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Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Performance
Optimization and Tuning Handbook
Ken England
Digital Press An imprint of Butterworth-Heinemann
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
England, Ken, 1955-
Microsoft SQL server 2000 performance optimization and tuning handbook / Ken England.
p. cm.
Includes index.
ISBN 1-55558-241-9 (pbk.: alk. paper)
1. Client/server computing. 2. SQL server. 3. Relational databases. I. Title.
QA76.9.C55 E635 2001
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To Margaret, Michael, and Katy
Ken England is President and Founder of Database Technologies, a database consultancy,
product evaluation, and training firm. He is also a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer and a
Microsoft Certified Trainer. His previous books for Digital Press have helped thousands of
professionals make the best possible use of their SQL databases.
Most of all, I would like to thank Margaret, Michael, and Katy England for their long
suffering while I was locked in my study writing this text. Writing about databases is,
unfortunately, not an activity in which most of the family can join in. Because of this, writing
and being sociable are usually mutually exclusive!
Margaret had to spend many a weekend anchored to the house. Michael missed out on
computer game time, kicking a ball around, and tinkering with our old Series II Land Rover.
He was very patient while his dad kept disappearing in front of a PC for protracted periods of
time. Katy missed out on company while she watched cartoons.
Also an apology to Holly, my German Shepherd, who missed out on many walks. It's best not
to annoy German Shepherds too much!
As well as the friends and colleagues who encouraged me with the book, I would like to give
an extra special thanks to the following people.
A very special thank you to Keith Burns, who always has a bubbling enthusiasm for SQL
Server; Nigel Stanley and the folk at ICS Solutions for helping to put SQL Server on the map;
Dave Gay from Microsoft (UK), an old friend, who stimulates my grey matter through many
deep discussions; Chris Atkinson from Microsoft, another old friend, who has helped me out
on many occasions and has also stimulated my grey matter; and also, Doctor Lilian Hobbs, a
database comrade-in-arms, and Doctor Jeff Middleton for debating many SQL Server and
related topics while on 20 mile hikes!
I would also like to thank Karl Dehmer, Lori Oviatt, and Adam Shapiro from Microsoft
Training Development, who came all the way over to the United Kingdom to teach an
absolutely superb SQL Server 6.5 performance tuning and optimization course a few years
ago. Their enthusiasm then for SQL Server performance tuning rubbed off on me and gave
me a much-needed boost to complete the SQL Server 6.5 book and now this one. Another
special thanks goes to friends at Butterworth-Heinemann. Many thanks to our other friends in
Microsoft, without whose skill and hard work SQL Server 2000 would not be the excellent
product it is today.
Ken England
January 2001
My last SQL Server performance book was aimed at SQL Server 6.5. When Microsoft
released SQL Server 7.0 it was almost as if it were a new product. Although it was backward
compatible in many areas with SQL Server 6.5, the architecture was very different. For
starters, the on-disk structure was completely changed. The usage of files was much improved
over SQL Server 6.5, and SQL Server 7.0 now had an 8 Kb database page size. The query
optimizer was greatly enhanced with many new query plans possible, in particular in the use
of multiple indexes and table joins. The query processor could also now execute complex
queries in parallel. As well as all these changes and many more, Windows 2000 was
beginning to slowly appear on the horizon.
For these reasons, I decided that upgrading a SQL Server 6.5 performance and tuning book to
SQL Server 7.0 was not going to be a trivial task and would be much more than an editing
exercise. I decided that my goal would be to work with SQL Server 7.0 through its lifetime in
my usual performance-tuning-consultancy capacity and not rewrite the book until I felt
confident with the way the new architecture behaved. Of course, nothing stays still for long
with software, especially Microsoft software, and so the actual book-writing goal was to write
a SQL Server 2000 version.
SQL Server 2000 has added many useful enhancements to SQL Server 7.0, but it is still the
SQL Server 7.0 architecture and, therefore, behaves pretty much in the same way. I say to my
students that if you know SQL Server 7.0, you pretty much know SQL Server 2000.
So here goes-the follow-up to the SQL Server 6.5 performance and tuning book. I hope you
like this updated SQL Server 2000 version.
The chapters are written to follow one another in a logical fashion, building on some of the
topics introduced in previous chapters. The structure of the chapters is as follows:
Chapter 1 introduces the goals of performance tuning and the elements of the physical
database design process including data volume analysis and transaction analysis. It
also introduces the example BankingDB database.
Chapter 2 describes the SQL Server storage structures including database files,
databases, database pages, and extents.
Chapter 3 introduces clustered indexes and nonclustered indexes. How data is inserted
and retrieved and choosing the appropriate index for a given situation are discussed.
Chapter 4 introduces the query optimizer and steps in the query optimization process.
This chapter also discusses the special approach to query optimization used by stored
Chapter 5 looks at the interaction between SQL Server and Windows 2000 in the areas
of CPU, memory, and disk I/O. How to track down and remove bottlenecks is
Chapter 6 introduces SQL Server locking mechanisms and strategies and the methods
and tools available for monitoring locks.
Chapter 7 looks at performance monitoring and the tools available to assist the
database administrator.
Chapter 8 provides a performance tuning aide-mémoire.
I really enjoy tuning databases and making them run fast. Even more, I really enjoy taking an
elusive performance problem, tracking it down, and fixing it. I hope you, too, find the same
level of enjoyment that I do and that this book kick-starts your interest in performance tuning
SQL Server.
Chapter 1: Introducing Performance
Tuning and Physical Database Design
1.1 What is performance tuning?
What is the goal of tuning a SQL Server database? The goal is to improve performance until
acceptable levels are reached. Acceptable levels can be defined in a number of ways. For a
large online transaction processing (OLTP) application the performance goal might be to
provide subsecond response time for critical transactions and to provide a response time of
less than two seconds for 95 percent of the other main transactions. For some systems,
typically batch systems, acceptable performance might be measured in throughput. For
example, a settlement system may define acceptable performance in terms of the number of
trades settled per hour. For an overnight batch suite acceptable performance might be that it
must finish before the business day starts.
Whatever the system, designing for performance should start early in the design process and
continue after the application has gone live. Performance tuning is not a one-off process but
an iterative process during which response time is measured, tuning performed, and response
time measured again.
There is no right way to design a database; there are a number of possible approaches and all
these may be perfectly valid. It is sometimes said that performance tuning is an art, not a
science. This may be true, but it is important to undertake performance tuning experiments
with the same kind of rigorous, controlled conditions under which scientific experiments are
performed. Measurements should be taken before and after any modification, and these
should be made one at a time so it can be established which modification, if any, resulted in
an improvement or degradation.
What areas should the database designer concentrate on? The simple answer to this question
is that the database designer should concentrate on those areas that will return the most
benefit. In my experience, for most database designs I have worked with, large gains are
typically made in the area of query and index design. As we shall see later in this book,
inappropriate indexes and badly written queries, as well as some other contributing factors,
can negatively influence the query optimizer such that it chooses an inefficient strategy.
To give you some idea of the gains to be made in this area I once was asked to look at a query
that joined a number of large tables together. The query was abandoned after it had not
completed within 12 hours. The addition of an index in conjunction with a modification to the
query meant the query now completed in less than eight minutes! This magnitude of gain
cannot be achieved just by purchasing more hardware or by twiddling with some arcane SQL
Server configuration option. A database designer or administrator's time is always limited, so
make the best use of it! The other main area where gains can be dramatic is lock contention.
Removing lock bottlenecks in a system with a large number of users can have a huge impact
on response times.
Now, some words of caution when chasing performance problems. If users phone up to tell
you that they are getting poor response times, do not immediately jump to conclusions about
what is causing the problem. Circle at a high altitude first. Having made sure that you are
about to monitor the correct server use the System Monitor to look at the CPU, disk
subsystem, and memory use. Are there any obvious bottlenecks? If there are, then look for the
culprit. Everyone blames the database, but it could just as easily be someone running his or
her favorite game! If there are no obvious bottlenecks, and the CPU, disk, and memory
counters in the System Monitor are lower than usual, then that might tell you something.
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