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Part I: Catch Her, If You Can...
I’m going to talk to you straight, one guy to another. This short manual on closing is graphic, it’s
direct, and it’s blunt. I won’t pull punches and I will not apologize. We’re here to talk about sex.
The thing that makes sex a challenge for so many guys is this: they haven’t figured out how to
gain easy access to the female body. It’s that simple.
But let’s back up a second. What is closing, anyhow? Thematically, the “close” is the action
moment where a man breaks a woman. If done properly, it’s the moment she capitulates to his
male strength. You can number close a girl on the street. You can kiss close a girl in the club.
You can fuck-close (disgusting term, in my opinion) a chick back at your place. All of these
closes require two qualities, qualities that are the distillation of masculine behavior and attitude.
Those qualities are: Clarity and Confidence. If you don’t possess them, no amount of filler,
routines or logistical trickery is going to get you laid. You can try as hard as you’d like, but
without a strong close, all these prospects - and all the hard work you’ve done to line them up -
will go up in smoke. This short manual will give you the Clarity by explaining what to do and
when to do it; Confidence will come from practice.
Why Closing is Important
My e-book Janka Method will teach you how to create “windows” of opportunity, but to
capitalize on the moment, you must know how to pull the trigger. The reason one guy is able to
convert a hot girl into a “girlfriend” while another dude must settle for “just being friends” is that
the former was a strong closer. There are a lot of technical details on closing, and I’ll get into
those in a minute, but it’s crucial you understand your role because failure to close is the number
one reason women don’t come back . I know from experience that I can impress a girl on a first
date, I can be funny, make her comfortable, even spend money on her, but if I don’t get physical
she’ll often fail to materialize for date #2. There’s something that happens when a man and
women share a physical moment, even if it’s just a kiss. That simple connection provokes
something in her body and she feels compelled to see you again. I know this from thousands of
In fact, I can be a lousy date in every regard - cheap, lazy, fail to make plans, unshaven and
dressed like a slob - but if I can make the move and get in there, the girl often comes back. It
works like this: a desirable woman has a screen - a block - and most men can’t get past it. She
knows that, and though she may socialize with all types of men, she only really pays attention to
those who can break through the wall she’s erected. If you can get to her physically - access her
body, in the crudest terms - you will have accomplished what 90% of men have failed to do. In
doing so, you’ll have made an impression on her. Her thinking proceeds thus: “He was able to
get in my pants, therefore he must be an alpha-male and therefore desirable as a mate.” It
happens on such an unconscious, biological level that most women can’t explain it. That’s why
all the cosmetics - clothes, nice car, manners, fancy dinners - don’t matter much in the end. The
man who can maneuver to gain access turns out to be the one she chases.
Why the Apartment is Pivotal
The biggest problem in today’s dating scene is that the focus is all wrong. Dating, most people
will agree, is about a connection - which can lead to companionship, partnership and romance. A
common denominator, of course, is sex. Which we all love! But, the problem is that the majority
of courtship occurs in non-sexual venues where escalation is difficult, if not impossible.
That’s where Janka Method comes in - it will teach you the how and why of female attraction.
As you’ll learn, making a physical connection quickly is imperative . Failure to do this results in
the “friend zone” and her feeling that she had a pleasant - as opposed to electric - time with you.
It’s the rare guy who can keep a desirable girl’s interest without creating a physical spark,
especially in the modern dating scene where there’s heavy competition. If you don’t make your
mark, there’s another guy - in many ways just like you - right nearby who can claim the sexy
female. Physical contact releases something within a woman - not least of all romance
neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine - that creating craving in her. A craving for you!
Let’s start with the basics: it’s hard to escalate in public. I’ve done it - on benches, in the park, in
the back seat of taxicabs, on the beach - but it’s not ideal. You need the right type of girl, under
the right influences, at the right time. Aligning all these conditions is tricky. It’s a lot better to
have her undivided attention and the supporting role of a sexy bachelor pad.
As you’ll see when I discuss some technical aspects of “closing” below, your apartment must be
the pivot point for all your dating. It’s the place you always want to end up and it’s the place
where you want to spend a few dollars. Spend money on your game by fixing up your place
nicely, not on feeding a string of girls at overpriced restaurants. Your apartment is the one place
in the city (or suburbs) that you fully control. You know where everything is, you know how to
maximize its benefits: a view, a balcony, a nice stereo, a jacuzzi. Make it the centerpiece of your
dating strategy: your itinerary should start and end in your apartment. I’ll explain how to do this
in a bit, but for now I want you to re-conceptualize your apartment as Headquarters.
And here’s another main reason the apartment is so crucial, and perhaps the number one
underutilized asset in a guy’s arsenal: only in the privacy of an apartment, alone with the girl,
can you really bring out your best game. Let me explain.
Years ago, I started to realize that I wasn’t at my best on dinner dates. Turns out there are many
reasons for this: I had to pay, which is depressing. I got full and tired. Eating, generally speaking,
isn’t sexy. I had to do everything - feed myself, be charming and keep the conversation going,
and in the end, pay for the whole thing! What a raw deal! But, there was another reason that
“outside” dates were less than effective: I wasn’t circling for the kill. When an attractive girl is
sitting on my couch, giving me her full attention, I’m at my best. I know I’m under the lens, and
so is she. I do my best work when the “kill” is palpable. I am charming, attentive, funny and
hyper-alert to details. The music is perfect, the temperature is ideal. She’s sitting in the perfect
spot. If she wants a drink, she’s got it. We’re alone. It’s now or never, and I know it. My body
knows it. My brain knows it. My cock knows it.
The imminent possibility of sex is a powerful motivator. It brings out my best performance, and
it’ll bring out your best, too. That’s why “outside” dates are never as intense or the chemistry is
more diffuse. And forget about group “dates” or whatever they’re called. When there’s not the
possibility of immediate sex, the male is much more relaxed, distractible and error prone. It’s
And here’s the kicker: the female body and mind will respond. She’ll recognize this incredible
intensity in you and will do one of two things: engage or flee. It’s that simple. And either way,
you’re better off, having collected real information about her, rather than bullshit pleasantries
that often emerge from public, group or social interactions.
Of course, this must sound aggressive, and it even seems a bit extreme as I type it here, now.
But, it’s the truth, and at the beginning I gave you my word I’d only tell you the truth, the stuff
that actually works. I’ve slept with well over 200 women, and this is a fundamental rule of
attraction. If you don’t create the conditions to allow for this type of sexual exchange, you’re not
really looking for a sexual partner - you’re looking for a friend.
Grand Irony #1: You Can’t Mention The Apartment
It’s entirely ludicrous that you can’t reference the apartment in the early stages, even though for
this thing to work you both have to end up in the apartment. It’s a female form of pacing that
they want to strip (or more accurately American society wants to strip) any blatant reference to
sex from the initial courtship, lest this thing expire in the fumes of lust.
And because your object of desire can pull the plug at any time, you have to play by the rules
(sort of!). So, don’t mention the apartment, but know that your game is all about getting her back
to it ASAP.
Here are two techniques that have been field-tested by me and other heavy-number guys…
1) The Swing By
Here you station yourself at the apartment with no intention of leaving . That’s the key. Choose a
bar or lounge in your hood and tell her you want to meet there at 9PM, for example. Fifteen
minutes before 9 o’clock, text her: “Just getting ready. Swing by and grab me. We’ll head over to
Flannigan’s together...”
Hopefully, she responds, “Ok.” When she arrives, communicate - via text or a call - that you’re
not quite ready, but tell her to, “Pop up while I finish getting ready.” This takes finesse and
plenty of practice, and there will always be some that won’t come up. But, for those who do,
you’ve got a good thing going. Have a drink poured and offer her something. And then,
depending on her level of restlessness, persuade her to remain and enjoy the mood, the music,
the drinks, the conversation - in essence, everything she hoped for on the date - while she chills
at your place. When it comes to getting physical, it’ll make your work much easier.
2) Let’s Bounce
If you do the lounge routine, you will need to transition to your place, which is always the
hardest part - girls aren’t stupid. They know sexual math: private residence = access to my
You have to get her back without raising any red flags, which is hard, especially with a desirable
woman who’s seen it all. If you have liquor on your side, or the heavy make-out has begun,
you’re in luck. You don’t have much to do, just not fuck it up. But, for most dates, you’ll have to
transition to your place smoothly.
After your second drink at the bar, tell the girl you’re tired of this place and you have another
cute spot in mind. Hail a cab/walk/drive, if sober/bicycle (hey, you never know!) back to your
place without disclosing where exactly you’re taking her. When you arrive, give her a kiss - if
you can - and announce, “We’re here!”
It helps to seed the idea a bit earlier, by mentioning something in the apartment that may intrigue
her: a particular photo album, music track, yearbook, piece of art, etc. I know a guy who sells the
fact that he has an indoor planetarium. Other things that work are a full-service, nicely appointed
wet bar, DVD or spectacular view. Anything can work, and the function of the “prop” is really to
allow the girl to lie to herself that she wants to see this thing at your place, rather than having to
admit to herself that she wants to be naughty. It’s an excuse to proceed. It allows her to justify
entering your place on the first date.
This conversation happens entirely in her head, and it’s often subconscious.
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