new exam connection 3 unit 5b.doc

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Unit 5 test

Test B

Listening                                            Score: ____/5

1 Wysłuchaj nagrania. Wybierz właściwą odpowiedź. Zakreśl literę A, B lub C.

1 In the future, Jack would like to ________

   A work on a farm.             

   B work as a computer programmer.             

   C help his grandfather.

2 Alice earned some money for ________

   A working in a bar.             

   B working for her uncle.             

   C programming computers.

3 In the future, Jennifer would like to be ______

   A  a volunteer.                                         

   B a doctor.                           

   C a nurse.

4 Tom’s dream is to ________

   A be rich.                           

   B become a singer.                           

   C have a job as a musician.

5 Kate would like to ________

   A study languages.                           

   B work as a secretary.             

   C be a teacher.

Reading                             Score: ____/5

2 Przeczyta tekst obok, a następnie dopasuj nagłówki (AF) do fragmentów listu (15). Wpisz odpowiednie litery w kratki. Jeden nagłówek został podany dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnego fragmentu.             

A Experience  

B Greeting  

C Conclusion  

D Ending and signature  

E Interest / inspiration 

F Address

1 ____ Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Ellie Brown and I’m fifteen years old. I have to choose a secondary school now and I think that I’d like to be a police officer. I’d like to go to a specialist school and then to university. I want to help to stop crime in my country.

2 ____ I’ve always loved detective stories and when I was a little girl it was my dream to be a detective. Then my younger brother was mugged in a park. I talked to some policemen about it and I became more interested in their job. I like Inspector Rebus films on TV. They are interesting and I learn things about Scotland.

3 ____ My father helped me to find a part-time job in a bar for police officers. They sometimes talked to me. They usually talked about mugging and robbery. They told me how to protect myself. I often talked to my friends about it.

4 ____ I’d like to learn more about being a police officer. I hope you’ll give me a chance to spend a day or two at KidZania. I look forward to hearing from you.

5 ____ Yours faithfully, Ellie Brown



Uzupełnij brakujące wyrazy w zdaniach.

1 I’d like to have flexible working h _ _ _ s.

2 Do you have q _ _ _ _ _ _ c _ _ _ _ _ s  to teach?

3 Pete is looking for a permanent j _ _.

4 His s _ _ _ _ y  is quite high.

5 What are your promotion p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ s?

Score: ____/5

Uzupełnij zdania podanymi przymiotnikami.

interested   frightening    tiring    amazed    boring

1 We were ______________ when we saw the beautiful view.

2 Walking in the dark forest was a ______________ experience.

3 After work I have to relax for some time because the job is quite ______________.

4 What a ______________ book! I fall asleep the moment I start reading it.

5 I’m really ______________ in biology and science.

Score: ____/5


5 Napisz pytania z formą will i krótkie odpowiedzi.

you / help me / with the maths homework ?

1 ____________________________________? 2 Yes, ________________.

your mum / come back / before ten?

3 ___________________________________? 4 No, ________________.

they / give us / a job?

5 ____________________________________? 6 Yes, ________________.

Score: ____/6







6 Ułóż wyrazy w odpowiedniej kolejności, aby powstały pytania.

1 could / show / me / you / room / the?


2 mind / you / it / would / to / showing / how / do / me?


3 look / your / at / may / I / work?


4 see / you / me / can / later / please?


Score: ____/4

7 Uzupełnij zdania, używając podanych czasowników oraz will lub going to.

1 Do you think the weather ______________ next week? (change)

2 ______________ I ______________  and help you with the homework? (come)

3 I’ve heard you’re moving away. Where ______________  you ______________? (live)

4 I don’t think there ______________ any time left for discussion. (be)

5 ‘You look good in this skirt.’ ‘OK, I ______________ it.’ (get)

6 ‘What are your plans for the summer?’ ‘I _____________  to Greece with my parents.’ (go)

Score: ____/6






8 Popraw błędy.  Napisz poprawne zdania.

1 Don’t give the money to Tommy. He’s going to lose it!


2 Would you mind play with us?


3 I loved the concert. It was really excited!


4 He drove eighty kilometers the hour.


Score: _____/4




W ok. 100 słowach napisz, czym chciałbyś/chciałabyś się zajmować w przyszłości.





Total score: ____/50














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