I'll Be Your Lover Too by EdwardsBloodType (inc. outtakes).pdf

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I'll Be Your Lover Too by EdwardsBloodType
Chapter 1 Just Friends
"Oh for God's sake!" I gave a frustrated groan as I frantically searched in my bag
for my ringing cell phone. Keeping one eye on the road and the other on the
disaster that is my purse, I found the cursed phone and tossed it back carelessly
when I saw the name displayed on the ID.
I could see from the street that Edward's silver Volvo SUV was parked in his usual
spot on the driveway. Knowing that he was already home made my stomach do
little flip flops and my heart rate speed up which was really sort of an irrational
physiological reaction considering I saw him every single day. I often wondered
when the butterflies in my stomach feeling would fade.
As I entered the house, I was immediately assaulted by the smell of sautéed
garlic and mushrooms.
Mushroom ravioli?
Being that it was a difficult dish to make and quite time consuming to prepare,
Edward only made it on very special occasions. Valentine's Day was a week away,
(not that the holiday required any special arrangements for me on Edward's
part), so there wasn't anything out of the ordinary happening that deserved a
special meal. Well, that I was aware of anyway.
"Mmm, my favorite! What's the occasion?" I asked, as I rounded the corner and
peered curiously into the kitchen. Edward was stationed at a marble cutting board
wearing an apron that said "Sir Loin," printed on the front. He still had on the
pale green dress shirt and black slacks he wore to work that morning and his
striped tie was draped over the back of a chair.
He looked up from the red peppers he was chopping at an inhuman speed and
smiled his perfect, gleaming white smile. "Hey, how was your day?"
Catch your breath and look away from him. Breathe, Bella.
Diverting my attention from his pretty face, I snatched up one of the peppers and
popped it into my mouth as I leaned on the granite counter next to him. "Long.
My ninth graders really suck. My third period class spent the entire forty minutes
baahing and oinking."
"An ode to Animal Farm?" he asked amused, as he reached into the fridge and
pulled out a beer. He twisted open the cap before handing it to me with a smile.
His crooked smile made my heart skip a beat.
It did crazy, crazy things to all sorts of other places on my body as well.
"So, how did your presentation go?" I asked, pausing to look up from the pile of
mail I was rifling through.
"Wonderful, thank you. They loved the design. But they want to break ground by
spring, which is very ambitious but not impossible." A smug grin spread wide
across his face. Edward wasn't one to brag, but he needed no one to tell him he
was an extremely talented architect and he had every right to be proud of
himself. "Unfortunately, next week I am going to have to put in twice the hours
to compensate for the week we're away."
"Oh, it will be worth it. Once we're lying on the beach with frosty margaritas, you
won't ever remember what blueprints are." I smiled into the distance where I
could visualize us on lounge chairs, watching the sun set into the ocean as we
sipped drinks adorned with pretty pink umbrellas.
He looked into the distance with me, smiling as if he could see it too. "Hey,
speaking of vacations, our plane tickets came today." Then his smile disappeared
and his jovial tone changed to one of annoyance. "And…Jacob called the house."
He scowled and rolled his eyed deliberately for me to see. "He said something
about not being able to reach you on your cell." Edward stirred the mushrooms
into the cheese concoction then held out the spoon for me to taste. His eyebrows
furrowed, his lips pressing into a tight line. Edward plopped the mushrooms into
the centers of carefully cut rounds of dough.
"I wonder what he wants." My voice stayed casual while I outright lied to his face.
I already knew from the three hundred messages Jacob had left on my cell what
he wanted but I was deliberately ignoring his calls. Now he had moved on to
harassing our house phone.
I hated lying to Edward, but I knew full well he would have a complete shit fit if
he was made aware of the fact that I hung out with Jacob. I did not feel like
hearing a lecture, or admitting to the embarrassment of the whole thing,
especially to Edward, of all people.
Mysexual needs overcame me a few months ago at Thanksgiving and Jacob and I
ended up having a little romp in his stupid Mc Donald wrapper filled car while our
families ate pumpkin pie. Though it wasn't the worst sex I have ever had, Jacob
was too concerned with his own needs to even make the experience enjoyable.
Besides, I had my true desires focused elsewhere, obviously. But because of my
serious uncontrollable urges, regrettably, it happened again at Christmas. It had
been so long since we'd had an actual relationship, so I didn't really see the harm
in a little tryst. It was just sex for the sake of sex with no attachments, nothing
more- which I might add, I made clear on both occasions. However, "sex with an
ex" did not go unpunished. He wanted desperately to get back together again,
and I was just so beyond done with him and his childish bullshit.
Then there was Edward.
As my best guy friend, Edward helped me deal with Jacob's crap for so long that
he would be so disappointed in me for resorting to having meaningless sex with
the guy who emotionally tormented me. Even though I take full responsibility for
initiating the rendezvous, he would find a way to turn the situation around to
blame Jacob anyway. The men in my life were not on good terms, to say the
Back when Jake and I were dating and had broken up for like tenth time, Jacob
called late one night and we talked about trying to make it work again. I was
lonely and very horny, so I considered it, but not without feeling very torn. I had
already put forth a great deal of effort into moving on. That weekend, I drove
down to La Push to surprise him but got my own surprise when I found him bent
over bare assed with some little tourist tramp spread eagle underneath him on
his kitchen table.
That was what led to the definitive end of our relationship. There was that,
coupled with the fact that he couldn't get past his inferiority of working at a local
garage in town while I was earning my degree at a university. Though technically
we weren't 'together' while he was screwing many, many other girls, I still felt
betrayed and no amount of begging on Jacob's part could convince me otherwise.
After that, I planned to say goodbye, part as friends and never look back. That
was over two years ago, and as I now knew all too well, should have stayed that
"Dinner will be ready in twenty minutes. Why don't you go get comfortable?"
Edward suggested. "Movies are by the television." He leaned into the oven and
slid the tray of baked potatoes into it.
Watching Edward bend over was seriously dangerous for me. It did little to help
the situation my lack of self control. I eyed him suspiciously and went to check
out the movie titles. All chick flicks. And Bubble Boy. "Bubble Boy again? " I
asked, rolling my eyes at Edward's complete denial of Bubble Boy being his
favorite movie.
The girlie movies confirmed my earlier suspicions…something was up.
Oooh, maybe he is trying to seduce you.
Ha, ha. That's funny, Bella.
I came back down stairs dressed in a comfy pair of sweats and sat at the huge
dining room table that we occupied only when we had company. Mostly we sat at
the wrought iron bar stools on the kitchen island, but I suppose Edward's
unexplained special meal deserved formal seating.
As I sat down at the table, the sweats made me feel much underdressed for our
spontaneous special occasion, even though it was Edward's suggestion in the first
place to get comfy. I had this weird insecure self loathing thing around Edward. I
felt like I wasn't good enough for him, even just as his friend. He had never once
done anything to make me feel this way, but because I was so ordinary against
his very extraordinary, I was always left feeling a little… basic.
"So what's up with all of this?" I asked with a skeptical eyebrow raised, gesturing
a hand toward his fancy meal. Edward placed a serving of ravioli on my plate,
spooning pink cream sauce on top. I scooped a pile of butter smothered baby
carrots into his dish and then a smaller portion into mine.
"Uh, nothing. I felt like doing something nice for you." He averted his eyes, so I
knew there was more to the gesture than pure kindness. He often did nice things
for me just for the sake of it, but this reeked of questionable motives.
"Edward, how long have we known each other?" I asked curtly, cutting my potato
in half. I slid a pat of butter in between the pieces.
"Um, since high school." He patronized me as he counted animatedly on his
fingers. "Nine years?"
"Yes, and nine years is a long enough time to recognize when I am being played
by you."
"Why? Can't one friend do something nice for another friend without being
accused of having an ulterior motive?" He laughed, looking down into his plate as
he swirled his fork in the ravioli sauce.
I grabbed his free hand and held my knife over it preparing to stab. "If you don't
tell me what's going on you are going to lose a finger."
He abruptly snatched his hand away from me and chewed thoughtlessly on his
nail. "An old friend is in town for a few days," he said in a very quiet voice.
"And?" My eyes narrowed into little slits as I watched him nervously eat away at
his fingernail.
He looked down at his plate and whispered, "It's Tanya."
"Aww you're kidding?" I groaned, while rolling my eyes in disgust.
Tanya Denali.
I despised her.
I hated her stupid four inch Fuck Me Pumps and the fact that she could walk in
the stupid things like she was gliding down a runway. I hated her long, painted
fingernails and her big strawberry blonde locks that bounced in perfect curls
around her shoulders. I hated her giant perky boobs and the tight shirts she wore
to show them off. I hated the way she was loud and had to have all the attention
on her and I hated her better than everyone else attitude and the way she threw
around designer's names like anyone other than Alice actually gave a shit.
But mostly I hated her for the way she looked at Edward. She flirted shamelessly
with him, using any opportunity to caress his chest with those freakish fingernails
or run her hands through his silky hair. It was embarrassing, quite frankly. Her
overtly seductive behavior around him was enough to make me vomit. She was
the kind of girl that had no idea that being slutty was not attractive.
Despite all this, she was oddly charming and intelligent and I think that was what
got under my skin. That and the fact that I was his best friend and didn't dare to
do the things she did. A huge part of me wished terribly that I was more like her,
the bold, aggressive, brazen traits, anyway. But I hadn't seen her since four
Christmases ago so, I was remembering a younger version of Tanya, not the
twenty five year old Alice and Edward were now familiar with.
"Please, please, please don't tell me she's staying here." I practically whimpered.
Technically, since I was living in Edward's house, paying very little rent, I had a
huge set of balls thinking I had any right to veto house guests. When I moved in
with him two years ago, my best friend and Edward's sister Alice, left me for a
job in LA without a roommate in an apartment I could not afford on my own.
After hearing that I was interviewing total strangers to live with me, Edward's
overly protective big brother instincts kicked in and he insisted that I move in
with him in his house. That's when all the trouble started.
Truly, my intention was to never to be living here for that long, but our
relationship got kind of intense as the circumstances in our lives became
complicated. When I moved in, I had just been through an exhausting final break
up with Jacob, who I dated on and off for years until his mood swings and
inferiority complex wore me ragged and just about drove me insane. At the same
time, Edward's girlfriend Jane, was killed in a horrible car accident by a drunk
He'd lost his parents in a car accident when he was ten and was adopted by
Carlisle and Esme Cullen a few years after. This is also explains why he drives the
Volvo. When he traded in his sexy Mercedes last year, everyone made fun of him
for downgrading to "Soccer Mom." At first we all considered it a joke, but really
with all the safety features, Edward felt like even if he was next on the Grim
Reaper's list of fatal car accident victims, he still had somewhat of an advantage.
Poor guy lived in terror every time he got behind the wheel, but you would never
know it by the way he openly disregarded the speed limit.
So, because of his traumatizing past experiences, Edward was dealing with some
serious abandonment issues. He was a huge mess for a while, but he was
recovering nicely now, or as well as could be expected. He never spoke of the
accident or of Jane to anyone but Leslie, his therapist. We all kind of assumed
that his love for Jane was so intense that he wasn't able to really move past the
pain and that was simply unbearable for him to speak of her. No one never
pushed the issue or pressed him to talk about it, not even me, who he confided
with just about all of his deepest darkest secrets.
Apparently he proposed to Jane the night she was killed, which makes her
untimely death so much more tragic. Edward was constantly hurting and hiding
the agony of her loss. I could see flickers of it now and then which made me ache
for his heart to heal.
Edward had an unorthodox way of mourning her passing. A few months after
Jane's accident, he turned into a man whore and screwed anything that walked as
long as it resembled a supermodel. He and his best friend Emmett, Master of the
Man Whores, were completely out of control at one point. I held my tongue (and
my ears) about it at first, because I was fearful of my true feelings for Edward
coming to his realization. However, there was only so much listening to your best
friend fuck random women that a person could take. He was clearly disturbed and
trying to vent out his issues through meaningless sex. Eventually I begged him to
get into therapy and it was plainly obvious how much it was helping him cope. He
hadn't dated anyone seriously since he began therapy and there had not been
any supermodels at the house for a long time.
How fortunate for me.
Emmett on the other hand, had since recovered from his man whore ways and
was now in love with my college roommate and good friend, Rosalie Hale.
With the holes in our lives, our friendship had become such that we relied on
each other entirely too much but neither of us felt it was a negative thing. We
were good for each other and there was a love shared between us reminiscent of
the closest of siblings or lovers who were not sexually intimate.
How unfortunate for me.
So here's where the complications arise. I remember the exact night when I knew
for certain that I was in love with Edward. A year and a half ago we were at a
local bar with friends when Jacob and his pack of buddies show up unexpectedly.
I asked him repeatedly to leave but he was drunk and belligerent and had his
hands all over me despite my best attempts to push him off of me. Edward came
to my rescue warning him to walk away. Jake got in Edward's face and heated
words were exchanged. That's when I stupidly tried to get in the middle of them
and Jacob grabbed hold of my wrist fearing for my safety.
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