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Forgotten Temple B2f Guide
(This guide isn't complete yet)
After the Start walk to the first
room. On your way at the
outside of the first U-turn you
click the first desk with a
burning candle to activate the
first optional quest. You get the
Doctor's Record #1 . If you find
the other 3 you will be rewarded
with 100k Alz. The Bruns and the Carabus are quite annoying for
low def characters because of their damage and middle range
attacks. The desk you sick have burning candles on themselves.
There you click the strange
pillar in the right picture. This
let 5 Reddants spawn.
You must kill those 5 Reddants .
After you killed those Reddants
you must click that pillar again.
By doing so you get the Burned Torch
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In the same room you must also
click the pillar on the picture now.
It gives you the quest to collect 5
Ant's Red Stone Fragment
and 5 Ant's Seventh
Stone Fragment from the Graydant and the
Reddants in the following hallway.
While going down the hallway you come to a door
which you must destroy. Behind it is a small
chamber with another desk with a burning candle
on it right after the door. Click this table to gain the
Doctor's record #2 .
After gaining the 5 Ant's Red Stone Fragment and 5
Ant's seventh Stone Fragment click this pillar and get
the Ants Flame . The pillar is located in the
hallway after the above little chamber.
After you got the Ants Flame you must
click this Burning Brazier #1 in order to
open the gate.
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The next room is the room of the first
boss Ariadney .
You can spawn him by clicking the
In order to kill him lure best all the
Greydant out of the room with
exception of the Reddant .
You can let the mobs in the room if you all
have a good def set (Mithril). In order to get
the shield of the boss down you must kill the
Reddant . Which you must kill again as soon
the shield reappears. You'll get a Relict
Chest from the boss
After you killed the boss Ariadney you get the Gleaming Stone
by clicking the fountain again.
Go through the next corridor and click
on the not yet burning Burning Brazier
#2 in the picture.
To light it you have to find some items
from the Old Crate .
The Old Crate is in the first boss room
and looks like a treasure chest. By
clicking it you gain the Scarab Flame
#1 and the Oil Bottle
as well as the order to find the Burning
Brazier #2 .
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Then click again on the Burning
Brazier#2 on the left side of the door and
as reward you get the Scarab flame #2 .
In the next room is the 2 nd boss
Nadiel . The problem are the other
mobs Mayozin in the room which
have range attack and do pretty much
damage. Killing Nadiel gives
you the Butterfly Stone Fragment
and a Relict Chest .
Before the the exiting door of the room with
Nadiel is the 3 rd table with the Doctor's record #3 .
In the next upcoming
room is a fountain in
the center. Press it and
you'll start the optional
quest which gives 10k
honor points. In order
to get them you must
kill 5 of each of the following mobs: Setizin ,
Prown , Negrabei . The first mobs the Setizin are
around the spring. And 4 additional are after the
electric corridor. So kill 1 before going through
it. The Prown and the Negrabei are behind the 4 th
boss Ispita .
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