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Chemical Defense Equipment
Chapter 17
Respiratory Protection
Protective Clothing
Psychological Factors
Point Detectors
Standoff Detectors
Individual Protection
Detection and Identification
Personnel Decontamination
Equipment Decontamination
Decontamination Methods in Development
Chemically Protected Deployable Medical System
Collectively Protected Expeditionary Medical Support
Chemical and Biological Protected Shelter
M20 Simplified Collective Protection Equipment
Modular General Purpose Tent System Chemical-Biological Protective Liner System
Patient Protective Wrap
Individual Chemical Patient Resuscitation Device
Decontaminable Litter
* Sergeant First Class, US Army (Retired); Consultant, Battelle Scientific Program Office, 50101 Governors Drive, Suite 110, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Field Medical Education Specialist, US Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense, 3100 Ricketts Point Road, Aberdeen Proving Ground,
Maryland 21010-5400
Sergeant First Class, US Army (Retired); PO Box 46, Aberdeen, Maryland 21010; formerly, Noncommissioned Officer in Charge, Chemical Casualty
Care Office, US Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland 21010-5425
§ Formerly, Director, Environmental and Life Sciences, Office of the Director of Defense Research, Office of the Secretary of Defense, Department of
Defense, Washington, DC; Deceased
¥ Research Scientist, Chemical, Biological, Radiological & Nuclear Defense Information Analysis Center, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland 21010-
Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare
A number of countries around the world have
the capability to use chemical weapons, and terror-
ist groups around the world display great interest
in these weapons and the willingness to use them.
Within the past 2 decades, incidents of chemical
weapons use in armed conflict, most notably during
the Iran-Iraq War, have been well documented. The
most recent threat of such use was during the Persian
Gulf War, when US forces were possibly exposed to
both chemical and biological agents. 1 However, the
threat is no longer restricted to the battlefield. Recent
events such as the September 11, 2001, terrorist attack
on the World Trade Center in New York City and the
Pentagon in Washington, DC, and subsequent national
threat warnings, have raised fears of a future terrorist
incident involving chemical agents. An essential part
of preparedness to ensure continued operations in a
chemical environment, whether in armed conflict or
during a terrorist attack, is adequate equipment. Such
equipment must encompass detection and warning,
personal protection, decontamination, and treatment.
Only an integrated approach to these aspects of pro-
tection can ensure an effective response in a chemical
warfare environment with a minimum degradation in
human performance. 1,2
The primary item of protection is the personal res-
pirator, designed to protect individuals against volatile
agents and aerosols. The respirator must be carefully
fitted to ensure minimal leakage, and individuals must
be well trained in donning masks (a maximum time
of ≤ 9 sec is desirable). In addition to the respiratory
hazard, many chemical agents are dermally active,
requiring that a proper overgarment, usually con-
taining an activated charcoal layer to adsorb chemi-
cal agent, be donned, along with protective gloves
and footwear. The complete ensemble can seriously
degrade individual performance; a 50% reduction in
mission-related task performance has routinely been
measured in tests. In addition to physical perfor-
mance degradation, psychological problems in some
individuals wearing the complete ensemble, owing to
its claustrophobic effects, have been reported. 3 This
subject is discussed separately in the attachment at
the end of this chapter.
The rapid “detection and warning” of chemical
agent use is critical to force protection. 4,5 Usually, the
chemical agent will be delivered via an aerial or mis-
sile attack, or in an upwind release causing a cloud
of agent to pass over a troop concentration. Because
the effects of agents can sometimes occur in less
than a minute, timely detection is required to permit
all potentially exposed forces to adopt an adequate
posture. Detection equipment is also used to confirm
agent hazard reduction, which facilitates reducing
the mission-oriented protective posture (MOPP)
level and removal of protection equipment—the “all
clear” signal.
Decontamination of equipment, facilities, and
personnel is also required after an attack if effective
military operations are to be maintained. Some of
this decontamination burden can be mitigated by
the use of effective collective protection equipment,
which can allow continuing operations, such as
communications and medical care, within protected
This chapter is not intended as an all-encompass-
ing overview of chemical defense equipment; rather,
it will describe the items and operations of greatest
interest to the medical community. The following
sections address in detail each of the protection areas
described above. Current equipment items are fea-
tured, and items in development that are designed
to overcome the deficiencies of current equipment
are briefly described. Sufficient technical data are
included to allow healthcare professionals to become
familiar with the equipment’s operation, components,
and the limitations. Several sources that provide ad-
ditional detail are available, including the written
references and expert consultants to this chapter.
Possibly of more value to the healthcare professional
are chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear
(CBRN) officers who are an integral part of each
combat element and can provide detailed advice as
well as hands-on assistance.
One criterion for the selection of protective equip-
ment items is suitability for joint service use; differ-
ences between the missions of air and ground crews
must be accommodated. As new and better chemical
defense equipment is developed and made available
to the forces, several principles must be followed for
an optimal outcome:
Intelligence must continually identify new
agents that may be used against combat forces
and ensure that the defense equipment meets
the new threats.
A viable, active training program must be
Medical input into operations while partici-
pants are wearing protective equipment is vital
to maintenance of a combat operation. Planned
rest periods consonant with work loads and
MOPP gear will allow continuing opera-
tions even in a contaminated environment.
Chemical Defense Equipment
Agents of chemical warfare can exist in three physi-
cal forms: gas, liquid, and aerosol (ie, a suspension in
air of liquid or solid particles). These agents can gain
entry into the body through two broad anatomical
routes: (1) the mucosa of the oral and respiratory tracts
and (2) the skin. Protection against chemical agents
includes use of the gas mask, which protects the oral
and nasal passages (as well as the eyes), while the
skin is protected by the overgarment. An integrated
approach to total individual protection, with respira-
tory protection as the primary goal, combined with an
overgarment, gloves, and footwear, all properly fitted
and used correctly, can provide excellent protection
against chemical agents of all known types. 1
adsorbing it, or both. Destruction by chemical reac-
tion was adopted in some of the earliest protective
equipment such as the “hypo helmet” of 1915 (chlorine
was removed by reaction with sodium thiosulfate)
and the British and German masks of 1916 (phosgene
was removed by reaction with hexamethyltetramine). 6
More commonly, the removal of the agent was brought
about by its physical adsorption onto activated char-
coal. (Charcoal, because of its mode of formation,
has an extraordinarily large surface area, approxi-
mately 300–2,000 m 2 /g, with a correspondingly large
number of binding sites. 10 ) Impregnation of charcoal
with substances such as copper oxide, which reacts
chemically with certain threat agents, further increases
protection. 6
The effectiveness of modern masks is based on both
physical adsorption and chemical inactivation of the
threat agent. For example, in the older M17 series pro-
tective mask, the adsorbent, known as ASC Whetlerite
charcoal, is charcoal impregnated with copper oxide
and salts of silver and hexavalent chromium (Figure
17-1). The Centers for Disease Control and Preven-
tion and the National Institute for Occupation Safety
and Health have identified hexavalent chromium as
a potential human carcinogen. 11 Subsequently, newer
protective masks in the M40 series began using an ASZ
impregnated charcoal, which substitutes zinc for the
chromium. A filter layer to remove particles and aero-
sols greater than 3 µm in diameter is also a component
of all currently produced protective masks.
The location of the filters and adsorbent in relation
to the respiratory tract was also addressed by mask
designers in World War I. In the standard British
mask (the small box respirator of 1916), the filter and
adsorbent were housed in a separate container worn
around the soldier’s trunk and connected to the mask
by a hose. In contrast, the standard German mask, in-
troduced in late 1915, was directly attached to a small
canister containing the filter and adsorbent. The can-
ister arrangement was lighter and required less effort
to breathe, but these advantages were gained at the
expense of smaller protective capacity and a degree of
clumsiness with head movement. 1 The canister (Figure
17-2) is attached directly to the mask in the majority of
modern protective masks.
Several other essential features of modern protec-
tive mask design also originated during World War I,
for example, designing the inside of the mask so that
inhaled air is first deflected over the lenses (which
prevents exhaled air, saturated with water vapor, from
fogging the lenses) and the use of separate one-way
inlet and outlet valves (to minimize the work of breath-
Respiratory Protection
The general principles of respiratory protection are
documented in four primary source documents:
1. “Chemical Warfare Respiratory Protection:
Where We Were and Where We Are Going,”
an unpublished report prepared in 1918 for
the US Army Chemical Research, Develop-
ment, and Engineering Center 6 ;
2. Jane’s NBC Protection Equipment (the most
recent edition available), particularly the
chapter titled “Choice of Materials for Use
With NBC Protection Equipment” 7 ;
3. Basic Personal Equipment, volume 5 in the
NIAG Prefeasibility Study on a Soldier Mod-
ernisation Program , published by the North
Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in
1994 8 ; and
4. Worldwide NBC Mask Handbook , published in
1992. 9
The fundamental question of protective mask de-
sign, first addressed in World War I, is whether the
mask should completely isolate the soldier from the
poisonous environment or simply remove the spe-
cific threat substance from the ambient air before it
can reach the respiratory mucosa. The first approach
requires that a self-contained oxygen supply be pro-
vided. Because of logistical constraints (eg, weight,
size, expense), this approach is not used by the typical
service member except for specialty applications in
which the entire body must be enclosed.
The more common practice has been to follow the
second approach: to prevent the agent from reaching
the respiratory mucosa by chemically destroying it,
removing it in a nonspecific manner by physically
Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare
Fig. 17-1. (a) The M17A2 chemical-biological field mask. (b)
M13A2 filter elements are located inside the right and left
cheek in the M17 series and can only fit inside in the appro-
priate opening in the facepiece.
Photographs: Courtesy of the Chemical Casualty Care
Division, US Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical
Defense, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md.
ing). World War I mask designers also recognized the
need for masked soldiers to speak with each other but
failed to solve the problem. After the war, the US Navy
introduced the first useful communication solution: a
moveable diaphragm held in place by perforated metal
plates in the front of the mask. This device ultimately
became the “voicemitter” found in today’s protective
masks. 6
An important part of mask design is the composi-
tion of the elastic material used to cover the face (the
“faceblank”). The first World War I masks were made
of rubberized cloth or leather. Subsequent masks
used natural rubber; recently, sophisticated synthetic
polymers using silicone, butyl, and perfluorocarbon
rubbers have been used. 6 Silicone rubber has the ad-
vantage of making a tight fit or seal between the mask
and skin possible, with a correspondingly decreased
leakage potential (a factor thought to be responsible
for about 5% of mask failures). 12 Unfortunately, silicone
rubber offers rather low resistance to the penetration
of common chemical agents. Perfluorocarbon rubber
is very impermeable but is expensive and tears easily.
Butyl rubber, providing both good protection and good
seal, has become the material of choice. 7
Fig. 17-2. The C2A1 canister is used with the M40 series
protective mask. After entering through the orifice on the
left side, ambient air passes first through the pleated white
filter (where aerosols are removed), then through the layer
of ASZ charcoal, then through a second filter (to remove
charcoal dust), finally exiting the canister through the orifice
on the right side.
Photograph: Courtesy of the Chemical Casualty Care Di-
vision, US Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical
Defense, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md.
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Chemical Defense Equipment
The faceblank in current standard US military masks
consists of two separate layers: an inner layer made of
silicone rubber for maximum seal and an outer layer
made of butyl rubber for maximum protection (Figure
17-3). 1 However, recent advancements in technology
have resulted in the construction of a faceblank with
elastic material composed of a mixture of butyl and
silicone rubber, thus eliminating the need for an outer
layer of butyl rubber. The joint service general purpose
mask (JSGPM), the latest generation of protective mask
to be issued to the US military, is built on a butyl/
silicone rubber faceblank. This mask will be discussed
later in the chapter.
The sophisticated design of modern protective
masks is most evident in the recognition of the dictates
of respiratory physiology: specifically, the importance
of dead space. The greater the space between the back
of the mask and the face of the wearer in relation to
the tidal volume, the smaller the proportion of inhaled
air that will reach the alveoli. To minimize dead-space
ventilation, modern protective masks have a nose
cup— the equivalent of a second mask—fitted sepa-
rately from the mask proper and inserted between the
main mask and the wearer’s midface (Figure 17-4). The
smaller volume encompassed by the nose cup, rather
than the total volume enclosed by the entire mask, is
responsible for most of the dead space added by the
mask. Furthermore, the nose cup provides an extra
seal against entry of threat agents. 6
The work of breathing added by the mask is an
important factor; it determines not only soldiers’ ac-
ceptance of a given mask, but more importantly, the
degree that a soldier’s exercise tolerance is degraded.
Because the pressure gradient required to move a given
mass of air is flow-rate dependent, a specific flow rate
must be specified to make a quantitative comparison
between the work of respiration needed for different
masks. For example, at a flow rate of 85 L/min, a
pressure gradient of about 8 cm H 2 O is observed in
World War II–vintage masks. At the same flow rate, the
gradient for the M17 series is 4.5 cm H 2 O, and for the
M40 series it is 5 cm H 2 O. 6 By way of contrast, breath-
ing at a rate of 85 L/min without a mask requires a
pressure gradient of 1.5 cm H 2 O. 13 Some mask wearers
perceive the 3-fold increase in the work of breathing
as “shortness of breath.” 1
The developmental objectives in personal respira-
tory protection equipment generally encompass factors
such as personal comfort, breathing resistance, mask
weight, and the ability to provide protection from
new chemical warfare agents and toxic industrial
material (TIM). Current equipment was designed to
meet a number of these objectives, but much remains
to be done to protect adequately against TIM and
toxic industrial chemicals (TICs), to incorporate the
use of more chemically resistant materials, to utilize
advanced manufacturing methods, and to incorporate
scratch-resistant lenses. All of these items must be
integrated into a new, reliable, less cumbersome, and
less degrading system. 1
The equipment described below is generally suit-
able for use by all services, although oceanic environ-
ments may require that other construction materials
be developed for the US Navy and Marine Corps. The
masks protect against all known chemical and biologi-
cal agents, whether in droplet, aerosol, or vapor form.
However, a protective mask is only as good as its fit.
In the past, the degree of fit was assessed by field-
expedient qualitative indices (eg, the degree to which
the mask collapsed with its inlet valve obstructed).
Modern technology incorporated into the M41 pro-
tection assessment test system (PATS) and the joint
service mask leakage tester allows the degree of fit to
be quantified. 14,15
Fig. 17-3. The M40A1 protective mask facepiece has two
skins. The inner skin is composed of silicone rubber, and
the outer skin is composed of butyl rubber. This arrange-
ment maximizes both mask-to-skin seal and chemical agent
Photograph: Courtesy of the Chemical Casualty Care Di-
vision, US Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical
Defense, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md.
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