Health According to The Scriptures by Paul Nison.pdf

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Experience the Joy of Health according to Our Creator
I say these things so that you might be saved.
—John 5:34
©2010 Paul Nison
All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced by any means,
except for brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews, without the express
written consent from the author.
This book is not intended as medical advice. When going on a natural diet, there is
always some risk involved. Because of this, the author, publisher, and/or distributors
of this book are not responsible for any adverse detoxification effects or consequences
resulting from the use of any suggestions or procedures described herein.
Printed in Canada
Fourth Edition, January 2010
Third Edition, August 2007
Second Edition, May 2006
First Edition, September 2005
343 Publishing Company
P.O. Box 16156
West Palm Beach, FL 33416
Editor: Bob Avery (
Layout and Design: Kira A. Long
Cover: Enrique Candioti
ISBN # 978-0-9675286-4-9
Health Religion
This book is dedicated to the ancient Hebrew scribes who
retained our great Creator’s names in their original Paleo-Hebrew
forms and lived according to the Torah.
If you are sick or know someone who is sick, here is practical
knowledge and truth from the Scriptures which will reveal how
to avoid and cure sickness. This book is for you!
:$51,1* Once you read it, you can no longer use the excuse
“I didn’t know that.” Then what will you do? Your health will
depend on it!
So then, anyone who knows the right thing to do and fails to do it
is committing a sin. —James 4:17
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