Male Multiple Orgasm Survey.doc

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Male Multiple Orgasms

A Survey




This is a survey conducted by a human sexuality student to see the number of males at Big Bend Community that have and have not experienced multiple orgasms. It is also to find out how multiple orgasms were first obtained and the differences between them. A male multiple orgasm is defined as: Two or more orgasms with or without ejaculation and without, or with only very limited, loss of erection during one and the same sexual encounter. A same sexual encounter is defined as a noninterrupted sexual intercourse; it is okay of course for vaginal or anal intercourse to be interrupted in order to change positions or oral stimulation followed by intercourse. Included also are fellatio with two orgasms and manually achieved orgasms. Please answer the following questions with full honesty. Do not put your name on this survey. Results of this survey will be used in a research paper to be turned into Linda Thimot, the psychology teacher.  

1. What is your age:


2. Have you ever had a multiple orgasm (please circle)       Y         N

              if yes please skip to 4


3. Did you know it was possible for males to have multiple orgasms?

Y       N  


4. When have you experienced your multiple orgasm? You may circle

    more than one.

a.      during masturbation

b.     during sex-anal or vaginal

c.      during fellatio


5. At what age did you first experience an orgasm:


6. At what age did you first experience a multiple orgasm:


7. Have you ever not experienced a multiple orgasm?    Y     N


8. Do you have multiple orgasms more often then singular orgasms?    Y    N


9. When you first experienced a multiple orgasm was it because:

a.      it was just normal, I didn’t know they were uncommon

b.     I just begun to experience multiple orgasms, out of nowhere

c.      I deliberately learned or planned to be multiply orgasmic


10. After the first orgasm:

    a. I retain erection but have a significant delay in achieving a second 


    b. I retain erection and have another orgasm within a few minutes.


11. When having multiple orgasms:

a.      The final orgasm is the only orgasm in which I ejaculate

b.     The first orgasm is the only orgasm in which I ejaculate

c.      I have a varied pattern, I may have more than one orgasm in which I ejaculate (full or partial) in any particular sequence.

d.     Other, please describe: 



12. Do you use a certain pattern to obtain erection after your first orgasm?

       Y        N        if yes what do you do?







13. Can you choose when to have a multiple orgasm?     Y         N


14. What would make you decide not to have a multiple orgasm, or why 

       would you be unable to have multiple orgasms?















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