The G-Spot FAQ.txt

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Version 1.1
(c) Gnostalgia 1995 
This is a semi-comprehensive guide composed of excerpts from women's health and 
sexuality books designed to answer: 
  What is the G-Spot? 
  What is Female Ejaculation? 
  How do I find the G-Spot? 
  Does everyone have a G-Spot? 
  How does one stimulate the G-Spot? 

  The Grafenberg spot is an area on the anterior or front wall of the vagina, 
  between the opening and the cervix, which is often found to be extremely 
  sensitive to stimulation. It is hypothesized that the G-spot is either 1) a 
  bundle of nerves coming from the clitoris, or 2) a gland or series of glands 
  that produces lubrication. It is thought to be perhaps analagous to the 
  prostate gland in men. 
  Female ejaculation is the expelling of fluid from or around the urethra. This 
  fluid is not urine, and is often accompanied by a powerful orgasm. Stimulation 
  of the G-Spot is thought to potentially cause this. 
  Insert one or two fingers in the vagina with the palm facing the pubic bone. 
  Gently bend your fingers 'forward' so that they stroke the anterior wall of 
  the vagina. You may feel a raised spot or series of ridges, or you may feel 
  nothing in particular. The woman may find this extremely pleasurable, or have 
  an urge to urinate, or both. Stroking this spot with varying degrees of 
  pressure will tell you if you've got it or not. 
  No. Your mileage may vary. Just as some woman find clitoral stimulation more 
  or less pleasurable than others, G-spot response varies from woman to woman, 
  and some may find it unpleasant or simply not special. 
  Silly, that's a technique question. The factual stuff is above; anything else 
  goes to Kama Sutra>. 

Ms. Magazine (November/December 1995) 
One of the more hotly contested debates concerns whether women can ejaculate. 
Reports have generally dismissed as tales told by women trying to cover up the 
fact that they'd "wet the bed." Many sexologists and physicians continue to 
label it "urine" (despite the fact that there is no telltale ammonia smell), 
"vaginal secretions," or even "leftover bathwater" (a la Masters and Johnson). 
Beverly Whipple is one of the several sex researchers who have conducted studies 
on female ejaculation, and her findings, while not definitive, are intriguing. 
Whipple and others have analyzed women's "ejaculate" and found that it is 
chemically similar to men's ejaculate. They've also idenitified tiny glands 
embedded in the dense tissues surrounding the urethra that may be the source of 
this fluid. 
So, if all women have these glands, why don't we all ejaculate when we climax, 
just like men do? Researchers speculate that the amount of fluid varies, as it 
does in men, and may at times be so small as to not be noticed; may be confused 
with other vaginal secretions that occur during arousal; or, during heterosexual 
sex, may be mistaken for a man's ejaculate. 
Does any of this matter? Some people find it preposterous the idea that women 
have have Prostate glands. But as Whipple says, "Women who experience this have 
reported secretly suppressing orgasms out of fear of wetting the bed." She notes 
that some women have had unnecessary surgery to cure "incontinence." Knowing 
that ejaculation maybe perfectly normal is an important step in owning and 
accepting our sexuality. 
The New Our Bodies, Ourselves by the Boston Women's Health Book Collective: 
"Two researches have recently identified what they call the Grafenberg spot 
(G-spot), a sensitive area just behind the front wall of the vagina between the 
back of the pubic bone and the cervix. They say that when this spot is 
stimulated during sex through vaginal penetration of some kind, some women 
orgasm with a gush of fluid FROM THE URETHRA, which is NOT URINE. [emphasis 
This is at present a controversial theory among sex researchers. It's a relief 
for those women who feel a urethral gushing of liquid during orgasm to find an 
explanation for this apparent ejaculation, and for some others to find what may 
be another source of pleasure"--pg. 211 
The Good Vibrations Guide to Sex, Cathy Winks and Anne Semans: 
"Continuous stimulation of the urethral sponge can cause the paraurethral glands 
to fill up with a clear, odorless fluid which is sometimes expelled frm the body 
THROUGH THE URETHRA. This ejaculation can accompany orgasm or simply be part of 
arousal. Ejaculation and orgasm are two distinct physiological phenomena in both 
women and men. Female ejaculation has been around as long as females have been 
around. Until recently, however, medical literature dismissed anecdotal 
evidence, suggesting that instead ejaculation was urinary incontinence... 
In recent years, female ejaculate has been chemically analyzed and determined to 
be DISTINCT FROM URINE [emphasis mine] in its composition... 
If you've never experienced ejaculation and would like to, try incorporating 
G-spot stimulation into your usual masturbation techniques. As your urethral 
sponge grows more swollen and sensitive, bear down with your pelvic muscles. 
Women's experiences of ejaculation can range from simply feeling more wet than 
usual to shooting jets of fluid... We are pleased that female ejaculation is now 
acknowledged as a genuine sexual response, but we don't like to see it promoted 
as a new goal that every woman should stive to achieve."--pgs. 27-8 
Lesbian Sex, by JoAnn Loulan: 
"The urethra also carries ejaculate from the Graftenberg spot to the outside... 
The paraurethral sponge is a dense concentration of blood vessels wrapped around 
the urethra with the largest portion under the urethra next to the outer wall of 
the vagina. Within the sponge is the paraurethral gland. This gland produces a 
watery fluid which is sometimes called ejaculate." Little is known about the 
paraurethral gland while much research has been done on the corresponing 
prostate gland in the male. Big surprise. 
The commonly heard term, Grafenberg, or "G" spot, refers to the place in the 
vagine where one can stimulate the sponge. It is about two inches up from the 
entrance to the vagina towards to front of the body. To find it, put your 
fingers inside your vagina with the finger tips towards your front and move the 
fingers up and down. The sponge swells when stimulated, and you may feel like 
you have to pee, or it may give you a pleasurable sensation. With continued 
stimulation, a fluid (ejaculate) is produced in the gland and through its ducts 
in the sponge is sometimes sprayed out of the body via the urethra. It may feel 
like a lot of liquid, but it usually is a few teaspoonfuls to half a cup... 
Ejaculation usually happens at a different time than orgasm. Some women who 
ejaculate don't have orgasms at all. Others do both, but ejaculation and orgasm 
are different processes and are not tied to one another. Some women in fact 
don't even feel it when they do ejaculate."--pgs. 34-5. 
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