Manning - Spring in Action (2008).pdf

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Praise for the First Edition
“This is one of those rare books that connect a tutorial for using a certain software
product with a plethora of ideas on good software design and design patterns. I
enjoyed this book very much...”
Computing Reviews
“Covers all the bases with extensive examples and explicit instructions...a superbly
organized and fluently written instruction and reference manual.”
Internet Bookwatch
“...easy to read...and has just enough humor mixed in...”
“While Spring’s reference documentation is high quality, this book makes learning
Spring much more enjoyable. The book injects a fair amount of humor that keeps it
entertaining. If you want to learn Spring, you can’t go wrong with this offering.”
Bill Siggelkow’s Weblog
Author of Jakarta Struts Cookbook
“Truly a great resource... The book clearly defines the power that Spring brings to
enterprise programmers and how Spring abstracts away many of the tougher J2EE
services that most serious applications use. The book has been through a rigorous early
access program, so thankfully grammar and code errors are all but non-existent. To
me, there is nothing worse than trying to learn a new technology from a poorly written
and edited technical book. Thankfully, Craig, Ryan, and the Manning team have
paid attention to detail and produced a book that I highly recommend.”
“A complete reference manual that covers nearly every aspect of Spring. This doesn’t
mean it is complicated: every explanation is clear and there are a lot of code examples.
...[it] explains clearly what “Inversion of Control” and AOP mean and how Spring
makes them possible. you can write services and Daos, and how you can simply
implement transaction management and service remoting. ...the third part talks
about the Web layer covering Spring MVC as well as other technologies and
frameworks. ...Overall an excellent resource for any developer interested in using
Spring in his project.”
—Java User Group Milano
Spring in Action
Second Edition
with Ryan Breidenbach
(74° w. long.)
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Manning Publications Co.
Copyeditor: Liz Welch
Sound View Court 3B
Typesetter: Dottie Marsico
Greenwich, CT 06830
Cover designer: Leslie Haimes
ISBN 1-933988-13-4
Printed in the United States of America
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