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Hacker's Black book
Hacker's Black book
13: 20 23. 06.99 (c)1999Frank Owens&l@tz@rus
Hacker's Black Book
This report is helpful in two different regard. It is to give the possibility to humans, who
lost their password, of back-getting and for owners of Websites possible with protected
contents of making it by application of simple techniques without long waiting periods to
protect these contents.
Web masters, which know the techniques described in this report, have substantially
better prospects to protect your Website surely from intruders.
Hacker's Black Book C copyright 1998.1999 walter Voell
Under the URL:
Hacker’s Blackbook
HTTP://speedometer.de/banner/secure/ the member range is to this report. There
you find to utilities and Tools, in order to do the techniques over again described in
this report.
Their Login: januar2000
Their password: xxx2345
© 1999 Frank Owens & l@tz@rus
Hacker’s Blackbook
Table of contents
Javascript password protection systems
HTACCESS Passwortschutzsysteme
Weak passwords
Direct chopping of the password file
The din Tools
Log in name checker
Log in generator not surely
Pictures not in protected listings
Pack Sniffing
Trojan horses - NetBus and BackOrifice
Tip of the author
Legal aspects
The career profile of the hacker
Anonymous working
My working environment
Iportant one left
© 1999 Frank Owens & l@tz@rus
Hacker’s Blackbook
Javascript password protection systems
The simplest kind of password protection systems is the so-called JavaSeript
protection. To enter requested the user when entering a side or when clicking a
certain left in addition a password. This kind of protection is very simple and offers
only a Minumum at protection. When regarding the HTML source code of the side
then often a Javascript code is similar to the following:
<head><title> Website-Titel </title> <script><P>
function jproto() {
pass=prompt("Enter your password","password");
if (pass = "nasenbaer") {
else {
alert( "Password incorrect!" );
As one sees, the entered password is compared and with correctness to indicated
URL jumps. Now one sees, how the password was called and it can enter simply or
select directly the goal URL.
Often also the password is used, in order to generate goal URL. For example the secret
goal URL HTTP could: members. more protectedserver. com/members/hu8621s. htm,
which Passwort"hu862ls "coded as part of the URL. The appropriate protective function
in the HTML code of the side would look then as follows:
fucnction jprot () {
pass=prompt ("Enter your password", "passwords");
© 1999 Frank Owens & l@tz@rus
Hacker’s Blackbook
document. location. href="http. members. Proteetedserver. com/members /
"+pass+". HTML ";
Here more protection than in exists the first variant, however the listings are by
means of the HTTP server against bad would often not list the listing estimated. One
selects the URL by means of the Browsers
http://members.protectedserver.com/members/ hu8621.shtm directly into the
Browser, then one receives often a listing of all HTML sides in this listing, thus also
the side, which is started over the Javascript password protection.
fucnction jprot () {<P>
pass=prompt ("Enter your password","password");
document.location.href="http.//members.Proteetedserver. com/members/
HTACCESS Passwortschutzsysteme
Nearly all Web servers used today control the so-called HTACCESS password
protection. First it from the Apache Web server begun, meanwhile are however
many other Web servers to the HTACCESS standard compatible. Therefore it is
used also very frequently by so-called Paysites. Z. B. the Websites www. playgal.
com or www. hotsex. com use this protective mechanism.
A Website, which uses HTACCESS, is to be recognized by the fact that with enter
the member range a Popup dialogue appears (not Javascript-generated), which
measured following looks:
In order to understand the function of this protection, one should know some
Gmndlagen of the Unix operating system. Under Unix (and/or Linux, BSD etc.. and
© 1999 Frank Owens & l@tz@rus
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