Skill 30[1]..Petaling a Cast.pdf

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Petaling a Cast
Wet-proof adhesive tape: 1-inch, 2-inch, and 1 / 2 -inch for
very small areas
Moleskin (optional; not to be used around the perineum or
an area likely to get wet)
1. Prepare child and family. Enhances cooperation and
participation and reduces anxiety and fear.
2. Ensure cast is dry. Petaling is applied only after a cast is
3. Gather equipment. Promotes organization and effi-
4. Wash hands. Reduces transmission of microorganisms.
5. Prepare petals by cutting strips of adhesive tape or
moleskin 1 1 / 2 to 4 inches long depending on thickness of
cast. Ends may be rounded or pointed.
NOTE: Pointed petals wrinkle more easily than
rounded petals.
6. Pull stockinette lining taut over edge of cast and petal
the cast with adhesive tape or moleskin. Assures that
stockinette padding stays in place.
a. Place one end of the tape on the inside of the cast,
sticky side against cast.
b. Bring other end of tape up over the cast and tape it
down on the outside of the cast. Press firmly.
c. Petals (tape strips) should overlap slightly and cover
the entire exposed edge of the cast. (Figure 24)
FIGURE 24 Infant in hip spica cast. Note
all edges are petaled with adhesive strips,
which overlap.
1. Time of procedure and material used.
2. Reaction of child to the procedure.
3. Teaching given child and primary caregiver.
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