Your Guide to Better Sex in 10 Easy Steps.pdf

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Your Guide to Better Sex in 10
Easy Steps.
Become a more advanced lover and enjoy more
orgasmic sex
Welcome to Lovecentria™
Introduction to Sex Advice
Sex Advice is nothing new, for centuries the secrets of better sex have been
recorded in Literature such as the “Kama Sutra”. Since the rise of the internet
and the free circulation of information, sex advice has never been move
So why create Lovecentria™ if there is already a lot of information out there?
The answer is simple, for all the information made available, there has not
been a massive rise in the understanding of what turns a woman on and let’s
face it you’re partner still can be assumed to be from a different planet.
There’s been no sexual revolution; women are still seen as distant
unapproachable and complicated. The term that says that “Men are from
Mars and Women are from Venus” is still as true today as it ever was.
Lovecentria™ and Sex Advice
That’s where Lovecentria™ fits in.
Rather than just creating a
random selection of information,
we’ve created an exact step by
step guide to better sex. We’ll
take you from the very beginning
of understanding your own body,
right the way through to the most
exciting sex positions ever
We really believe that as a product Lovcentria can offer you a quality
alternative to all the other more ambiguous sex advice that you’ve read
before. We have faith that our product can really improve the sex that you’re
having with your partner. No matter what level of sexual experience,
Lovecentria ™ can open up new techniques, styles and tips to boost your love
making. It doesn’t matter whether you’ve been with your partner for 40 days
or 40 years, there is advice for everyone in Lovecentria™.
In our next chapter we will teach you exactly what areas of your sex life we
can boost and how all the areas of our plan combine together to form one
comprehensive sex advice resource.
Remember every man can really benefit from our guide; there is tips and
advice for even the most adventurous of lovers.
No matter how much of a good time you think that you’re having with your
partner, just imagine what expert advice will mean for your love making.
You’ll learn tips and techniques to make orgasmic sex easy.
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Sex Advice is not just about the mechanical function either. This may surprise
you but emotions are also involved in relationships. That’s why this guide
explains the complexities of the female mind and how you too can understand
what women are really looking for in a relationship.
Lovecentria ™ covers all the bases that need to be explained when dealing
with all the topics that surround great sex. We’ve got the key to improving
your sex life in an easy and straightforward way. You’ll not need a dictionary
to read our guide and the information is targeted at men looking to boost their
lover making, so there’s no filler content that address anyone else but you.
By the time that you’ve finished reading this e-book you’ll be under no illusions
about how to become a better lover, not just for your partner but for you too.
What’s Lovecentria ™ got that can help me to become a better
Unlike other guides and information that
appears to be lumped together in a random
fashion and thrown at you, Lovecentria™
actually breaks sex down into 10 easy steps
that are easy to learn and even easier to
practice. We gathered together a huge array of
information and sorted it into categories so that
you can learn to become better in bed as
quickly and simply as possible. You may have found sex advice to be
confusing before, but now we’ve taken out the jargon out what really makes a
woman tick and presented it in a way that you can understand within minutes
of reading it.
Our Steps have been researched and written by our resident expert author
Vlad Georgiou, who in his years of writing on men’s sexual issues has created
his most comprehensive body of work so far. These articles have been
written for you to learn in the shortest possible time.
We really hope that our guide will really boost your sex life, because when the
sex is good, life is great. Enjoying sex to its maximum potential is not just
about you and your lover having more orgasmic fun, it’s the start of a better
life. That’s because you’ll be more confident, more outgoing and you know as
soon as you get home from a hard day at work you’ll be having the best sex of
your life. Doesn’t that sound appealing?
What can I expect on completion of this e-book?
This e book has all the information that you need to start becoming a better
lover and fast. After you have read and understood the articles contained you
will be:
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