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Karmic Tarot: A Profound System for Finding and Following Your Life's Path
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Third Edition
Karmic Tarot
A Profound System for Finding and Following Your
Life’s Path
William C. Lammey
A division of The Career Press, Inc.
Franklin Lakes, NJ
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Copyright © 2002 by William C. Lammey
All rights reserved under the Pan-American and International Copyright Conventions.
This book may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, in any form or by any means elec-
tronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage
and retrieval system now known or hereafter invented, without written permission from
the publisher, The Career Press.
The interpretations of the Tarot represented in this volume have been developed over
many years of research, study, and teaching by the author. However, this book is not in-
tended to diagnose, prescribe, or treat any physical or spiritual malady, nor is it intended in
any way a replacement for medical or psychological consultation when needed. The au-
thor and publisher of this book do not guarantee the efficacy of any of the methods herein
described. Questions regarding permission to use this material for teaching purposes should
be directed to the author in care of the publisher.
Illustrations from the Rider-Waite Tarot deck reproduced by permission of U.S. Games
Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902 USA. Copyright © 1971 by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.
Further reproduction prohibited. Charts by William C. Lammey.
Edited and typeset by Nicole DeFelice
Cover design by The Visual Group
Printed in the U.S.A. by Book-mart Press
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Lammey, William C.
Karmic tarot : a profound system for finding and following your life’s path / Bill Lammey.—3rd edition.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 1-56414-543-3 (pbk.)
1. Tarot. I. Title
BF1879.T2 L35 2002
133.3 2424—dc21
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I dedicate this book to the fortunate people whose lives are touched by the transfor-
mative wisdom and power of the Tarot.
To you, the reader, may these pages contribute to healthy, steady growth on your
spiritual path and reveal the counselor, the confidant, waiting for you in Karmic Tarot.
How books come to be written is a magical process. Much of that magic comes in the
form of concrete assistance from family, friends, associates, and even strangers. We are
each other’s guardian angels, crossing paths with the people who carry the appropriate
message and offer the timely assistance for the lessons trying to reach us.
Our progress comes from everyone and everything we encounter daily. But, I want to
cite the strategic events and thank the extraordinary people who brought me to this point
on my path.
This book was originally published in 1987 by publisher Al Saunders at Newcastle
Press. When I began writing it in 1985, I was still a practicing architect and bookstore owner.
The mid-80’s was a difficult time in Houston, with the double impact of a crumbling oil-
dominated economy depriving many people of their livelihood, and the ravages of AIDS
depriving many of their lives.
My days, which had been occupied with business, working toward a vague something in
the future, opened to the immediacy of the problems and pain in my community. Ironi-
cally, my long-time fascination with eastern philosophy, in particular Zen Buddhism and
Taoism, moved from the intellectual realm into the hard pragmatism of everyday life.
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I had been reading Tarot cards for myself and those close to me since moving to Hous-
ton from Brussels, Belgium in 1972. With the recession and my architecture practice dead
in the water, I was spending more time in the bookstore and customers began asking me
questions about the books I was selling. To my surprise and pleasure, I found myself able to
answer many of those questions. And, to even greater surprise, many people asked me to
read the Tarot for them.
In the fall of 1985 I accepted an invitation to do Tarot readings at the Renaissance
Festival in Magnolia, Texas. The intensity of that six-week event became a crucible in which
I received countless revelations about the origin and meaning of the Tarot. In reading
after reading, layer after layer of new insights came to me. One of those insights was that
the exchange of knowledge between the reader and the querent/readee is always equal.
The reader also learns in every reading. So my first thanks must go to the people I read for
on those cold weekends in Magnolia.
Thankfully, this book is now moving into its third edition. Rarely is an author given the
opportunity to clarify, much less add to, his original intentions. I was blessed with Kelly
Younger as editor of the first edition. She was the perfect balance of nurturing and disci-
pline that this overly sensitive, neophyte writer desperately needed.
I will ever be thankful to the editors of the second edition—Ed Buryn and Gina Rene
Gross, and the designer Michele Lance-Altomare. They added a maturity and commercial
consideration missing in the original.
Of special importance to any writer is the environment in which he lives and works. I am
fortunate to live in Austin, Texas where daily experience enriches everything I write about.
Friends and family here are a constant inspiration and support.
Everyone I have ever read the Tarot for is in me somewhere, especially those who have
studied with me. Two students in particular, Pat Morgan and Lee Sabrsula McGroty, have
been indefatigable Karmic Tarot enthusiasts and have woven its lessons into the fabric of
their lives and the lives of their own students.
Now, with this new edition from Career Press/New Page Books, I am able to go even
further in providing the reader with more pragmatic tools for using the Tarot. The edi-
tors—Mike Lewis (Acquistions), Stacey Farkas (Managing), and Nicole DeFelice (Copy)—
have made me a better writer, and Karmic Tarot a better book. Nicole’s immersion into the
minutist details of the original book was extraordinary, enabling me to clarify and hone my
intended message, especially in the more complex philosophical passages. I could not have
asked for more. Thank you, editors.
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