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Earth Unleashed
Earth Unleashed
by Jan Willem van den Brink
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Supervision by Mario Barbati
Graphic Design by O’Bully
Cartography by Guido Barbati and O’Bully
Artwork by Daniele Bigliardo
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1- Tzago, Otibi, stats and descriptions
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Product Code: MA07
First edition: December 2005
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Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Rules Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip
Williams, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Master Adventures and Earth Unleashed © by Øone Roleplaying Games
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4 Running the Adventure
4 Adventure Background
5 Adventure Synopsis
6 Character Hooks
7 Recent Events in Wodfeld
7 Wodfeld Today
8 Timeline
8 Event 1, Arriving in Wodfeld
9 Event 2, Otibi’s Speech
10 Event 3, A Rain of Sand and Stones (EL 1)
11 Event 4, The Guardian Golem
15 Event 5, Another Rain of Sandand Stones (EL 1)
15 Event 6, Otibi’s Attack (EL 9)
20 The Druid’s Hideout
20 1 - Dire Badgers (EL 7)
20 2 - Druid’s Meeting Room (EL 6)
21 3 - The Prisoner (EL 7)
25 4 - Sleeping Area
25 The Golem Dungeon
26 0 - Entrance
26 1 -Tunnel
26 2 - Guardian Golem (EL 8)
27 3 - Syanias, the Elven Ranger (EL 7)
29 4 - Koldar, the Dwarven Sculptor (EL 7)
30 Other Areas
30 Event 7, Rise of the Colossus
35 Ending the Adventure
35 Failure
35 Success
36 Appendix One: Player’s Handouts (GM’s Reference)
36 Player’s Handout A: Briom’s Letter
36 Player’s Handout C: Excerpts from Tzago’s diary
37 Appendix Two: New Monsters
37 Guardian Golem
37 Stonecutter Golem
38 Farduron’s Colossus
40 Appendix Three: New Magic Item
40 Boots of Tracelessness
40 Appendix Four, Scaling the Adventure
of four 7th-level adventurers. Player Characters (PCs)
that complete the adventure should reach 8th level
at the end. The adventure can easily be adjusted to suit
weaker or stronger parties. Recommended changes are
given in Appendix Four: Scaling the Adventure; see page 40
Appendix Four also contains a list of Encounter Levels (ELs)
in the adventure.
The adventure takes place in the village Wodfeld, situated
in the woods. The name Wodfeld could easily be replaced
by the name of an existing place in your campaign world, or
by a name that its your campaign world better. The woods
in which it lies is not given a name, but it could be any large
forest in your campaign world.
the ire that night, just as the wizard expected.
Farduron went into the woods, to a place where he
thought no one would ever ind him. He let the golems dig
out an underground complex, near a river. Farduron forced
Koldar to make statues from river-clay, and the wizard
turned the statues into golems. He used these golems to
expand the underground dwelling and guard the area.
In the main hall of the complex, Farduron had just started
building the enormous clay golem – the colossus – he
planned to conquer a kingdom with, when his owl familiar
discovered the ruins of a large building, several miles from
the complex. Farduron decided to make a stone colossus
with stones from the ruin, since a stone colossus would be
much more powerful than a clay one.
Running the Adventure
It is recommended that you read through the adventure
at least once before running it, to become familiar with
everything in it.
In the adventure, you will ind text blocks in italics, that
are meant to be read or paraphrased to the players.
He made new golems, and wanted those to be able to
make the trip to the ruins unseen. Farduron could make
them invisible himself, but he could not prevent the heavy
constructs from leaving an easy to follow trail. To solve
this problem, he captured several druids and rangers who
wandered too close to his dwelling. Soon he found one,
an elven ranger called Syanias, who could make magical
items, and forced the elf to create boots that granted the
ability to pass without trace. With these boots, the golems
could only be noticed by someone who heard them passing
by. Farduron could have silenced them, but he thought
noise from an invisible source in the forest would be very
effective to scare people away, so he didn’t. To make sure
someone who was brave enough to seek the source of the
sound wouldn’t live to tell the tale, Farduron commanded
the golems to attack and kill any creature that approached
within ifty feet, except animals. He then ordered the
constructs to go and pick up stones from the ruin.
Adventure Background
More than one hundred years ago, the mad but powerful
wizard Farduron made plans to take over a kingdom. He
wanted to build an enormous golem, thinking he could
literally squash anyone who opposed him with the mighty
construct. The wizard, who was extremely wealthy, could
build a statue of the desired size, but he wasn’t nearly
powerful enough to summon and control a spirit that
was strong enough to animate such a thing. After years of
research and experimentation, the wizard discovered how he
could force several spirits from the Elemental Plane of Earth
to animate one statue together. He was ready to begin with
his plan.
Several months later, Farduron’s colossus was nearing
completion. Farduron began summoning the spirits that
would animate the gigantic, hollow statue. He completed
the summoning ritual for the irst time, and a rift to the
Elemental Plane of Earth opened. A spirit came through,
dragging sand and stones with it. Farduron had great
dificulty controlling the spirit. It shook the statue, causing
a minor earthquake, before the wizard could force it to
stop. When he controlled the irst one, Farduron started
summoning a second spirit.
Farduron had two large blocks of stone delivered to his
house on the edge of town. He hired the dwarven sculptor
Koldar to make statues out of the blocks. When Koldar had
inished both statues, Farduron cast a hold person on him
and tied him up. The wizard summoned two spirits from
the Elemental Plane of Earth, and used them to animate the
The next night he set his house on ire, and left with
his dwarven prisoner and the two golems, that carried
his belongings. While the other citizens were watching
or ighting the ire, the wizard disappeared into the night,
unseen. Even though the bodies where never found, the
citizens assumed both Farduron and Koldar were killed in
A druid who roamed the woods not far from the
complex noticed the rain of sand and stones, and the
earthquake. He tried to check out what was going on, but
could not get past the guarding golems. The druid decided it
was best to warn a more powerful person or organization.
E arth Unleashed is an adventure intended for a party
He traveled to a temple and told the priests there what he
had seen in the woods. The high priest sent a group of
powerful clerics and paladins to investigate. With the aid of
some teleporting wizards, they were able to travel very fast.
The divine warriors destroyed the guarding golems, and
witnessed the summoning of the ifth and last spirit.
the spirits managed to break away from the colossus, and
led to their home plane.
The divine warriors who survived the event buried the
colossus completely, and went back to their temple. Neither
the people in the temple, nor the wizards told anyone about
what had happened, because they feared the story might
inspire some madman to build a second colossus. The
priests wrote a report, but people outside their order were
not allowed to read the document.
Three years later, a group of lumberjacks traveled with
their families through the woods. They followed the river,
searching for a place to settle. The loggers found a ield with
on it only young trees, that could easily be chopped down.
The river was relatively wide there, and the current calm,
because it was the place where
Farduron had dug off river-clay.
It was an ideal place for the
lumberjacks to build a small
village. They called it Woodield.
Now, almost a century later,
it is still a thorp. The name
Woodield has been corrupted to
About one year ago, during a
thunderstorm that lasted several
days, the sorcerer Tzago found refuge
in the temple of the divine warriors
who defeated Farduron. He started reading
documents in the library, and a dusty shelf
he found the report about the wizard who
built an enormous golem. The priests had
forgotten all about it, and didn’t prevent
Tzago from reading it. The document
fascinated the sorcerer. When he left
the temple, he stole the document,
because he needed it to ind the
Farduron succeeded at binding the ive spirits to the statue
and ordered the animated colossus to dig its way to the
surface. A surprised group of clerics, paladins, and wizards
saw the colossus’ head appear, followed by its arms and
torso. It pushed its legs up, and stood up from the ground.
Farduron sat in the chest cavity, unable to look out.
To keep the colossus moving, he needed to concentrate
on controlling it, but
when the construct was
standing, the wizard let go
for a moment. He cast a
couple of disintegrates, to
make holes in the chest
and back. He wanted
to seal these holes with
permanent walls of force,
but the divine warriors
prevented that.
After the disintegrates, the
clerics and paladins detected the evil
wizard. With the help of the wizards,
they teleported in and demanded
Farduron’s surrender. The mad wizard
laughed, and attacked them. He was
no match for the group of powerful
individuals, who killed him.
With the death of Farduron, the
spirits in the colossus were freed.
They immediately focused their
energy on leaving the colossus,
slowly detaching their
essence from the construct.
No longer kept in
balance by the spirits, the
colossus fell down. The
construct crushed some
unfortunate clerics and
paladins who couldn’t
get away in time, and
destroyed the underground
complex. The colossus itself
was not heavily damaged, because
the spirits’ presence still held it
together. A couple of minutes later,
Adventure Synopsis
The adventure starts when
the PCs arrive in Wodfeld,
where weird things are
happening. They witness
sand and stones falling from
the sky, accompanied by a mild
earthquake. The local druid claims
it is the work of Mother Nature, who
wants the loggers gone.
The PCs are asked to investigate the
disappearance of two lumberjacks,
who turn out to be killed by a
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