Index, Pages 677-696.pdf

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PII: B978-0-12-375731-9.50114-2
2.5D sketch stage, 172
2-DG technique, 429
2D memory patterns, 607
2D shape recognition, 274
3D attention, 112
3D model memory layer, 607
3D scenes, 110
3D space and attention allocation, 109–13
depth, 110–12
and aging, 111–12
cues for, 112
objects and surfaces, 111
overview, 109
research on, 109–10
viewer-centered versus object-centered
representations, 112
5CSRT (five-choice serial reaction time
task), 58, 59, 60
aging, depth and attention control, 111–12
AGM (attention-guidance map), 201
AIT (anterior part of the inferotemporal
cortex), 266
algorithmic circuitry, 607
alternative perceptual groupings, 483
ambiguous motion perceptions, 540
AMI (attentional modulation index), 301
amnesic search, 265
AMPA receptors, 615
amplitude modulations, 511
amygdala, 161, 162–63, 164
analog sensitivity, 654
anaphora and structure of discourse,
angle detector, 27–28
angular gyrus, 409
annular region, 430
annulus-disk configuration, 377
ANOVA, 373, 408
anterior callosal sections, 365
anterior cingulate, 385, 409
anterior electrodes, 341
anterior part of the inferotemporal cortex
(AIT), 274
anticipatory synchronization, 530
anti-extinction, 270
antisaccade pop-out visual searches, 120
aperiodic synchrony, 535
apical dendrites, 655
apparent contrast, 445
architecture, see also machine vision
architecture; putative functional
circuit, of dynamic routing, 13–14
constraints on in model of human vision,
implemented, of bottom-up attention
and saliency models, 579–80
triadic, 79
aROIs (algorithmic regions of interest),
arousal level and noradrenergic system,
ART (Adaptive Resonance Theory), 653,
654, 659
artificial fovea, 625
artificial vision systems, 633
ART-like neural network, 20
assisted perception displays, 475
associative memory, 539
astronomical numbers, 526
hemispheric, 31–32
temporal, of cross-modal interaction
window, 541–42
asynchronous communication protocol, 633
asynchronous cortical activity, 365
attend-collinear conditions, 482
attend-frequency paradigms, 498
attend-location paradigms, 498, 500
attend-null direction, 302
attend-orthogonal conditions, 482
attend-preferred direction, 302
attentional blink (AB), neural basis of,
AB bottleneck, 384–85
effects of real and virtual brain lesions,
neural fate of T2, 385–86
overview, 383
attentional bottleneck, 576
attentional capture, 542
attentional complexes
contents of, 78–79
independence of, 78
attentional components in visual searches,
attentional control, 38, 39, 67, 343, 358, 362,
372, 396
attentional difference wave, 511
attentional disengagement, 59
attentional field map (AFmap), 372, 375
attentional gain control, 439
attentional links, 652–62
to competition, 652–57
divided, object versus spatial, and
hierarchical, 660–62
AB (attentional blink) bottleneck, 384–85
absolute criteria, 153, 155
acallosal patients, 364
access awareness, 172, 173
accurate registration, 628
acetylcholine (ACh), 58–59, 216
active attention, 540
active vision system, two-chip, 635–37
activity interpretation algorithms, 631
acuity and transient attention, 445–47
Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART), 653,
654, 659
addiction, attention, 395
additional singleton paradigm, 418–19
address-event representation, 634
adrenergic drugs, 60
adult visual search and pop-out, 207–8
AER (address event representation) silicon
retina, 635
afferents, 283
AFmaps, 376
Neurobiology of Attention
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attentional links ( continued )
laminar organization of bottom-up,
horizontal, and top-down
connections, 654–56
to learning, 652–54, 659
modulation of, 654
object-based, via pre-attentive-attentive
interface, 657–59
overview, 652
attentional load and reflexive attentional
effects, 222
attentional manipulation, 461–62
attentional mechanisms, 609
attentional modulation, 302, 375, 405, 425,
433, 435–41, 565; see also effective
connectivity and attentional
modulation; lateral interactions;
motion processing; surround
inhibition; timing of attentional
modulation of visual processing
in lateral geniculate nucleus, 435–39
anatomy of, 435–36
baseline increases in, 438
comparison to visual cortex, 438–39
overview, 435
response enhancement in, 436–37
response suppression in, 437–38
overview, 435
in pulvinar, 439–41
of stimulus contrast, 425–28
common substrate for, 427–28
effects of on neuronal responses,
overview, 425
attentional modulation index (AMI), 301
attentional movements, 396
attentional network, 393
attentional probe, 550
attentional response gain, 435
attentional selection, 18, 43, 420–21
attentional shift, 58
attentional suppression, in Macaque visual
system, 429–34
computational modeling, 430–34
overview, 429–30
ring of metabolic suppression, 430
attentional top-down feedback, 161
attentional visual processing, 593
attentional weight, 416–17
attention–awareness model, 18–23
attention-away condition, 430
attention-based acceleration, 651
attention capture, 69–75
automatic cross-modal, 540
cross-modal, and cortical visual
processing, 223–25
explicit, and inattentional blindness,
by feature singletons, 418–24
attentional selection and inhibition of
return, 420–21
and eye movements, 422–24
overview, 418
spatial attention, 420, 421–22
implicit, 69–72, 74
overview, 69
attention-dependent modulation, 429
attention-dependent suppression, 430
attention-guidance map (AGM), 201
attention-guided visual perception, 663
attention mechanisms, 448
attention modulation, 596
attention-related activation, 371–74
attention-related baseline, 438
attention-related foci, 374
attention-related mechanism, 542
attention-related modulation, 375, 508
attention scan paths, 635
attention shifts, 298
attention switch, 343
attention system, 647
attention-to-the-grating condition, 430
attention vector-sum (AVS) model, 334
attention window (AW), 665
attentive computer vision systems, 642–45
contextual cueing and attention
strategies, 644–45
overview, 644
priming, 644–45
saccadic information integration, 645
object and scene recognition, 643–44
overview, 642
saliency from feature selection, 643
attentive coordinate frames, 628
attentive mechanisms, 211–12
attentive sensors, 625
attentive viewpoint control, 645
attentive vision, 290
attraction, criterion, see criterion attraction
and unique internal representation
attractor network pools, 611
audio-visual spatio-temporal relations, 542
auditory-context dependency of bounce-
inducing effect, 539
auditory cortex, 656, 659
auditory-induced effect, 541
auditory perceptual organization, 317–23
electrophysiological measures, 318–21
manipulation of attention, 318–21
overview, 318
hierarchical decomposition model, 321
neuropsychological approach, 321–23
overview, 317
streaming, 317–21
indirect effects of on competing tasks,
outside focus of attention, 318
auditory streaming, 317, 318
auditory transients and bounce-inducing
effect, 539–40
auditory-visual coupling, 539
automatic algorithm, 628
automatic amygdala activation, 162–63
automatic gaze control, 645
automatic image registration, 628
automatic processing, 412
automatic responses, 342
automatic stimulus categorization, 385
automatic surveillance mode, 629
automatic visual tracking, 629
autonomous control of information flow,
autonomous multisensor robots, 646–47
AVS (attention vector-sum) model, 334, 335
awareness, 19, 22, 165–66, 171
degree to which unexpected objects
intrude on, 73
difference from attention, 167
model of attention, 18–23
and visual attention, 167–74
overview, 167
phenomenal, 172–74
processing and memory, 167–69
recurrent processing, 169–70
selection of conscious experiences, 167
AW (attention window), 665
backward-looking center, 326
backward masking paradigms, 161
backward path, 607
backwards blocking, 216
Balint’s syndrome, 136–38, 269–70, 346
ball saliency, 584
ball tensors, 584
basal ganglia, 386, 391
baseline activity in visual cortex, 308–10
baseline increases in lateral geniculate
nucleus, 438
baseline sensory response, 488
baseline shift, 308, 354
base response, 311, 312
basic visual dimension, 418
Bayesian framework, 24, 589
behavior, system, 674–75
behavioral algorithms, 669
behavioral aspects of visual extinction and
hemispatial neglect, 351–52
behavioral concept, 664
behavioral definition of visual saliency,
behavioral evidence for cross-modal spatial
attention, 187–89
behavioral paradigm in visual perception
and visual attention, 663–64
behavioral predictions of selective tuning
model for visual attention, 567–69
behavioral programs, 664, 667
behavioral properties of inhibition of
return, 96–97
behavioral recognition process, 669
behavioral results of fMRI of object-based
attention, 403–5
behavioral studies of temporal orientation,
behavior-based control, 645
behavior-brain correlations and spatial
attention, 30–31
behavioral context, 477
belief distribution, 674
beta-frequency range, 530
between-subjects attention paradigm, 516
biased competition model, 137, 161, 303,
380, 410, 593, 594, 604, 621
biasing competition in human visual
cortex, 305–10
limited processing capacity and, 305
neural basis for among multiple stimuli,
overview, 305
top-down, 307–10
filtration of unwanted information,
increased baseline activity, 308–10
overview, 307
biasing signals for emotional stimuli,
bilateral dipolar source, 511
bilateral posterior cortical damage, 346
Bilinear interpolation, 628
binding, 135–39
feature, and oscillation and synchrony,
implicit and explicit, 137–39
of features and objects, 137–38
of objects to location, 138–39
overview, 135
problems with, 79, 135–36
visual feature, neuropsychology of,
binocular disparity, 112
biological evidence of memory-driven
visual attention, 607–8
biological implications of selective tuning
model for visual attention, see selective
tuning model for visual attention
biological models, 580
biological vision systems, 625, 654, 671
biophysical mechanisms, 524
bisensory stimuli, 538
bispectra, 231
blackshot, 466, 467–69
black trace, 390–91
blindness, inattentional, 72–74, 161; see also
change blindness
blink, attentional, see attentional blink
blood-flow imaging methods, 507
blood oxygenation level dependent
(BOLD), 36, 366, 454
BOLAR (bank of linear analyzer responses)
vector, 397–99
Boltzmann distribution, 554–56, 560
bottlenecks in visual attention, 77–78
bottom-up attention, 608–9
bottom-up attentional mechanisms, 387,
401, 418, 421, 493, 502, 504, 533, 548,
551, 672
bottom-up automatic activation, 653
bottom-up connections, laminar
organization of, 654–56
bottom-up control in split-brain patients,
bottom-up-driven attention, 605
bottom-up pathways, 653
bottom-up pre-attentive processing, 656
bottom-up preprocessing, 673
bottom-up processing pyramid, 579
bottom-up saliency maps, 591, 634
bottom-up selection, 240
bounce-inducing effect, 539
auditory-context dependency of, 539
by auditory, tactile, and visual transients,
enhancement of without sensory
transients, 540–41
bouncing motion display, 538
Boundary Contour System, 583
bounded visual search, 4
brain, see also split-brain patients
brain–behavior correlations and spatial
attention, 30–31
brain-evoked responses, 498
functional and neural locus of
redundancy gain in normal, 365–67
imaging, 185, 364, 365
lesions to, effects of real and virtual,
regions of, functional differences
between different, 37
bright-side energy, 469
buffer model, 268
B-Y coding, 397
central-task performance levels, 462
central visual area, 618
centroid computation, 397–98
cerebral blood flow, decreased, 353
cerebral hemispheres, 358, 362
CFQ (Cognitive Failures Questionnaire),
change blindness, 76–81, 161
nature of visual attention, 77–79
and attentional complexes, 78–79
binding problems, 79
capacity limits and bottlenecks,
scene perception, 79–81
overview, 76–77
change detection, 77–78, 629
channels, attentional enhancement of
selected, 340–41
checkerboard stimuli, 355, 436
chip, selective attention, 634–35
cholinergic attentional effects, 50
cholinergic modulation of
memory/learning processes, 54
cholinergic system, 54–56, 350
direct effects of, 54–56
modulation of, 58–60
effects of systemic agents, 59–60
lesions of nucleus basalis, 59
memory and learning, 54
overview, 58–59
overview, 54
chromatic motion processing, 491
cingulate sulcus, 409
circuit architecture of dynamic routing,
classical gamma band, 522
classical receptive field (CRF), 481, 570,
577, 579
classic attention models, 671
clonidine, 51
CNV (contingent negative variation), 259
co-activation model, 363
coarse-before-fine sequence, 252
coarse optic flow field, 639
codes, rate and temporal, 528
Cognitive Failures Questionnaire (CFQ),
cognitive neocortex, 652, 654
cognitive neuroscience, 93–95, 346
cognitive processing, 448, 507, 659
cognitive research and temporal
orientation, 261–63
cognitive systems, 352, 442, 507
coherence field, 201
coherent motion signal, 492
co-hydroxyolopamine (6-OHDA), 60
collicular afferents, 497
collicular neurons, 365
collinear configurations, 478, 480, 481
collinear flankers, 478
collinearity, 481
and global feature similarity, 480–81
and local feature similarity, 478–80
collinear targets, 462, 464
calibration and wide-field sensing, 628
callosotomies, 359
canonical region, 385
canonical representation, 560
limits for memory, 268
limits for spatial discrimination, 8–10
feature detection, 9–10
feature integration, 9
feature segregation, 8–9
overview, 8
limits for visual attention, 77–78
selective, of attention, 347–48
capacity-limited attentional processes, 387,
capacity-limited attention-demanding
stage, 385–86
capacity-limited processing stages, 383–84
capacity-unlimited processing stages,
capture, attention, see attention capture
categorical comparisons, 458–59
CDF (cumulative distribution function),
cellular response sensitivity, 448
center frequency, 449
centering theory, 326
central fixation bias, 241
central grating, 429
central-neutral cue, 442, 446
central pattern generator (CPG), 640
central sounds, 347
central spatial cueing, 410
central stimulus, 84–85, 431
color, role of in express recognition of
scene gist, 253
color-nondiagnostic scenes, 254
color-orientation conjunction search, 573
color-tuned cells, 573–74
combinatorial explosion, 606
compatibility, task, 472
biased, 621
links to attention, 652–54
complementary coding strategy, 526
complementary hybrid stimuli, 252
complex context-dependent behavior, 610
complexity theory, 562
complex multiple-location displays, 453
complex nonlinear systems, 456
computational capacity, 576
computational foundations for attentive
processes, 3–7
complexity of vision, 4–7
constraints on models, 6–7
intractable problems, 5
objections to analysis of, 5
overview, 4
overview, 3
theoretical background, 3–4
computational implications of selective
tuning model for visual attention, see
selective tuning model for visual
computational model, 582, 600
computational model of spatial language
apprehension, 331–33
computation of surprise, 25–26
computer graphics rendering of attention,
computer vision, see attentive computer
vision systems; saliency
conceptual nature of gist of scene, 251–52
conditional object-response, 611
conditioned stimuli (CS), 213
conditioning, 213–18
and learning, 214–16
overview, 213–14
and prediction, 216–17
conjoined-selection paradigm, 500
conjunction searches, 120, 211
conjunction-specific neurons, 526
conjunction units, 526
conjunction visual search, 121
connected image elements and contour
grouping, 289–90
connection-weighting account, 481–82
conscious experiences, selection of, 167
consciousness, 18, 652–54
conscious processing, 352
conscious scene perception, 385
conscious target report, 386
conspicuous stimuli and visual selection,
conspicuous stimuli and visual selection,
popout visual search, 118–20
effect of singleton distracter during,
feature expectancy during, 118
priming during, 118
pro- and antisaccade, 120
context-dependent stimulus-response tasks,
context priming, 644–45
context representation, 587
contextual bars, 571
contextual cueing, 246, 247, 579; see also
machine vision architecture
contextual guidance of visual attention,
cueing task, 246–48
object, 248
overview, 246–47
spatial, 247–48
temporal, 248
overview, 246
statistical learning, 248–49
contextual influences on saliency, 586–92
overview, 586
scenes, 586–87
priors, model for, and modulation,
representation of, 587–89
contextual mapping, 645
contextual model, 591
contextual modulation of salience of
feature contrast
in area V1, 235–36
in perception of, 236–39
by distance, 236
orientation contrast versus onset or
offset, 236
overview, 236
contextual receptive field, 557
contingent negative variation (CNV), 259
continuous data, 26
continuous performance-type (CPT), 57
contour grouping, 288–95
of connected image elements, 289–90
neurophysiology of, 290–92
overview, 288–89
psychology of, 292–95
contralateral hemifield, 358, 359–60, 437,
contralateral posterior parietal cortex, 509
contralateral target location, 372
contralateral ventral occipital areas, 407
contralesional information, 351
contralesional left/right neglect, 31
contralesional visual stimuli, 352, 355
apparent, 445
coding, 493
contrast-dependent response
modulation, 45–47
contrast-dependent response
modulations, 46
contrast-detection tasks, 460
contrast-discrimination tasks, 460, 464
contrast gain model, 426, 427, 445, 493,
contrast matching procedure, 156
contrast psychometric function, 443–45
contrast sensitivity function, 443
contrast signals, 412, 415
effective, and spatial attention, 47–49
effect of elevating, 47
identifying areas of overlap among
categories of, 66
orientation versus onset or offset, 236
response threshold, 42–43
sensitivity function, 443
contrast response function (CRF), 45, 379,
425–26, 495
control signals, 12
convergence characteristics, 564
convergence properties, 568
convergent zones, 600
convolution model, 456
coordinate frames, 393
coordinate system, 666
corpus callosum, 358–59, 363, 364, 365
correlates, physiological, of lateral
interactions and attentional
modulation, 483
correlation, measure of, 241
correlation analysis, 622
correlograms, 620
cortex, see object recognition in cortex
cortical activation, 372
cortical architecture, 608
cortical areas, 496, 656, 657
cortical bases of spatial attention
development, 85–88
cortical development, 659
cortical enhancement, 375
cortical feedback, 659
cortical hemispheres, 381
cortical layers, 430, 660
cortical learning, 652
cortical levels, 438
cortical localization, 366
cortical mechanisms, 508
cortical neurons, 507, 527
cortical parvocellular system, 365
cortical processing, 366, 439
cortical projection, 665
cortical regions, 458
cortical self-organization, 652
cortical visual areas, 439
cortical visual processing, 223–25
cortical voxel, 372–73
cortico-cortical feedback connections, 533
cortico-subcortical interactions, 363, 365
corticothalamic feedback, 438, 439
corticothalamic transmission, 439
cost-efficient solution, 542
covert attention and saccadic eye
movements, 114–16
and overt attention, 114–15
overview, 114
and use of salience map, 115
covert orienting, 58, 61, 82–88, 553
during central stimulus attention, 84–85
cortical bases of spatial attention
development, 85–88
overview, 82
to peripheral stimuli, 82–84
CPG (central pattern generator), 640
CPT (continuous performance-type), 57
CRF (classical receptive field), 481, 570,
577, 579
CRF (contrast response function), 45, 379,
425–26, 495
CRF-parameters, 426
criterion attraction, 152
criterion attraction and unique internal
representation, 155–57
criterion performance level, 451, 473
critical perceptual task, 474
cross-channel spike density, 527
cross-correlation analysis, 529
cross-dimension search, 413, 414, 416
cross-modal attention, in event perception,
automatic capture of, 540
bounce-inducing effect, 539–41
developmental assay utilizing display,
dynamic attentional allocation, 541–43
overview, 538
spatial, 538
temporal asymmetry of interaction
window, 541–42
cross-modal attentional capture, 223–25
cross-modal cuing, 453
cross-modal interaction, 157, 541
cross-modal spatial attention, 187–96
behavioral evidence for effects, 187–89
ERP evidence for sensory effects of,
neuroimaging evidence for modulation
of sensory cortex by, 191–96
overview, 187
crowding phenomena, 170
CTOA (cue-target onset asynchrony), 389
“cued” trials, 361
cueing, see also machine vision architecture
contextual, 246–48
object, 248
overview, 246–47
spatial, 247–48
temporal, 248
cues for depth and attention control, 112
cuing studies, 65
nonspatial, 283–87
spatial, 283
cue-response mapping, 613
cue-target onset asynchrony (CTOA), 389
cue validity effect, 131
cue versus active (CvsA) category, 65–66
cue versus baseline (CvsB) category, 65
cue versus passive (CvsP) category, 65
Culhane-Tsotsos feature detector, 643
cumulative distribution function (CDF),
cumulative distribution functions, 267
CvsA (cue versus active) category, 65–66
CvsB (cue versus baseline) category, 65
CvsP (cue versus passive) category, 65
data processing techniques, 507
decidability, 4
decision behaviors, 152–59
criterion attraction and unique internal
representation, 155–57
historical background, 152–53
overview, 152
signal detection theory, 153–54
decision level, 491
decision/response criterion, 158
decision statistic G(R), 466
declarative memory, 21
decomposition model, hierarchical, 321
defection, feature, 9–10
delayed spatial response tasks, 611, 613, 616
Dempster-Shafer (D-S) theory, 671, 672, 673
depth and attention control, 110–12
and aging, 111–12
cues for, 112
objects and surfaces, 111
de-synchronization, 524
detection of objects in natural scenes,
model of, 600–602
overview, 600
deviance detection, 343
dexmedotomidine, 53
diagonal matrix, 558
digital AER (address event representation)
communication infrastructure, 637
dimensional feature contrast signals, 415
dimensionality, intrinsic, 228–30
dimensionally redundant targets, 415
dimensional weighting effects, 414
dimension-based attention, see pop-out
dimension-based coding, 417
dimension-based processing, 413
dimension-specific costs, 414
dimension weighting account, 414, 416
dipole mapping, 515
dipole modeling, 508
dipole-source analysis, 497
dipole-source modeling, 509
directed attention, 308
directional motor deficit, 346
directional tuning, 426, 493
direction-selective neurons, 300
direction selectivity, 493
Dirichlet model, 26
disambiguation, perceptual, 541
disambiguation process, 539
discourse, see structure of discourse
discourse focus, 326
discrete data, 26
discrimination, 153
disengagement of location targets, 222
dissociation of target selection from
saccade production
in saccade choice, 126–27
in time, 125–26
distance and perception of salient feature
contrast, 236
distractor inhibition in FeatureGate model,
distractors, 359, 372, 550
distractors, rejected, see visual search
distributed-neutral cue, 442
disynaptic inhibition, 571
divided attention, 363–67, 660–62
overview, 363
redundancy gain, 363–64
functional and neural locus of in
normal brain, 365–67
paradoxical interhemispheric, in split
brain, 364–65
divided spatial attention, 490
DNAB lesions, 60
domain objects, 646
dopamine, 60–61
dopamine D1-receptors, 350
dopamine D2-receptors, 350
dopaminergic system, 51, 350
dorsal and ventral streams, 496–501
ERP studies of, 497–501
overview, 497
visual evoked potentials, 497
overview, 496–97
dorsal network, 30
dorsal noradrenergic bundle, lesions of, 60
dorsal pathways, 393, 428, 438, 498, 535,
dorsal premotor cortex, 363, 366
dorsal premotor regions, 366
dorsal streams, 44, 351, 497, 501, 558, 596
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, 610
dorso-medial regions, 435
dorsoventral patches, 374
downstream neurons, 520
drugs, adrenergic, 60
dual-axis stimuli, 481
dual-task performance in split-brain
patients, 360–61
dual-task situation, 462
dynamical competition, 596
dynamical system, 595
dynamic attentional allocation, 541, 542–43
dynamic attentional control signals, 37–41
feature-based, 38–39
location-based, 37–38
object-based, 39–41
overview, 37
dynamic attentional process, 541
dynamic fusion and wide-field sensing,
dynamic motion stimulus, 492
dynamic neuronal model, 434
dynamic routing, 12–14
early sensory processing, 222
early vision
stimulus and task-related context effects
in, 477
and surround inhibition, 461
early-vision task, 461
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