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Motor Cortex in Voluntary Movements: A Distributed System For Distributed Functions
Alexa Riehle and Eilon Vaadia
Boca Raton London New York Washington, D.C.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Motor cortex in voluntary movements : a distributed system for distributed functions /
edited by Alexa Riehle and Eilon Vaadia.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-8493-1287-6 (alk. paper)
1. Motor cortex. 2. Human locomotion. I. Riehle, Alexa. II. Vaadia, Eilon. III. Series.
QP383.15.M68 2005
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in Neuroscience
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the series cover topics ranging from methods to investigate apoptosis to modern
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tational neuroscience and neuroengineering, and describes breakthroughs in classical
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Methods & New Frontiers in Neuroscience
Sidney A. Simon, Ph.D.
Miguel A.L. Nicolelis, M.D., Ph.D.
Series Editors
Copyright © 2005 CRC Press LLC
Our goal in creating the
Voluntary movement is undoubtedly the overt basis of human behavior. Without
movement we cannot walk, nourish ourselves, communicate, or interact with the
environment. This is one of the reasons why the motor cortex was one of the first
cortical areas to be explored experimentally. Historically, the generation of motor
commands was thought to proceed in a rigidly serial and hierarchical fashion. The
traditional metaphor of the piano presents the premotor cortex “playing” the upper
motoneuron keys of the primary motor cortex (M1), which in turn activate with
strict point-to-point connectivity the lower motoneurons of the spinal cord. Years of
research have taught us that we may need to reexamine almost all aspects of this
model. Both the premotor and the primary motor cortex project directly to the spinal
cord in highly complex overlapping patterns, contradicting the simple hierarchical
view of motor control. The task of generating and controlling movements appears
to be subdivided into a number of subtasks that are accomplished through parallel
distributed processing in multiple motor areas. Multiple motor areas may increase
the behavioral flexibility by responding in a context-related way to any constraint
within the environment. Furthermore, although more and more knowledge is accu-
mulating, there is still an ongoing debate about what is represented in the motor
cortex: dynamic parameters (such as specific muscle activation), kinematic param-
eters of the movement (for example, its direction and speed), or even more abstract
parameters such as the context of the movement. Given the great scope of the subject
considered here, this book focuses on some new perspectives developed from con-
temporary monkey and human studies. Moreover, many topics receive very limited
Section I , which includes the first two chapters, uses functional neuroanatomy
and imaging studies to describe motor cortical function. The objective of Chapter 1
is to describe the major components of the structural framework employed by the
cerebral cortex to generate and control skeletomotor function.
Dum and Strick
focus on motor areas in the frontal lobe that are the source of corticospinal projec-
tions to the ventral horn of the spinal cord in primates. These cortical areas include
the primary motor cortex (M1) and the six premotor areas that project directly to it.
The results presented lead to an emerging view that motor commands can arise from
multiple motor areas and that each of these motor areas makes a specialized contri-
bution to the planning, execution, or control of voluntary movement. The purpose
of Chapter 2 is to provide an overview of the contribution of functional magnetic
resonance imaging (fMRI) to some of the prevailing topics in the study of motor
control and the function of the primary motor cortex.
Kleinschmidt and Toni
Copyright © 2005 CRC Press LLC
that in several points the findings of functional neuroimaging seem to be in apparent
disagreement with those obtained with other methods, which cannot always be
attributed to insufficient sensitivity of this noninvasive technique. In part, it may
demonstrate that rather than acting
as a somatotopic array of upper motor neurons, each controlling a single muscle
that moves a single finger, neurons in the primary motor cortex (M1) act as a spatially
distributed network of very diverse elements, many of which have outputs that
diverge to facilitate multiple muscles acting on different fingers. This biological
control of a complex peripheral apparatus initially may appear unnecessarily com-
plicated compared to the independent control of digits in a robotic hand, but can be
understood as the result of concurrent evolution of the peripheral neuromuscular
apparatus and its descending control from the motor cortex. Chapter 4 deals with
simultaneous movements of the two arms, as a simple example of complex move-
ments, and may serve to test whether and how the brain generates unique represen-
tations of complex movements from their constituent elements.
Schieber, Reilly, and Lang
Vaadia and Cardoso
present evidence that bimanual representations indeed exist, both at the
level of single neurons and at the level of neuronal populations (in local field
potentials). They further show that population firing rates and dynamic interactions
between the hemispheres contain information about the bimanual movement to be
executed. In Chapter 5 ,
discusses studies with respect to the debate as to
whether the motor cortex codes the spatial aspects (kinematics) of motor output,
such as direction, velocity, and position, or primarily controls, muscles, and forces
(dynamics). Although the weight of evidence is in favor of M1 controlling spatial
output, the effect of limb biomechanics and forces on motor cortex activity is beyond
dispute. The author proposes that the motor cortex indeed codes for the most
behaviorally relevant spatial variables and that both spatial variables and limb bio-
mechanics are reflected in motor cortex activity. Chapter 6 starts with the important
issue of how theoretical concepts guide experimental design and data analysis.
describes two conceptual frameworks for interpreting neural activity during reach-
ing: sensorimotor transformations and internal models. He claims that sensorimotor
transformation have been used extensively over the past 20 years to guide neuro-
physiological experiments on reaching, whereas internal models have only recently
had an impact on experimental design. Furthermore, the chapter demonstrates how
the notion of internal models can be used to explore the neural basis of movement
by describing a new experimental tool that can sense and perturb multiple-joint
planar movements. Chapter 7 deals with the function of oscillatory potentials in the
motor cortex.
Copyright © 2005 CRC Press LLC
reflect the indirect and spatio-temporally imprecise nature of the fMRI signal, but
these studies remain informative by virtue of the fact that usually the whole brain
is covered. Not only does fMRI reveal plausible brain regions for the control of
localized effects, but the distribution of response foci and the correlation of effects
observed at many different sites can assist in the guidance of detailed studies at the
mesoscopic or microscopic spatio-temporal level. A prudently modest view might
conclude that fMRI is at present primarily a tool of exploratory rather than explan-
atory value.
Section II provides a large overview of studies about neural representations in
the motor cortex. Chapter 3 focuses on the neuromuscular evolution of individuated
finger movements.
de Oliveira
notes that from their earliest recognition, oscillatory EEG
signals in the sensorimotor cortex have been associated with stasis: a lack of move-
ment, static postures, and possibly physiological tremor. It is now established that
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