AFV Modeller - Issue 17 - 3 - SdKfz 250 mit 5cm Pak.pdf

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By Rudi Meir
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A fter buying the excellent
daytrip, so the idea for building the model
was shelved until I met Pekka Toivonen a
Finnish modeller at Euromilitaire.
Earlier that year he had taken some
pictures of the vehicle, I was ready to kiss
him but luckily he was more than happy
with a pint !
When the pictures arrived I was a little
disappointed as there were only three
pictures from the interior but they were
excellent quality. The pictures show all the
gunmount detail I needed to build the
mount but for the rest the interior was
completely empty, no floor no driver’s
seat…nothing, only rubbish between the
suspension parts. There were still a lot of
unanswered questions but I decided to
start building anyway and see how the
details would be worked out later.
base to start working from. I lengthed the
back of the lower hull 5 mm with
plasticcard and reversed the angle of the
back plate from 15° inwards to 15°
outwards, the bottom sides were filled in
with 1 mm thick plastic card. Next step
was fitting the upper hull, I cut off the
entire hull only leaving the engine deck and
replaced everything else with thin plastic
sheet as the Dragon parts are too thick.
The first problem I found was with the roof
which seems not to be correct in the Ryton
drawings, in the pictures of the real vehicle
you can see that the roof was cut out
round and not straight as in the book. This
was to allow the upper hull to be bolted
against the bulkheads which were welded
to the lower hull. The in-progress pictures
will show what I mean.
The next problem was the front floor, the
front bulkhead and drivers position which
were detailed with the excellent Aber set
(35073 ). Now problem number two came
up - there is no room for the fuel tank in
the fighting compartment. This is normally
Schutzenpanzer book from Ryton I
saw a vehicle in it that was
completly new to me, it was a 250 NEU
with a 5 cm PAK mounted on top. It had an
instant appeal to me and has everything to
build into a great looking model. I always
look for a challenge to start a model and
this one had it all, be it in the paintjob or in
the building.
Having already build the 251/22 Pakwagen
using the CMD conversion I really wanted
to have a go at it’s smaller brother.
The only trouble was that in the Ryton
book there were no pictures, just some
drawings Using the drawings from the
book it should be possible to build the
lengthed chassis but I had absolutely no
idea on how the gun was mounted to the
After about six months of asking friends
and surfing the net I found out there was
only one surviving vehicle left in the
Kalemegdan Fortress in Belgrade in former
Yugoslavia. A bit too far away for a quick
To build the vehicle I used the Dragon
250/1 kit 6100 and the 5 cm PAK gun kit
6118. I started with reversing the angle of
the back armoured plate, this gave me the
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fitted in the rear under the radio as it would
not be possible to operate the gun this
So again after numerous E-mails and
telephone calls the consensus was that the
fueltank could have been mounted
beneath the floor as is the case with the
sdkfz 10 Demag with the same chassis.
This was good news to me, saved me the
work of building another one. A new floor
was made from plastic sheet and covered
with Aber’s floor plate set 35A87.
With the floor in place the upper hull was
temporarily taped to the lower hull with
Tamiya tape. I now started building the gun
mount. As I had no measurements it took
a lot of test fitting before a satisfying result
was achieved. I had to build the basic
shape of the gun to determine its correct
height in relation to the top of the hull. As
you can see there are a lot of if’s and but’s
but I think the overall appearance the
vehicle looks correct.
to stow the ammo? After checking my
reference the PAK 38 shells were almost
the same size and diameter as those in
the stummel which has the 7.5 cm KWK 37
gun. Again Aber came to the rescue, in the
stummel set ( 35074 ) you get the choice
of two ammo boxes I took the rectangular
box and it fitted perfectly under the gun
mount so my guesswork paid off.
There’s no other place in the back of the
vehicle to stow the shells because of the
gun’s recoil. An alternative could be to
stow the loose shells in their canisters
under the gun, but in my opinion it would
not have been an easy task to get a shell
out of it’s casing in such a cramped
vehicle. So an ammobox sounded more
logical . I also scratchbuilt a rack on the
right side that could hold six ready to use
rounds just as in the Stummel using the
Aber part as a template. A foldable
gunner’s seat was also made on the left
side from leftover brass parts with a seat
made from Magic Sculp.
All the smaller bits and pieces were now
Last but not the least problem was where
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added to the interior. The gun itself was the
easiest part of the conversion, it was built
as per instructions and detailed up with
Aber set 35096. The hardest part here was
the gunshield which was a bit fiddly to
assemble but after some swearing and
two pots of coffee they fitted together
nicely. The undercarriage of the gun and
the rest of the PE parts were fed to my
hungry scrapbox.
After three weeks of frantic gluing and
soldering the interior was now ready for
painting, but more on that later. After the
upper and lower halves were mated
together with superglue the upper hull was
detailed with all the little rivets I’d lost with
sanding, also welding beads were made
from stretched sprue. On front of the
vehicle an armoured air intake cover was
made, on the pictures of the real vehicle
only a rectangular slit is seen but over this
the cover was fitted.
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