes. Her mother was a beautiful
woman, but the years had not been kind to her. Her smooth fair skin that used to
glow and sparkle was now dull and wrinkly. Her makeup and hair that she at one
point had taken so much pride in was not even a part of her daily routine anymore.
She never wore makeup and she kept her dark hair in a loose ponytail at the base of
her neck. She had prematurely grayed, which Bella figured was due to her father's
bad business investments. And the smile that Bella remembered as a little girl
seemed like it had been permanently removed from her mother's face. Now a hard
line and tight lips were all that replaced the bright grin she had once grown to love.
Bella continued to stare at her mother's back.
"I don't know what you think you trying to accomplish by going over to that
dangerous man's place. It’s just plain stupid in my opinion," Renee said, not
bothering to turn around.
"I know mom, but I got to try something. We can't live like this. I didn't want it to
come to this, but this is a last resort," Bella said, pleading with her mom to
"You think your just going to barge in there and have him erase the debt?" Renee
asked, turning around and throwing the dishrag over her shoulder. Then she
smacked her lips and ran her eyes over her daughter's tiny dress. "Unless you plan
on offering him something to make him forget the debt."
Bella sucked in a breath. "Mom! I would never. I just want him to try and see it from
our point of view. That's all. It couldn't hurt to try."
"Bella, he doesn’t care about our point of view. Rich, powerful bad men like him
don’t give a shit about working people like us. And the sooner you get that through
your head, the better," her mom said, and turned back around. Bella figured that
was the end of the conversation.
Bella sighed as she grabbed her purse and an old black jacket of her father's. It was
chilly outside and she wasn't used to wearing something so revealing. As she slid the
oversized jacket on, she looked down at her dress. She really hoped he didn't get the
wrong idea. She just wanted to look presentable, not easy. She chanced another
look at her mother, who pretended like Bella wasn't even in the room anymore. Bella
blew out another sigh and opened the door. The windy night air hit her bare legs and
it caused her to hesitate for a moment. 'No, I can do this' she thought, as she zipped
up her coat and headed down the street to the nearest bus stop.
Edward Masen stared at the green table before him. He bent down and looked at the
open hole between his ball and the striped ball that sat in its way.
"Not sure how you're going to pull that one off, Edward?" Emmett said confidently,
as he leaned on his cue stick, staring at his boss and best friend. He knew that
Edward hated to lose. For Edward, losing wasn't an option. He would circle the table
a million times until he could figure out a way to win. Emmett figured that's why
Edward had gotten so powerful at such a young age. When you don't accept failure,
you have no other option than winning. And Edward’s philosophy was to conquer and
Edward’s real-green eyes narrowed when he saw the perfect shot he had to take. He
walked back up to the table, slid the cue stick back and forth between his fingers two
times, and then knocked the red solid ball into the far corner pocket, barely grazing
Emmett’s striped ball.
"Motherfucker," Emmett muttered under his breath.
Edward raised up, no smile or celebratory air in his voice. "You're up."
Edward watched as his oldest and closest friend walked to the table and scratched
his head, trying to figure out his next move. That was actually Emmett’s problem. He
gave too much away. Never let people see you sweat. That was the one good thing
Edward learned from his father, rest his soul. Edward had a thriving business
because he followed the few rules his father had given him, and a couple of his own
rules that he had set throughout his life.
When Edward was a kid, he never thought he'd be leading an underground crime
circle. He had always respected the law and police officers. He was eight when Miami
Vice first aired, and his love for cops and the law was first born. He thought James
and Rico were the coolest guys to ever walk the planet. But over the years, Edward
started to realize that the work that his old man was dabbling in would have caused
him to be one of the guys James and Rico would have tried to lock up.
Edward’s father, Edward Anthony Masen II, was a tall, dry man from Illinois. He was
raised English parents in Chicago, and at fifteen, his father moved to Washington to
take various jobs throughout the coast until he was old enough to open a fish shop in
Seattle. Over the years he made a name for himself, and began to get more people
involved in the extra work he did at the shop. He met Edward’s mom, Elizabeth, at a
local dance one night and the two became inseparable. They ended up having four
children, while Edward’s business grew from a smelly fish place, to his first
restaurant, which was funded by crooked cops who came to conduct business with
drug and weapons runners. Edward would turn a blind eye, and in return favor they
would give him money and turn their heads away from his illegal numbers business.
It was a perfect arrangement that worked well over the years.
But when Edward started thinking back over his life, there were things about his
father that he didn't like. Edward didn't like cheating people. He preferred to scare
them. That usually got the message across even better. And when Edward was a
teen going into his twenties, instead of turning the blind eye like his father did...he
started dealing with the weapons runners, to gain more money. He didn't approve of
drugs, so they could still use his restaurants, but he was not a part of their deals and
made sure they all knew it.
In the ten years that Edward had taken over his father's business, he had started
another restaurant and opened a club uptown. All three investments were flourishing
and he was in business with three foreign companies which he worked with to supply
weapons. He had more than quadrupled the income his father had been bringing in.
In their city, you knew to do any 'business' you had to go through Edward Anthony
Masen III. Edward was never an overly flashy guy, but he did dress in the Nicest
Armani suits and had a hot new thing on his arm every other night. That's actually
how he met his wife Heidi. She had been one of the Italian regulars at his club, and
eventually she flirted her way into his bed and then into a marriage. He still didn't
know how that had happened. Maybe he had a weakness for tall, curvy brunettes,
because that's exactly what Heidi was. And part of him was turned on because of this
mean streak she seemed to possess. He found it amusing when she would launch
into someone and cut them down before they even had a chance to speak. Of
course, when she turned that foul mouth on him...he knew what to do to put it to
good use. She might have been the Alpha bitch, but in his domain, he was king, and
no one would disrespect him. Not even his wife.
But at the moment, they were separated and had been for six months. Frankly, he
couldn't stand her. He never loved her, and still couldn't figure out why he agreed to
marry her three years ago. Something in him did want to share all of his success
with someone. A companion, but Heidi only wanted the money. And the sex.
Originally, he knew that this leggy blue-eyed woman was only flirting with him
because of his status. Although, he knew to women his looks were a bonus. He
figured he wasn't the most handsome man in the world, but many women thought
he was pretty close, due to the odd shade reddish brown hair he inherited, along
with his emerald eyes and lean height, which together seemed to turn women on.
But when Heidi realized the things he could do in the bedroom...she was one
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