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The Minotaur
by Mario Barbati
from an original adventure
by Diego Di Dato
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Graphic Design by O’Bully
English Editor/Proofreader: Richard deMorris
Cartography by O’Bully
Art by Stefano Guida and Alessandro Ciofi
Special Thanks to Lucio Abbate
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1- All NPCs
2- All the game mechanics wholly derived
from the d20 System Reference Document.
3- The Mad Alchemist NPC prestige Class
4- The She-Minotaur
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Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Rules Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip
Williams, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Master Adventures © by Øone Roleplaying Games
Introduction 4
Adventure Background 4
Adventure Synopsis 4
Using this Module 4
Playing this Module in your
Own Campaign 4
Adventure Hooks 4
Events 5
Locations 11
Appendix 22
The Mad Alchemist,
NPC Prestige Class 22
New Monster 24
Player Character 25
Dungeon Map 26
Player Character Sheet 27
Handout 29
Playtesters Credits
Viking Games playtest group: Jeff (doo-do’ll-doo-doo) Bass, Corey (“Leading the Blind”) Cooper, Richard (“No, I
don’t have darkvision”) deMorris, Zack (“I disarmed it, yep, sure did”) Fossan, and Craig (“Swims With Lantern”)
Øone Games playtest group: Lucio (the cautious cleric) Abbate, Massimiliano (Relex save who?) Cretara, Davide
(I’m a paladin, wow 75hp!) De Martino, Anna (THE female elf) Fava, Carmine (Grunt!) Laudiero, Alex (The true
dwarf) Zenatti.
The Minotaur is a double adventure, as a one-on-one
adventure which features a bold adventure for a 6th level
paladin, this adventure is a dungeon crawl, which does not
spare role playing opportunities and mysteries to solve. This
adventure may also be played with a standard four 3rd level
characters group and can be placed with ease in any campaign
world as explained in ‘Using This Module’ below.
With the passing of time, the minotaur continued to live
in her maze and eat what the farmers had left for her, though
this was to change in the intervening years.
A young mad alchemist, named Aghav, found Daedalus’s
laboratory and retrieved the wizard’s books and notes.
Fascinated by the old wizard’s experiments, Aghav thought
he had a unique opportunity to create an army of minotaurs
at his service and threw himself to the world domination.
You will ind also a new Prestige Class, The Mad
Alchemist, and new monster, the She-Minotaur.
Finding himself unable to enter the minotaur’s maze,
he waited patiently for her to exit. Once in touch with the
monster, he struck a bargain with her. He asked to remain
in the old wizard’s laboratory; in exchange he would
prepare every week for her a potion he claimed to enhance
her strength. Having nothing to lose, the minotaur agreed
seeing the wizard’s laboratory was out of her maze and of no
interest to her.
Adventure Background
A long time ago, the crazed wizard Daedalus built
his laboratory near the farming village of Kreta. Daedalus
conducted strange and mysterious experiments in his rocky,
hilled laboratory, often going into the village in order to
buy a bull or a cow. He seemed harmless, and for nearly 10
years, this was his way a purchase of a bull or cow from the
Aghav established himself in the laboratory, and continued
Daedalus’s research. Aghav made many experiments, many
which produced horrid hybrids he keep secreted away in an
area near the laboratory. Finally, these experiments provided
him at last what he wanted.
A few disappearances of young females were noted across
these ten years as well, but being a wild land, folks at the
village thought the poor unfortunates were kidnapped from
bandits or suffered an accident of some kind while traveling.
The locals began calling the area “Horn’s Hill”, due to the
bones and horns found there. The community also felt fear
from the magic emanating from the area, so that none dared
to venture into Daedalus’s lair.
Aghav asked each and every week that the minotaur
consume her potions in the order he gave them to her.
These potions of strength were in fact magical elixirs that
would make the minotaur magically pregnant and capable of
generating Aghav the army he desired.
Daedalus was conducting some sort of genetic
experiments. He was fascinated by minotaurs, and wondered
why female minotaurs didn’t exist. Using his magic, the girls
he captured, the cows and bulls, he struggled for ten years
to create a female minotaur. During the years he built an
enchanted maze, which would prevent anyone from reaching
the minotaur’s lair.
During the nine months of her pregnancy, the minotaur
required more food than the farm folk were providing in
their weekly offering. Often, she raided the farms during
the night, spiriting away swine, sheep and chickens, whatever
would cease her hunger and needs. During these raids, she
tried to remain unseen and avoid confrontations with the
farmers due to her prominent belly. Though things became
troublesome for the farm folk, they never knew why.
At long last, Daedalus succeeded, and during one trying
night, his creation became alive. With his creature’s irst
breath, the aging Daedalus felt his heart surging, and he fell
to the ground, killed by a heart attack.
After the trying months of her pregnancy, the minotaur
birthed four infant minotaurs: two male, two female. Aghav
was in high spirits that his experiments worked, but soon
his dream crumbled: the infant minotaurs were weakening,
refusing both food and mother’s milk.
This female minotaur created was stronger than normal,
yet less ferocious than her male counterpart. The monster,
which was the only one able to go through the enchanted
maze without getting lost, limited herself to stealing some
sheep from the nearby village.
The alchemist frenetically looked and labored in order to
ind a cure for his would-be army. In the end, he discovered,
these little creatures could only be fed by mixing young
human blood in with their food. Keeping this secret to
himself, Aghav told the minotaur that he would prepare a
medicine for her children, but she must bring him young
Over the years, several of the farmers spotted her many
times, even though they never recognized her as a female.
Feeling the monster wouldn’t harm anyone if properly feed,
they began leaving ill and aging cattle near Horn’s Hill every
The mother-minotaur, having no choice, began to
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terrorize the surrounding village kidnapping farmers’
children. Meanwhile, Aghav decided to eliminate the
mother-minotaur so as to keep the infant-minotaurs and
raising them to be his army. But, his attempts at poisoning
the beast have failed...
St. Carminius, a regular sized 3rd level party may use it. As
presented, ‘The Minotaur,’ is a double adventure module.
At the end of each event or encounter, when necessary,
you will ind another paragraph labeled ‘party’. In these
paragraphs, there may be the necessary changes to the
adventure to best challenge a party of adventurers as opposed
the single paladin presentation.
Adventure Synopsis
Recalled to his home village, Kreta, the paladin meets
with his old mentor, Galerio, and learns that the minotaur
under Horn’s Hill has gone mad and began kidnapping local
village youths.
Several encounters have italic text that may be read aloud
to the players, though is not mandatory. You should feel free
to add details or change the text as you wish.
Seeking more information about the minotaur, the
paladin investigates the area, encountering legends about the
creature and crossing paths with the local soothsayer and
blind witch. Urged by her words, the paladin makes his way
to Horn’s Hill.
This module is divided into events and locations.
The events are triggered by time or by a situation (such
as a character who make a speciic question or goes to a
determinate place or meets a certain NPC); the events do
not follow an exact succession, as one event with a higher
number may happen before one with a lower number. The
locations are the places the character can visit during the
adventure (for example: the dungeons room).
Crossing paths with danger, the paladin meets Aghav in
Daedalus’s laboratory. After speaking with the alchemist, the
paladin learns that Aghav has been making potions for the
beast under duress and wishes the paladin to free him from
its clutches. Entering the labyrinth, and dealing with its magic
and riddles, the paladin confronts the minotaur.
Placing this Module in your Own
Being mostly a dungeon crawl, ‘The Minotaur’ can be
easily placed into any ongoing campaign; all you need is a
village with a hill nearby. You can change the
names of the main characters, as well as the
name of the village
Discovering the truth of both the minotaur’s gender and
goals in saving her offspring, the paladin must defend against
the minotaur’s tricks or assaults as well as defend
against the alchemist’s ambush.
and the hill, to best suit
your campaign needs.
Hoping that pity saves the infant
minotaurs from the paladin,
the alchemist desires the infant
minotaurs to be part of his crazed
plot of raising an army.
Adventure Hooks
You can use these adventure
hooks to lead into this adventure;
the irst option is given as the
‘standard’ for the one-on-one
After dealing with the mother-
minotaur, the paladin explores the
minotaur’s dungeon, uncovering
a magical pool which reveals
the true desires of Aghav,
which may allow the
paladin to avoid
the ambush
and confront
the alchemist
- Gulthammar is being trained at
the Holy Grave of St. Carminius. He
left his home, the village of Kreta, many
years ago. Gulthammar is seeking
acceptance into in the Seventh Circle,
a powerful elite order of paladins.
But a young boy interrupts
his meditation, bringing a
message from his stepfather.
The message simply says that the
village of Kreta is threatened and
requests immediate assistance.
Gulthammar has no choice but to
leave the Holy Grave, even if this
will cost his possible admittance
to the Seventh Circle.
Using this
‘The Minotaur,’ is
a simple dungeon crawl
adventure. While it was
mainly designed for a single adventurer,
a 6th level paladin of the Holy Order of
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