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Happy Daze
A Life Worth Living
Seminar Workbook
Brian Colbert©
This DVD and its accompanying Booklet would not have been
possible without the inspiration and influence of some of the
greatest creators of human excellence programs that I have had
the pleasure to learn from, namely; Dr. Richard Bandler, John
Grinder, John LaValle, Jim Rohn, Anthony Robbins, Robert Diltz,
Dr.Maxwell Maltz, Stephen Covey, Nightingale Conant, Wayne
Dyer, Napoleon Hill and many more.
That being said, the fuel for my motivation and direction in life
comes mostly from my soul mate, best friend, life partner and
business manager Theresa and our two creatively fun loving
mischievous sons, Dylan and Cian.
I would also like to acknowledge my business partner and friend
Owen Fitzpatrick whose loyalty, determination, enthusiasm and
zest for life is an inspiration to all who have the good fortune to
meet him.
Last but by no means least a million thanks to, the third arm of The
Irish Institute of NLP friend, confidant and drinking buddy Michael
Connelly and of course Tony Parish whose Trojan dedication
makes a project like this become a synchronised professional
viewing experience.
Brian Colbert
1. Circle of Life
2. What Stops you
3. Accomplishments
4. Resources
5. Well Formed Outcomes
6. Affirmations
7. Inspiration
8. Motivation
9. Appreciation
10. Circle of Influence
11. Law of Requisite Variety
12. Final Month
13. Values
14. Roles
15. Mission Statement
“The Future depends on what we do in the present” Mahatma Gandhi
This booklet and accompanying DVD has been compiled to help
you so that you can act in accordance with what matters most.
I cannot emphasise strongly enough the importance of what you
are about to do; for the following process will provide you with a
template, a reference point, a focus and purpose to your existence
that will help you to make the most out of everyday, every hour,
and every minute of your life.
As with everything I do, I use NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming)
which means that both your conscious and unconscious mind will
be engaged in the learning process.
This means that simply by viewing the DVD you are already
enhancing your ability to become happier and more successful in
It is important that you view the DVD right the way through to get
the full benefits of unconscious installation and afterwards feel free
to dip in and out at random. Completion of this process may take
some time, so do it at your leisure; re-visit it a number of times if
you have to, just ensure that you give it your full attention so that
you may get the maximum benefit.
Knowing your values, being aware of your unique purpose in life
and having a goal plan empowers you to take decisions that
towards greater levels of success and Happiness.
Knowing what you want, what you stand for, where you are going
and how you intend to get there is a powerful antidote for dealing
with the challenges of everyday living. This booklet and its
accompanying DVD will provide you with some of the most
effective techniques for handling and overcoming everyday
Frustrations and stress.
You will be able to reduce procrastination time and make better
decisions. You will become happier and more effective by reducing
the levels of hesitation and conflict in your life.
About this Process
The importance of drafting a Personal Mission Statement
Everybody dreams of what they would like to do; who they would
like to be or what they would like to get out of life, at some time or
other. However, many of us fail to put in place a clearly defined
strategic plan for achieving those objectives. This DVD and its
accompanying booklet helps you to keep those things foremost in
your mind .It serves as an effective motivator and reminder that we
only get one shot at this life that we know for sure. Having your
own Personal Mission Statement means that you can have at arms
length your own objective advice to steer you through those times
of indecision and conflict and redirect yourself back to the path of
your own personal priorities and objectives.
This DVD and its accompanying booklet will cause you to think
deeply about your life. It serves to clarify the purpose of your life
and to identify what is really important to you. It brings into your
awareness your deepest and often unquestioned values and
aspirations and causes them to be firmly fixed in your mind. .
This DVD and its accompanying booklet is the starting point of
your journey in Personal Leadership. It sets the guidelines that you
will live your life by and provides the groundwork for your personal
fulfilment. The true test of your efforts will be evident when you find
at the end of the process that you have a Personal Mission
statement that truly inspires you; and a selection of goals that you
feel excited and passionate about.
For your added benefit we have separated two of the Hypnotic
inductions and put them on a cd, in this way you can choose
simply to listen to these as a part of reinforcing what you will have
already learned without having to re-visit the DVD each time.
We have even laid out your DVD chapter format so that after the
initial viewing you will have the opportunity to be selective and go
back to the areas you are most drawn to time and time again to get
the benefits of what this is all about.
The Circle of Life
Take up a pen, and complete the chart by circling or marking where you feel
that you currently stand in relation to the above stated areas of your life. The
number of points you can assign range from 1-10. One is the minimum
amount of points which means you are totally dissatisfied and ten is the
maximum which means you are totally satisfied (i.e. that there is no room for
improvement). Once you have completed the chart, connect the points; next
place today’s date in the left-hand box below. The next time you visit this, say
in a month's time you can use a different colour pen, redo the exercise and
plot your progress. You can use the above categories as reference points to
assist in the formulation of your goals.
6 months time:
3 months time:
12 Months time:
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