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Motor Cortex in Voluntary Movements
Conceptual Frameworks
for Interpreting Motor
Cortical Function: New
Insights from a Planar
Multiple-Joint Paradigm
Stephen H. Scott
In general, the problem solved by the brain is
how to convert visual information about the target location, initially sensed by
receptors in the retina, into motor action generated by temporal and spatial patterns
of muscle activities so as to stabilize the body and move the hand to the target. This
conversion of sensory to motor signals involves many cortical and subcortical regions
of the CNS, and a major focus of research is to identify the role played by each of
these regions.
© 2005 by CRC Press LLC
Copyright © 2005 CRC Press LLC
Visually guided reaching is a natural motor task performed regularly by primates in
order to reach for and interact with objects of interest in the environment. The well-
defined goal, moving the hand to a spatial location, makes it a popular paradigm
for exploring sensorimotor function.
to relate neural
activity to some features of behavior reflecting sensory, cognitive, or motor aspects
of the task.
How one chooses which variable to correlate depends highly on the conceptual
framework used to develop the experiment. This chapter starts with the important
issue of how theoretical concepts guide experimental design and data analysis.
frameworks can be explicitly defined, or in some cases, only implicitly imbedded
in the experiment and analysis. I will describe two conceptual frameworks for
interpreting neural activity during reaching: sensorimotor transformations and inter-
nal models. Both frameworks address the same biological problem: How does the
brain control the limb to reach toward a spatial target? The key difference is that
each framework focuses attention on a different aspect of the motor task and thus
each leads to different experiments. The sensorimotor transformations framework
has been used extensively over the past 20 years to guide neurophysiological exper-
iments on reaching, whereas the internal models framework has only recently had
an impact on experimental design.
The second half of this chapter illustrates how the notion of internal models can
be used to explore the neural basis of movement. A new experimental facility is
described that can sense and perturb multiple-joint planar movements and this is
followed by a brief description of the mechanics of limb movement. Finally some
preliminary observations are presented on neural correlates in the primary motor
cortex (M1) of the mechanical properties of the limb and of external mechanical
6.2.1 S
brain is assumed to convert visual information on target location into forelimb muscle
activation patterns through intermediary coordinate frames first through various
kinematic representations of movement followed by kinetic representations. One
putative series of transformations is shown in Figure 6.1A , where spatial target
location is sequentially converted into hand kinematics, joint kinematics, joint mus-
cle torques, and, finally, muscle activation patterns. The use of intermediary repre-
sentations to plan and control movement seems like a reasonable assumption, par-
ticularly given the ubiquitous observation that hand trajectories are relatively straight
for point-to-point reaching movements.
Based on the concept of sensorimotor transformations, it seems obvious that the
key neurophysiological question is which coordinate frame is specified by the dis-
charge patterns of individual neurons in each brain region. Over the past 20 years
this framework has spawned myriad studies. As described below, some experiments
Copyright © 2005 CRC Press LLC
The basic question posed by studies that record neural activity during behavior
is this: What type of information is conveyed by the discharge pattern of individual
or populations of neurons? While cells are unlikely literally to code any engineering-
inspired variable, it is nonetheless valuable (and even necessary)
The most common framework for exploring the neural control of reaching has been
based on the idea of coordinate frames and sensorimotor transformations.
Desired State
(Limb Position)
Internal Model
of Musculoskeletal
Limb Movement
Nervous System
Sensory Feedback:
(Vision, Proprioception)
Two alternate frameworks for interpreting how the brain performs visually
guided movements. (A) The notion of sensorimotor transformations assumes that information
on spatial targets is converted into muscle activation patterns through a series of intermediary
representations. This framework leads to the scientific problem of identifying how these
representations are reflected in the discharge pattern of neurons in different brain regions.
(B) The idea of internal models is that neural processes mimic the properties of the muscu-
loskeletal system and physical objects in the environment. This framework leads to the
scientific problem of identifying how information related to the motor periphery and physical
loads is reflected in the discharge pattern of neurons.
have been designed to dissociate different variables, or levels of representation. In
other cases, a specific class of variable has been chosen
a priori
, either based on
the results of previous studies or simply for technical reasons.
One of the first studies to record neural activity in the motor cortex during
reaching found that cell discharge was broadly tuned to the direction of hand motion.
This study showed that the cell discharge rate was maximal for movements in one
direction, the preferred direction (PD), and that the cell’s activity decreased as the
angle between movement direction and the cell’s PD increased. Further, the direction
of hand motion could be predicted from the discharge pattern of an ensemble of
neurons; this was termed the population vector hypothesis.
Variables of movement such as hand and joint motion are
highly intercorrelated, such that even if neural activity coded muscle velocity, one
would find significant correlations between cell discharge and hand motion. More-
over, the population vector will point in the direction of hand motion if three
conditions are met: (1) neural activity is symmetrically tuned to the direction of
movement; (2) the PDs of neurons are uniformly distributed; and (3) there is no
coupling between a cell’s PD and the magnitude of modulation during movement.
Any population of neurons that satisfies these conditions will predict the direction
of hand motion regardless of the underlying information conveyed in its discharge
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A criticism often levied upon these studies has been that these hand-based
correlates could be observed regardless of the type of information conveyed by
individual neurons.
reiterated this point by illustrating
how a broad range of observations between hand movement and neural activity, both
at the single-cell and at the population level, could be explained if cells were simply
coding multidimensional muscle activation patterns. While the correct explanation
of the precise details of all hand-based correlations is a matter of debate,
article by Todorov illustrates how difficult it is to interpret the discharge of neurons
with simple correlation methods.
In spite of these concerns, a school of thought was created around the population
vector hypothesis and the notion that neural activity in M1 during reaching should
be interpreted using hand-based variables. Studies illustrated that neural activity in
M1 and other sensorimotor areas correlates with the direction of hand motion, hand
velocity, movement extent, and end position.
These studies illustrate that neural
activity certainly correlates with these hand-based or end-point variables, but in
many cases such activity may actually reflect relationships to the sensory and motor
periphery such as motor patterns at a single joint or multiple joints.
Few believe neural activity in M1 is coding the activity of single muscles, but
the hand-based framework makes a substantive leap away from the motor periphery.
In the extreme, descending commands are assumed to convey only the direction of
hand movement that gets converted into motor output at the spinal level.
although such inter-
pretations remain controversial.
A key feature of many studies has been to dissociate explicitly different features
of the task, such as sensory versus motor,
global variables (hand–target) versus
For example, we per-
formed an experiment where reaching movements were performed to the same target
locations but with two different arm postures: first, in a natural arm posture where
the elbow tended to remain directly below the hand and shoulder, and second, in an
abducted posture with the shoulder abducted and with the elbow almost at the level
of the hand and shoulder.
or kinematic versus kinetic variables.
This task dissociated global features of the task related
to the spatial target and hand motion, which remained constant, from joint-based
variables related to joint motion, joint torque, or muscle activity, which varied
between arm orientations. We found that most neurons showed changes in activity
either by changing their directional tuning or by modulating the overall level of
activity, suggesting that neural discharge was related in some way to the motor
periphery. Some cells, however, showed no changes in activity when movements
were performed with the two arm orientations. Such invariances could reflect that these
cells are specifying global features of the task, although it is still possible that such
cells could reflect joint-based information. (See Scott and Kalaska.
A cleaner dissociation between muscle- and hand-based features of movement
was provided in a study where wrist movements were performed with three different
forearm orientations: neutral, supinated, and pronated .
They found that some cells
varied their directional tuning in a manner that was similar to the variation observed
for muscles, whereas others showed no change in directional tuning, as would be
expected if neurons reflected the spatial direction of the task. However, most of these
Copyright © 2005 CRC Press LLC
patterns. A recent theoretical study by Todorov
The shift
away from the motor periphery has been extended further to suggest that M1 may
be involved in cognitive processing such as mental rotation
The obvious conclusion is that there appears to be no
single unified coordinate frame in M1. This of course causes considerable problems
for the population vector hypothesis, which presupposes that a global signal related
to the direction of hand motion is created across the cell population. In M1, cells
respond to many different variables, with some cells largely reflecting kinematic
features of the task and other neurons reflecting kinetic features. Whenever force
but not kinematic motion is modified, these latter cells, which modulate their activity
with force output, will alter estimates of hand motion.
While most agree that neural activity in M1 reflects a mixture of different
kinematic and kinetic features of movement, the notion that the brain performs a
series of sensorimotor transformations to execute reaching movements assumes a
certain relationship between these representations. Specifically, cells insensitive to
force output are assumed to reflect a higher level representation of movement which
gets converted by cortical processing into a lower level representation; cells sensitive
to force output are classified as this lower level representation. Are cells that are
insensitive to force output necessarily reflecting a higher level representation than
cells that are sensitive to force output? This assumption would seem reasonable, if
muscle activity (electromylography [EMG]) were the only feature of motor behavior
controlled by the brain.
However, descending commands to the spinal cord must consider more than just
muscle activity.
Alpha motoneurons, which innervate extrafusal muscle fibers
and produce force, represent only one type of motoneuron. In each motoneuron pool,
there is a large number of gamma motoneurons that innervate intrafusal fibers in muscle
which may be equal in proportion to alpha motoneurons in some muscles.
There are even beta motoneurons innervating both intra- and extrafusal muscle
Another role for descending commands is to modulate and influence sensory
Spinal reflexes can also create various contingency plans for unexpected
perturbations or errors,
which must also be selected or modified by descending
commands. It is quite possible that up to two thirds of descending signals from the
cortex to the spinal cord are related to controlling these other features of motor output.
However, little is known about cortical discharge related to controlling gamma-
motoneuron activity and spinal reflexes during volitional tasks since experimental
paradigms, including our own, tend to focus on alpha-motoneuron activity.
It is
quite possible that neurons related to these other features are relatively insensitive
to variations in force output during motor behavior. Within the rubric of sensorimotor
transformations, such neurons would be assumed to code a higher level representa-
tion of movement related to the kinematic features of the task when in fact they
were simply involved in controlling relatively low-level but non-EMG features of
the task. Furthermore, such discrete segregation between alpha-motoneuron activity
and other spinal processing is highly unlikely and descending signals likely reflect
a mixture of influences on spinal circuitry.
Copyright © 2005 CRC Press LLC
latter spatial/hand cells still showed changes in the magnitude of activity for move-
ments with different forearm orientations.
All these studies illustrate that primary motor cortical activity correlates to
almost every imaginable task variable, including spatial target location, hand move-
ment direction and extent, hand velocity, joint velocity, force output, and muscle
activity, to name a few.
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