
(28 KB) Pobierz
00:00:00:The Leningrad Order of Lenin|Film Studio "Lenfilm"
00:00:15:Based on the novel by|A. Belyaev
00:00:20:Screenplay by A. GOLBURT,|A. KSENOFONTOV, A. KAPLER
00:00:25:Directed by|A. KAZANSKY, V. CHEBOTARYOV
00:00:29:Director of Photography|E. ROZOVSKY
00:00:33:Production Designers|V. ULITKO, T. VASSILKOVSKAYA
00:00:43:Music by A. PETROV|Sound by L. VALTER
00:00:48:English Subtitles by|Tatiana KAMENEVA
00:01:11:V. KORENEV as Ichthyander|A. VERTINSKAYA as Gutiere
00:01:14:M. KOZAKOV as Zurita
00:01:17:N. SIMONOV as Salvatore|A. SMIRANIN as Balthazar
00:01:20:V. DAVYDOV as Olsen
00:01:33:The events depicted in this film
00:01:36:started with the appearance of|a mysterious, strange creature.
00:01:41:It looked like a human|with fish scales
00:01:44:and huge toad-like eyes.
00:01:47:The fishermen dubbed him|a "sea devil".
00:01:50:One day his footprints|were found on the beach.
00:01:54:The local people claim that|at night he was riding a dolphin,
00:01:58:loudly blowing his horn.
00:02:01:The newspapers reported that|he had drowned a fishing boat,
00:02:05:dragged two young nuns|into the ocean
00:02:07:and swallowed|a pearl diver.
00:02:10:Don Pedro!|The sea devil has struck again!
00:02:20:Such idiotic junk!
00:02:22:Believe me, where there's smoke,|there's fire.
00:03:26:The devil! The devil!
00:03:32:The sea devil!
00:03:51:What's the matter, you lazy|good-for-nothings?
00:03:53:Why did you stop working?
00:03:57:A curse on your worthless heads!|Get back!
00:04:09:The devil!
00:04:11:- Who did you see?|- The devil, Master.
00:04:15:Then go and get acquainted|with him.
00:04:18:Let him cool down.|He's seeing all kind of nonsense.
00:04:34:Balthazar! How much do I owe you?
00:04:38:You must be kidding.|It's me who owes you lots of money.
00:04:42:Then explain why your daughter|is acting like a princess?
00:04:45:I couldn't dream of a better|husband for Gutiere than you.
00:04:49:That's why I persuaded her|to be your guest on your boat.
00:04:53:You must show her|what a nice man you are.
00:04:56:I've done nothing else lately!
00:05:04:You don't seem to notice me.
00:05:07:I've noticed how you kicked|Christo overboard.
00:05:11:Wait a minute, Gutiere!
00:05:13:It's true that sometimes I'm rough|with others. But with you...
00:05:17:I love you.
00:05:19:I can offer you both my name|and my fortune.
00:05:22:You're not one who gives away|so much for nothing.
00:05:24:That's how you repay me|for my kindness.
00:05:27:Must I pay already?
00:05:34:- You can't get away by running!|- Then I'll swim!
00:05:39:She's got a will of her own!
00:05:41:Father! Send my things ashore!
00:05:44:That's too much!
00:05:47:Come back now!
00:05:51:You better go get her.
00:06:02:There's a shark!
00:06:14:Help! Didn't you see the shark?
00:06:18:We're afraid of the sea devil!
00:09:07:Easy now. Poor little darling!
00:09:13:It's a miracle.|I saw the shark myself.
00:09:18:- All of us saw it.|- I saw it too.
00:09:21:I split the shark wide open.
00:09:52:I understand everything, father.|I wish I could love him.
00:09:57:But I can't help it.
00:10:01:Listen, Gutiere...|What will become of us?
00:10:08:You know how many debts we have.
00:10:12:Think of me and my old age.
00:10:31:I hope you're feeling better.
00:10:34:Yes, thank you, Don Pedro.
00:10:36:She wants to tell you|something important.
00:10:55:You tell him, father.
00:11:12:Don't worry. You can make|a public announcement.
00:11:22:She will marry you.
00:11:32:To Gutiere! To you!
00:11:35:And to our children!
00:11:42:Your daughter won't be sorry.|I'm rich as I am.
00:11:45:But soon,|I'll be fantastically rich.
00:11:50:You know, I have an idea.
00:12:05:I'm going to get rid of those bums
00:12:07:and employ just one pearl diver.
00:12:11:Guess who it will be!
00:12:17:The sea devil!
00:12:19:Come on. An hour ago, you|didn't believe in his existence.
00:12:23:I still don't believe in|any sea devil.
00:12:26:But this is some smart creature|living under water.
00:12:32:I've seen him as close as you now.
00:12:34:- Where?|- Never mind.
00:12:39:I've seen him.
00:13:18:Miss, are you all right?
00:13:21:I came to find out how you are.
00:13:25:The devil!
00:13:28:The sea devil is out there!
00:13:31:Down there, on the anchor!
00:13:51:Get the nets ready! Hurry!
00:13:53:We won't risk our necks|going after the sea devil.
00:13:57:Move! The net!
00:14:08:Maybe you just imagined it?
00:14:10:No, I didn't, father!|He talked to me.
00:14:13:Faster! Use some muscle!|Hurry!
00:14:34:I'll get him!|No matter what it costs me!
00:14:40:You coming in with me on this?
00:14:44:- But I got no money...|- Never mind that!
00:14:47:I'll lend you the money.|You're in the family now.
00:14:51:Once we've got this creature,|then we'll settle up.
00:16:16:I see this place is still|under seven locks.
00:16:18:Come in, Mr. Olsen.
00:16:26:Please, wait here.
00:16:38:Ah, Olsen! It's been a long time!
00:16:41:It wasn't easy getting in.
00:16:43:It wasn't intended|to keep you away.
00:16:46:Break those secret doors.|Don't bury yourself alive.
00:16:54:I have my reasons|to be afraid of people.
00:17:01:Twenty years ago a band of ignorant|fools destroyed my laboratory.
00:17:06:They even tried to shoot me.
00:17:10:I hope you're not accusing|the entire human race
00:17:12:of being as unprincipled|as those vandals.
00:17:15:You still treat patients,|don't you?
00:17:19:I'm a scientist. That's my duty.
00:17:26:Dear friend,|I've come here for two reasons.
00:17:30:First, what can Dr. Salvatore|tell our newspaper
00:17:35:about the sea devil?
00:17:38:Devils don't exist,|either in the sea or on land.
00:17:42:That's all you can print|as my statement.
00:17:47:Couldn't it be some creature|not yet known to scientists?
00:17:52:You must be hungry.|Will you join me for breakfast?
00:18:17:He's been seen here several times.|Dive in once more, Balthazar.
00:18:20:- Drop the anchor.|- Good!
00:18:30:You look like a pirate!
00:18:34:With such knives my forefathers
00:18:36:would slice out the stomachs of|anyone who go in their way.
00:19:48:- Well, what?|- I saw...
00:19:50:- What? Him?|- No. His burrow.
00:19:52:It leads somewhere over there.
00:19:59:- Who lives up there?|- God.
00:20:01:Quit joking.
00:20:03:I'm not joking.|He must be a god.
00:20:05:He makes lame people walk,|he gives blind people their sight.
00:20:08:We've got a devil in the bay|and some god over it...
00:20:11:It's the home of|the great Dr. Salvatore.
00:20:16:We won't waste our time then.
00:20:19:But that tunnel, that's where|we're going to catch him.
00:20:25:Last week the prosecutor|read my article
00:20:29:and a fine was imposed|on our newspaper.
00:20:34:We don't have any money,|our newspaper is for poor people.
00:20:41:Won't you be willing|to lend us ten thousand?
00:20:46:Otherwise, we'll be closed.
00:20:48:My dear Olsen! If it's for you,|you have only to ask.
00:20:52:But I won't give anything|for your newspaper.
00:20:55:Thank you very much, but|personally, I don't need a thing.
00:20:59:With me it's a matter of principle,|not to get involved in politics.
00:21:03:So let's leave everything|the way it is?
00:21:06:Not at all! The unfortunate|people should be helped.
00:21:10:Not by a politician, or a newspaper|man, but by a scientist.
00:21:19:- Really?|- Yes.
00:21:21:- And that means you?|- Exactly!
00:21:27:I will lead the poor|to a land of abundance
00:21:32:where no one will oppress them.
00:21:36:Where to?|Heaven? The moon?
00:21:45:To the ocean!
00:22:02:At the bottom of the ocean,|there're neither poor nor wealthy.
00:22:08:Everyone will be free|and happy there.
00:22:12:Will it be a republic|of the drowned?
00:22:15:Don't laugh. I am letting|you in on a great secret.
00:22:23:Can you imagine an ocean
00:22:28:populated by people capable of|breathing under water like fishes?
00:22:32:Dear friend,|that sounds like a fairy tale.
00:22:37:No, it's not a fairy tale.
00:22:40:Come with me.
00:23:42:The sea devil!
00:23:47:If you don't mind.
00:23:49:It's my son, lchthyander.
00:23:51:The first citizen|of the underwater republic.
00:24:12:Change your clothes|and come back here.
00:24:15:All right, father.
00:24:24:As a young boy, he contracted|an incurable lung disease.
00:24:30:In a desperate attempt to save him
00:24:32:I replaced his lungs with|the gills of a shark.
00:24:37:This risky operation|was a success.
00:24:44:That's when I got the idea of|creating an underwater republic.
00:24:49:I bow before your surgeon's skill.
00:24:55:But your idea of the underwater|republic is an utopian dream.
00:24:59:What's to prevent poor and rich|from springing up again?
00:25:02:I've already read all that|in your newspaper.
00:25:04:Suppose you plant gills in|everybody who wants them.
00:25:10:Human nature won't change.
00:25:13:People will miss the land.
00:25:21:Let's stop this discussion.
00:25:27:Don't be afraid.|This is my friend, Olsen.
00:25:33:Tell me, you...
00:25:35:Don't you miss people,|the land?
00:25:40:Today you have learned|more than enough.
00:25:43:And remember, not a word|to anyone!
00:26:03:Did you forget what you were|supposed to bring me back?
00:26:17:Did I ask you for that?
00:26:30:Stop that. You're behaving|like a little boy.
00:26:37:You've been attracting|quite a bit of attention.
00:26:41:I don't want people to know|about you.
00:26:45:The newspapers are printing|ridiculous tales about you.
00:26:48:Father, I saved a girl's life|yesterday.
00:26:52:She was drowning.
00:26:54:Did she see you?
00:26:56:I don't think so.|She was unconscious.
00:27:00:She is very beautiful.
00:27:02:But her eyes are so sad.
00:27:06:How much I would like|to see h...
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