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november 2006 • special edition for Airshow China 2006
Sukhoi Su-80
in trials
in trials
Knights in
Knights in
Around Russia in 13 hrs p.8
Russian ASMs on Global Market p.38
Sukhoi Su-80
Around Russia in 13 hrs
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November 2006
Andrey Fomin
Deputy Editor-in-Chief
Andrey Yurgenson
Alexander Velovich
Vladimir Shcherbakov
Special correspondents
Alexey Mikheyev, Victor Drushlyakov,
Yevgeny Yerokhin, Andrey Zinchuk, Valery Ageyev,
Alina Chernoivanova, Natalya Pechorina,
Sergey Popsuyevich, Piotr Butowski,
Alexander Mladenov, Miroslav Gyurosi
Dear reader,
You are holding a new special issue of the Take-Off magazine – a
supplement to Russian national aerospace magazine Vzlyot. The issue
has been timed with Airshow China 2006. By tradition, the event in
Zhuhai has been attended by numerous Russian participants and
businessmen. Small wonder, because the Russian-Chinese aerospace
cooperation has been given a strong impetus over the past 15 years. As
a result, China has become a top importer of Russian aircraft, first and
foremost, military ones. Today, the Russian-made Sukhoi Su-27SK and
Su-30MKK aircraft have been the mainstay of PLAAF’s new-generation
fighter fleet. China imports Sukhoi jets, and its factories have mastered
their licence production. Engine deliveries also have been high on
the priority list of the Russo-Chinese aviation cooperation, with these
turbofans powering both Russia-supplied and advanced indigenous
Chinese fighters – J-10 and FC-1. Russian experts consult their Chinese
counterparts developing new aircraft, e.g. latest Chinese trainer L-15,
to power which an advanced Ukrainian-Russian turbofan engine of the
AI-222 family is being offered.
However, the Russian-Chinese cooperation does not limit itself to
warplanes. China operates Russian-made Mil Mi-8 and Mi-17 helicopters
and Ilyushin Il-76 freighters on a large scale, with early Beriev Be-103
light multipurpose amphibians and Tupolev Tu-204-120CE freighters
to start arriving to Chinese buyers this year. In the future, China
could begin acquisition of Ilyushin Il-96-400T long-range freighters,
Sukhoi Su-80 transport/passenger regional planes and Beriev Be-200
multipurpose amphibians. The cooperation has been on the rise, with
new big contracts for combat and commercial aircraft expected to be
placed soon. Therefore, the Russian-Chinese aviation cooperation is
central to this issue.
The Russian Air Force’s Russian Knights display team on Su-27
fighters and Anatoly Kvochur’s Su-30 crew of the Flight Research
Centre – both known well and liked by the China aviation enthusiasts
– are to participate in Airshow China 2006. Anatoly Kvochur’s team has
completed a record-breaking long-range non-stop flight exceeding
14,500 km. Both the Knights and Kvochur are covered by individual
articles in this issue. As usual, you are getting news on other key events
in the Russian and CIS aerospace fields over the past couple of months.
I hope the materials will come in handy for you to have a better grasp of
the large Russian exposition at the show and keep abreast of the latest
development in Russia’s aviation and space exploration fields.
I wish all participants in and guests of Airshow China 2006 to
meet interesting people, establish useful contacts and snag lucrative
contracts. See you at new air shows!
Design and pre-press
Grigory Butrin
Web support
Georgy Fedoseyev
Yevgeny Ozhogin
Director General
Andrey Fomin
Deputy Director General
Nadezhda Kashirina
Marketing Director
George Smirnov
Executive Director
Yury Zheltonogin
Published with support from
Russian Knights foundation
News items for “In Brief” columns are prepared by editorial
staff based on reports of our special correspondents, press
releases of production companies as well as by using information
distributed by ITAR-TASS, ARMS-TASS, Interfax-AVN, RIA Novosti,
RBC news agencies and published at www.aviaport.ru, www.avia.ru,
www.gazeta.ru, www.cosmoworld.ru web sites
Items in the magazine placed on this colour background or supplied
with a note “Commercial” are published on a commercial basis.
Editorial staff does not bear responsibility for the contents of such items.
The magazine is registered by the Federal Service for supervision of
observation of legislation in the sphere of mass media and protection
of cultural heritage of the Russian Federation. Registration certificate
PI FS77-19017 dated 29 November 2004
Print-run: 5600 copies
© Aeromedia, 2006
Andrey Fomin
Take-Off magazine
P.O. Box 7, Moscow, 125475, Russia
Tel. +7 (495) 198-60-40, 798-81-19
Fax +7 (495) 198-60-40
E-mail: info@take-off.ru
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november 2006
CCTC in Lipetsk gearing for early Su-34s
RusAF receives two upgraded Su-24Ms
First air regiment converted to Su-27SM upgraded fighters
Ka-50 production resumed for MoD
Upgraded MiG-31’s trials
Splav offers advanced derivatives of popular FFARs
Following Chkalov’s route
Anatoly Kvochur’s crew completes unique non-stop flight
On 8 September, the Flight Research Centre’s (FRC) pilots Anatoly Kvochur and Sergey
Zhukovsky to Chkalov Island in the Far East and back. The flight on a Su-30 twinseat
fighter (side number 597), which included several mid-air refuellings, was dedicated
to the 70th anniversary of the historical flight by Valery Chkalov on the Tupolev ANT-25
to Udd Island now named after the legendary Soviet pilot. The FRC pilots covered over
12,400 km on the round trip within 13 h 09 min, having tested FRC-developed SRNK-21DV
satnav system on a real long-range mission. The system ensures self-contained mid-air
refuelling without information support from ground controllers. This made up a big
practical value for the flight, because the system tested may soon be fielded with the
Russian Air Force (RusAF), thus boosting their ability to fly across the vast expanses of
Russia. Andrey Fomin and Yevgeny Yerokhin tells about new Kvochur’s non-stop flight
and its importance for Russian Air Force development
Russian Knights in Chinese skies
aerobatic and trainer aircraft or light fighters. However, the Russian Air Force’s Russian
Knights display team seems to be unique since it alone flies formation aerobatics on
heavy fighters such as Sukhoi Su-27s. The total weight of the team’s six planes accounts
for about 150 t, with their combined wingspan measuring over 75 m in tight formation.
Having celebrated its 15th anniversary this spring, the Russian Knights have been invited
to perform at Airshow China in Zhuhai and promise to put up a most breathtaking
aerobatics show this year. Brief excursus to 15 years-long history of the Russian Knights
and their recent achievements – in the photo report by Andrey Zhirnov
Be-200’s contracts and records
First Tu-204-120CE ready for shipment to PRC
Be-103s finally go to China
Russian engines to power Chinese aircraft
Sukhoi fighters in China
Today and tomorrow
Russian-made Sukhoi Su-27SK single-seat fighters have been in service with the China’s
People’s Liberation Army’s Air Force (PLAAF) for almost a decade and a half. The first
20 aircraft were delivered by KnAAPO in 1992, followed by 16 more fighters four years
city of Shenyang for licence-producing of 200 such aircraft. The first Shenyang-made
Su-27SK, designated as J-11, fulfilled its maiden flight on 15 December 1998. Over seven
years, KnAAPO had supplied the Shenyang plant with a hundred Su-27SK assembly kits
for licence production. However, the programme was suspended in early 2004 since
PLAAF had learnt to operate a more advanced Flanker version, the Su-30MKK multirole
twinseat fighter (Russia supplied 76 aircraft of the type in 2000–2003) and the Chinese
Navy was gearing up for receiving the even more sophisticated Su-30MK2 (KnAAPO
delivered 24 fighters of the type in 2004). Against such a backdrop, China decided against
continuing to make Su-27SKs whose combat capabilities were less sophisticated. A
number of options for resuming the J-11’s production were pondered, but in any case,
only upgraded multirole aircraft with the improved avionics and weapons suites were on
take-off november 2006
the agenda, both Russian-made (Sukhoi and KnAAPO offered their upgrade programme
dubbed Su-27SKM) and indigenous Chinese ones. It looks like that the jury is still out. In
addition, not a single new delivery contract has been made since 2003: having contented
themselves with a hundred Su-30MKKs and Su-30MK2s during 2000–2004, the Chinese
seem to be waiting for the Su-35, a drastic upgrade of the Flanker. Now, Russia pins its
hopes for resuming fighter deliveries to China on this aircraft. There is one more Sukhoi
fighter, which, according to experts, could come in handy in tailoring carrier air groups
on future Chinese aircraft carriers. 15 years of Sukhoi fighters service with the PLAAF and
their new derivatives prospects in China are reviewed by Andrey Fomin
Alexey Fyodorov: UAC to be registered this autumn
RRJ renamed SuperJet
SaM146 passes first stage of trials
Albatross to get second wind?
Ka-226 proves itself in mountainous terrain
Mi-38 reaches record-breaking flight altitude
An-148’s airlifter derivative makes its debut
Su-80GP in trials
Russian air-to-surface precision-guided weapons
on global market
In spite of the snags hit in the 1990s, Russian defence contractors have retained
principles. Russia has always been a world leader in combat aircraft development, with
its aircraft weapon makers renowned for their effective and dependable weapons at all
The Russian arms-making school of thought rests upon the systemic approach and the
ability to pinpoint the gist of the matter and embody simple but promising solutions to
enable aircraft and weapons to operate in most demanding environments. It is this that
makes Russian designers different from their Western colleagues who mostly focus on
solving clear-cut limited problems. Therefore, many countries, especially those striving
to pursue an independent national security policy, have been paying closer attention
to the materiel offered by Russian companies for export. Peter Stone reviews modern
air-to-surface guided missiles now offered by Russia for international arms market
Ivchenko-Progress engines of the future
New Tu-214s for Russian airlines
Yakutiya receives first Russian-made An-140
Tu-154M production goes on
Be-103 enters service
New M-101Ts for civil aviation’s flying schools
Leasing as Russian commercial aircraft industry’s driving force
Soyuz TMA-9 brings new crew and first female space tourist to ISS
Clipper loses ground to upgraded Soyuz
take-off november 2006
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