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Motor Cortex in Voluntary Movements
Learning Dynamics
of Reaching
Reza Shadmehr, Opher Donchin, Eun-Jung
Hwang, Sarah E. Hemminger, and Ashwini K. Rao
When one moves one’s hand from one point to another, the brain guides the arm by
relying on neural structures that estimate the physical dynamics of the task. For
example, if one is about to lift a bottle of milk that appears full rather than empty,
the brain takes into account the subtle changes in the dynamics of the task and this
is reflected in the altered motor commands. The neural structures that compute the
task’s dynamics are “internal models” that transform the desired motion into motor
commands. Internal models are learned with practice and are a fundamental part of
voluntary motor control. What do internal models compute, and which neural struc-
tures perform that computation? We approach these problems by considering a task
where physical dynamics of reaching movements are altered by force fields that act
on the hand. Experiments by a number of laboratories on this paradigm suggest that
internal models are sensorimotor transformations that map a desired sensory state
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of the arm into an estimate of forces, i.e., a model of the inverse dynamics of the
task. If this computation is represented as a population code via a flexible combi-
nation of basis functions, then one can infer activity fields of the bases from the
patterns of generalization. We provide a mathematical technique that facilitates this
inference by analyzing trial-to-trial changes in performance. Results suggest that
internal models are computed with bases that are directionally tuned to limb motion
in intrinsic coordinates of joints and muscles, and this tuning is modulated multi-
plicatively as a function of the static position of the limb. That is, limb position acts
as a gain field on directional tuning. Some of these properties are consistent with
activity fields of neurons in the motor cortex and the cerebellum. We suggest that activity
fields of these cells are reflected in human behavior in the way that we learn and
generalize patterns of dynamics in reaching movements.
The arm has inertial dynamics that dictate a complex relationship between motion
of the joints and torques. In order to reliably produce even the most simple move-
ments — for example, flexion of the elbow — the brain must activate not only elbow
flexors, but also shoulder flexors that counter the shoulder extension torque that is
produced by the acceleration of the elbow. The importance of these interaction forces
was quite apparent when engineers were trying to control motion of robots.
This has led to the idea
passive properties of muscles are not enough
to compensate for the complex physics of our limbs. Rather, the brain must
the specific force requirements of the task in generating the motor commands that
eventually reach the muscles.
To illustrate this idea, consider picking up an opaque carton of milk that appears
full but has been drained empty. The brain overestimates the mass of the carton by
only a couple of pounds (the weight of the missing milk) yet the error is sufficient
so that the resulting motor commands produce a jerky motion of the hand. The visual
appearance of the bottle apparently retrieves a motor memory in a neural system
that predicts the forces that are necessary to move the bottle. Motor commands are
constructed based on this prediction and the predicted forces must be accurate if we
are to produce smooth movements.
The accuracy of force prediction is particularly important for control of our arm
because our hands evolved in large part to support manipulation. For example, a trip
to your local natural history museum will confirm that the hand of a chimpanzee
has a much longer palm length as compared to a human hand. This means that while
we can easily touch our index finger to our thumb and hold an object, say a string
that is attached to a yo-yo, a chimpanzee’s hand is poorly suited for this. Holding
different objects can dramatically change the mechanical dynamics of our arm. The
neural system that predicts force properties would have to be able to accommodate
this variability and adapt. To study the properties of the neural system with which
the brain learns to predict forces, we have used a paradigm ( Figure 11.1 ) where arm
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Yet the
principle is the same for control of biological limbs, as has been confirmed in
electromyographic (EMG) recordings from the human arm.
that, contrary to earlier hypotheses,
Experimental setup and typical data. (A) Subjects hold the handle of the robot
and reach to a target. The plot shows hand trajectory (dots are 10 msec apart) for typical
movements to eight targets. (B) Examples of two force fields produced by the robot.
(C) Average hand trajectories (±SD) for movements during the initial trials in the saddle field.
(D) Simulation results for movements in the saddle field. (E) Hand trajectories during catch
trials. (F) Simulation results during catch trials. The controller in this simulation had fully
adapted to the field and was expecting the field to be present in these movements. (Adapted
from Reference 4, with permission.)
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The subject is
provided with a target and asked to reach while holding the handle of a robot. When
the robot’s motors are off (null field condition), movements are straight
( Figure 11.1A ) . The forces in the field typically depend on the velocity of the hand
(Figure 11.1B). When the field is applied, movements are perturbed (Figure 11.1C).
With practice, hand trajectories once again become smooth and nearly straight. The
brain’s ability to modify motor commands and predict the novel forces is revealed
as a sudden removal of force in
. Very early in training, the hand’s
trajectory in the catch trials is a straight path to the target. With further training,
trajectories in field trials become straight. More importantly, the trajectories in catch
trials (Figure 11.1E) become an approximate mirror image of the early field trials
(Figure 11.1C). The trajectories in these catch trials are called after-effects.
Improvement in performance occurs because training results in a change in the
motor commands. One possibility is that movements improve because subjects co-
contract antagonist muscle groups. This motor strategy can be sufficient to resist
perturbations imposed by the robot. However, in a catch trial, this kind of adaptation
would not produce any after-effects.
An alternate hypothesis is that the composition of motor commands by the brain
relies on a neural system that, for any given movement direction, predicts the forces
that will be imposed on the hand by the robot. One way to do this is to imagine a
tape that is played out as a function of time for each movement direction. This tape
may be an average record of forces that were sensed in the previous movements in
that direction. Mathematically, the inputs to this system are direction and time and
the output is force. To test this idea, Conditt et al.
catch trials
trained subjects to reach to a
small number of targets in a force field and then suddenly asked them to draw a circle
in the same field. They reasoned that if what was learned was like a tape recording
of the forces encountered in reaching to each target, then the neural system that had
been trained to predict forces in short, brief reaching movements should contribute
little to longer, circular movements. However, they found that performance was quite
good in circular movements when the field was on and, importantly, the subjects
showed after-effects when the field was off.
This suggested that the neural system did not predict forces explicitly as a
function of time. Rather, in performing the reaching movements, the neural system
had learned to associate the sensory states of the limb — especially limb position
and velocity — to forces. The particular order in which those states were visited and
the trajectory at the time they were visited (e.g., in a straight line trajectory or in a
curved movement) was immaterial. What was important was the region of the state
space — the limb’s velocity at a given position — that the reaching movements had
visited. If the temporal order of the states were changed from the “training set” in
which the system had experienced the forces, the neural system could still predict
forces because the states themselves were part of the initial training set.
However, one could argue that the reason why the subjects learned to associate
states to forces, rather than some other input that explicitly included time, was
because the force field that was imposed on the hand was itself not explicitly time-
dependent. Rather, it was dependent on hand velocity. Conditt and Mussa-Ivaldi
tested this by asking whether subjects could adapt to force fields that explicitly
Copyright © 2005 CRC Press LLC
dynamics are systematically changed through forces on the hand.
depended on time. Remarkably, the experimental results indicated that they could
not. When a predictable, time-dependent pattern of force was imposed on reaching
movements, generalization trials (circular movements) suggested that subjects still
learned to associate states of the arm to forces. Therefore, the brain’s ability to
predict force did not explicitly depend on movement time. Rather, that prediction
depended on an input that described the desired state of the arm.
These experiments suggested that with practice, participants learned a sensory
to motor transformation where a velocity-like input signal was transformed into a
force-like output signal. This is an
internal model
of the force field.
We have not specified how information is represented in this internal model, or how
this information is acquired through experience. All we can say at this point is that
at the start of training the internal model is “empty” (i.e., it predicts zero force for
all input states) and, after a long period of training, it has adapted in the sense that
it correctly predicts forces that are produced for typical states visited in reaching
movements. However, there is sufficient information in this statement to allow us
to test whether our formulation thus far is consistent with measurements.
If a simulation of the dynamics of the arm acquires an internal model of a force
field, what will its trajectories of motion look like? The dynamics of the arm (in
this case, a two-joint planar system) are derived from Newton’s laws and are written
as equations that describe how the limb’s acceleration depends on forces. They
describe how the mass of the limb responds to force input from the muscles. To
represent the error feedback system of the muscles and the spinal reflexes, we add
to the equations a simple low-gain spring-damper element that stabilizes the limb
about the desired trajectory (the straight line). To produce a movement, we assume
that the joint torques are commanded based on knowledge of the inverse dynamics
of the limb, i.e., a map that transforms the desired sensory state of the limb into
torques so that it compensates for the arm’s inertial dynamics. This is an internal
model of the arm’s physical dynamics. These equations have been detailed in Shad-
mehr and Mussa-Ivaldi.
Now we
change the internal model so that it completely takes into account the added dynamics
of the force field. That is, we assume that the internal model is fully trained. If we
now simulate a catch trial, the resulting movement (Figure 11.1F) is an approximate
mirror image of the field trials early in training. Therefore, the trajectories that
we had recorded in the reaching movements of our subjects are consistent with
learning an internal model that transformed desired sensory states into forces.
It is an easy next step to extend the mathematical formulation and predict not
just the limb’s trajectory before and after the internal model adapts to imposed forces,
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Initially in training, the simulated internal model has no knowledge of the robot-
imposed forces. Because of this, the simulated arm does not move straight to the
target (Figure 11.1D). Rather, it moves along a trajectory that is similar to what we
have recorded in our participants, that is, a peculiar hooking pattern.
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