McGinn, The Character of Mind. An Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind.pdf

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An Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind
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Published in the United States
by Oxford University Press Inc., New York
© Colin McGinn 1982, 1996
The moral rights of the author have been asserted
Database right Oxford University Press (maker)
First published in hardback and paperback 1996
Reprinted in paperback 1998, 1999
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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
Data available
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
McGinn, Colin, 1950-.
The character of mind: an introduction to the philosophy
of mind / Colin McGinn.--[New ed.]
Includes bibliographical references and index.
1. Psychology--Philosophy. I. Title.
BF38.M39 1997 128'.2--dc20 96-35172
ISBN 0-19-875209-1
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ISBN 0-19-875208-3 (Pbk)
Typeset in Dante MT
Printed in Great Britain
on acid-free paper by
Biddles Ltd,
Guildford and King's Lynn
Preface to the First Edition
This book is intended as an introduction to the philosophy of mind, suitable for the
general reader and beginning student. I have accordingly avoided the use of
technical terms, except those whose meaning I explain as they are introduced; a
dictionary should suffice for other unfamiliar words. I have not, however, sought to
protect the reader from the difficulties of the subject, and there are parts of each
chapter that are likely to prove taxing to the tyro; but my hope is that these will yield
to concentrated attentaon. On many vexed issues I have written with a boldness and
absence of qualification I might not allow myself elsewhere; my aim has been to give
the reader something definite and stimulating to think about, rather than to present a
cautious and disinterested survey of the state of the subject. But while I have tried to
say something positive about the topics with which the book deals, I have made a
point of accentuating the problems each topic raises; the resulting inconclusiveness
is, I think, to be preferred to facile solutions or (even worse) refusals to acknowledge
the difficulties.
The book contains neither the names of particular authors nor footnotes crediting the
ideas discussed to their originators. I must emphasise that this is not to be taken as
an indication that the views discussed have no identifiable source, still less that their
source is myself. On the contrary, every page of the book shows the influence of
other writers, often in the most direct way possible; I claim no especial originality for
the ideas put forward, though I dare say my treatment of them has sometimes altered
their original form. My excuse for this manner of composition is that to have duly cited
particular authors would have greatly impeded and complicated the presentation of
the material discussed, unsuiting the book for its introductory purpose. The selective
bibliographies for each chapter, to be found at the end of the book, record the
sources of the views dealt with, in so far as I can trace them; but it seems in order to
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acknowledge the main influences on each chapter here, if only in a general way.
These are as follows: Chapter 2, Davidson, Nagel, Kripke, Putnam; Chapter 4,
Russell; Chapter 6, Davidson, Fodor,
Geach; Chapter 8, Davidson and especially O'Shaughnessy; Chapter 9, Nagel, Parfit,
Shoemaker; Epilogue, Dummett. I would also like to thank Anita Avramides for helpful
critical comments and Katherine Backhouse for exemplary typing.
12 August 1981
Preface to the Second Edition
It is now fifteen years since the first edition of The Character of Mind was written. At
that time the philosophy of mind was beginning its ascent, having wrested primacy
from the philosophy of language. Since then it has remained an active and vital area
of philosophical interest. Quite a bit has happened in the interim, though I think it
would be true to say that the fundamental geography has not altered much. Some
new topics have come to prominence, but earlier perspectives have not been
superseded. In preparing this new edition I have therefore not seen fit to rewrite the
original chapters; instead I have added three completely new chapters that record
what seem to me the major developments in the field since the book was written. This
seemed the most sensible procedure for a number of reasons: there is nothing
significant in the original text that I would like to withdraw; it is in general a mistake to
tamper with an earlier piece of finished writing; the new material is more naturally
viewed as supplemental rather than revolutionary. I hope that the new edition will
preserve the merits of the original, such as they are, while sounding some fresh
themes. The history of philosophy must never be forgotten, but equally philosophy
should never stagnate. The new chapters are aptly seen as commentaries of a sort
on the older chapters, taking further some of the ideas already in play.
This was my first book, written quickly and in some heat. I have since done quite a bit
of work in the philosophy of mind, and I have not hesitated to reflect this in the
supplemental chapters. These chapters may be viewed by some as idiosyncratic, but
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