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The UNof ficial Ir
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onKingdoms Fa n Zine
n Zine
And much much
All rights reserved, except for those held by Privateer Press.
The Iron Kingdoms,WARMACHINE, and all related characters, places, and things are copyright and
tradmark, Privateer Press.
These contents used with permission from Privateer Press.
This zine is completely un-official.
The UNof
Words from the man
It.s 4am on a Monday morning, and I just completed a 10 hour
painting session in an effort to finish the cover art for WARMA-
CHINE: ESCALATION. It seemed like an opportune moment to tap
out this letter Brian (Lexington to you forum folk) asked me to
write. I.d been putting it off until I could think of something worth
saying ­ a subject that may still be in debate by the time I.m done.
Brian asked me to say something about Privateer,WARMACHINE,
what to expect from Escalation. If you.re reading this though, you.re
probably somewhat familiar with the origin of Privateer Press, and at
the very least, our recent history. So instead of another press release, over the last finger of an 18 year
Macallan, I believe I.ll wax philosophic.
I once was fortunate enough to attend an informal lecture of an accomplished artist by the name of
Rick Berry. His philosophy on art postulated that a piece of artwork was not completed until it was
viewed ­ the last stroke applied to a canvas was meaningless until it was observed and experienced by
another human being, and only within that person.s mind was the process completed and did the end
product truly exist.This philosophy could not be more true when applied to games.
A game is an abstract set of guidelines created to influence a person.s behavior, to stimulate a reaction,
and to simulate an otherwise imaginary conflict, process, or event. But the game itself is nothing until
experienced by a human being, and each participant enjoys a unique and individual experience.
This is the origin of the now infamous, Page 5.
When we pre-released WARMACHINE at Gen Con 2002, the immediate reaction was quite positive.
However, as feedback filtered in over the subsequent months, and as we continued to refine the game
from the initially released Quick Start rules, we were amused by a prevailing sentiment that seemed to
be growing from the expanding body of players who were experiencing the game:WARMACHINE was
too hard.
Not .hard-complicated., but .hard-challenging.. Recent popular games of the miniatures genre were
designed to promoted strategies that benefited a defensive approach, waiting for an opponent to come
within reach before making a move to attack.WARMACHINE, though, is about aggression a concept that
for a war game, ironically, took many players by surprise.
It never occurred to me that we might have to explain our approach to a game about fighting robots
and warrior mages. But as our print date grew closer, it became clear that this creation was something
in great need of just such a thesis.
Twenty-four hours before WARMACHINE: PRIME went to press, I wrote the words on page 5 in a single
draft. It was a manifesto to the intent behind WARMACHINE, and in many ways, a mission statement for
Privateer Press.
.Play like you.ve got a pair..
Is it sexist, as has been many times debated on and off our forums? A misogynistic, chest-beating throw-
back to a less sensitive time? Or is it an allegory for the adrenalized emotion that is so often associated
with testosterone? Maybe. Or perhaps it.s a modern iconic statement that delivers a message in clear,
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and no uncertain terms that the intent of this experience is be aggressive, to take risk, and to be heed-
less of the consequences.
But do you really mean.?
The word has become a metaphor, albeit vulgar, but an evolution of its anatomical origin, nonetheless.
My favorite definition, from Dictionary.com, since it.s handy:
b. Courage, especially when reckless.
Is Privateer sexist? Not likely. Our president is a woman more capable than any two of the males that
work here. And I doubt she.d take offense to any suggestion that she.s got balls. How could she not? She
runs a company composed of nearly 30 gamers.Tell me that doesn.t take a pair.Tell me that.s not
A year later, the WARMACHINE community is growing faster and stronger than ever.We were always
confident in our product we risked greatly, but we were never timid. However, we also never anticipated
the effect that the words on page 5 would have on that gaming experience.We offered it as an explana-
tion, but it has become a credo.The end product did not truly exist until it was experienced by the play-
ers.We made some words, but you completed the process.You made Page 5.
But what about Escalation? More importantly, what will be on page 5? Honestly, I don.t know.I.ll probably
wait until the night before to write it.
Matt Wilson
IRC Community
What is IRC?
IRC is like a party line on the internet. It’s a way for a few people from all over the world
to meet in one little corner of the internet over coffee, and chit-chat. IRC stands for
“Internet Relay Chat”.
Download an IRC program
There are many good IRC programs out there. For Windows, I recommed the free version
of mIRC (http://www.mirc.com), for Linux I recommend IRSSI (http://irssi.org) and for Mac
(both OS X and Classic) I recommend IRCLE (http://www.ircle.com).
Set up the IRC program
Usually this will consist of what you want your nick to be, and what IRC server you want
to log into by default.The IRC program should figure out the rest.
Connect to irc server
Type the following.
/server irc.psionics.net
Connect to the channel
To join the warmachine channel, type the following:
/join #privateerpress
Hope to see you there soon.
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Tabletop Tactica: Cryx
Written by: Gimp with help from his friends
This is one of Deneghra’s bread and butter spells
when facing heavy units, but is also effective
against fast troops because of its limitations on
the target running. Even Scrap Thralls can catch a
unit under Crippling Grasp. It reduces melee
attack range by at least 5" by negating all charges,
slams, and special attacks.
Dark Seduction is a gambler’s spell, but it
can pose a significant threat that can’t be ignored.
An entire unit of Long Gunners taking a turn to
CRA their erstwhile friends can put a world of
hurting on a Cygnaran army. It isn’t a spell to
depend on, but the threat alone can give enemies
“The forces of Cryx are as dangerous as the seas
on which they ride. Like a storm driven wave,
they will crash through or overwhelm any foe.
Like the tides, they will not be denied. The com-
mander who understands the ebb and flow of the
Cryxian army will wash away all opposition.” --
From the Liber Tacticus Komitatus
The Army of Cryx is appealing because of
the fear it can inspire in the hearts of its foes.
No army can match its overall speed, and the
plethora of arc node units turns its already capa-
ble Warcasters into frightening engines of
destruction. When the army is utilized as a cohe-
sive whole, there is no opponent that can stand
against it for long. While the ARM values across
the army are far from inspiring, the DEF values of
its Warjacks are any commander’s dream. Its best
defense is a strong offense, but the Cryxian com-
mander has forces at his disposal that allow him
to accomplish any mission. The essence of Cryx
is speed, melded with cunning.
Death Rage is a less effective spell, but can
allow a turn for revenge that might save a game,
or allow a Skarlock or second Warcaster a
chance to maneuver into an overwhelming posi-
tion. Use it with a lot of forethought, or the
focus would be better applied elsewhere.
Ghost Walk is a surprise within the sur-
prise of the Cryxian Army. The more terrain on
the board, the more likely this spell will be used
to good effect. With little terrain, it’s most likely
to be used to pull units out of combat safely
when they’re needed elsewhere or at least unen-
gaged. Bile
Thralls in
melee come
to mind.
Ghost Walk
the unit out
of melee,
and purge
on the
models that
tried to
hold them
Deneghra is the Warcaster most players
first meet, from the starter box set. She is the
culmination of all things Cryx. She is the wraith
of the battlefield. Unable to be targeted at range
due to stealth and able to slip from melee unhin-
dered due to her Witch Barbs. Her spells are
some of the most dangerous in the game, allow-
ing her to cripple enemy units in preparation for
her unit’s attacks, or neuter enemy units so they
can‘t influence the battle. Combine her feat,
Crippling Grasp or Parasite, and a charge of
Mechanithralls or Bane Thralls, and even
Khadoran heavy Warjacks know what it’s like to
be armored like a Bonejack for the short time
they survive. Her feat strikes a debilitating blow;
denying the enemy any chance to run, charge,
slam, or make special attacks. All enemy stats,
including focus, will whither and cripple the
enemy for a turn. With 4" less control radius,
enemy Warjacks can be left high and dry when
focus needs to be allocated.
Deneghra’s spells show her understanding
of subtlety.
Crippling Grasp has left many heavy
Warjacks wallowing along, unable to come to
grips with a foe until the battle has been decided.
Parasite is a
fine spell
to use right
before a
unit is
Any high
ARM unit is
a prime tar-
get. While
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