hneftafl - playing instructions.pdf

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All pieces move as far as they choose along any straight
line (like a rook in chess). Any piece may pass through the
throne (Yellow Circle) on a move. No piece except the
King, however, may stop on the throne (Yellow Circle) or
the corners (Red Squares).
Pieces are captured by flanking them on two sides. If a
piece moves between two pieces of the opposing team, that
piece is not captured; the capturing party must actively cap-
ture a piece of the opposing team. See Diagram 1.
See above for the starting position of Hneftafl.
The King is captured by surrounding him on all four sides.
See Diagram 2. If the King is on one of the spaces immedi-
ately next to the throne (Yellow Circle) or on the edge of
the board, it takes only three Attackers to capture him. See
Diagram 3.
Diagram 1 shows a legal
move on the Defenders part to
capture a Attacker. The piece
about to move will not be cap-
tured by making this move.
Hneftafl is comprised of two teams: the Attackers (Green
Squares) and the Defenders (Blue Squares) with their King
(Yellow Circle). The attackers are attempting to lay siege
to the king, while the defenders are attempting to help the
king escape.
In order for the attackers to win, they must surround the
king on all four sides. The defenders must help the king
escape to any one of the corners (Red Squares) of the board
in order to win.
Diagrams 2 and 3 show legal moves to capture the king.
Attackers move first (or may draw lots to decide). Then
players take turns, each moving one piece per turn.
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