Naima Simone - Love and Protect [EC Breathless] (pdf)(1).pdf

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Love and Protect
Love and Protect
Ex-DEA agent Erin Montgomery is reluctantly back on the job, posing as the sex-
kitten groupie girlfriend of rock star Sean Ledger. She’ll be joining his band’s tour to try
to catch an obsessed, dangerous fan. Tormented by nightmares of her failed last
assignment, Erin’s not exactly eager to be drawn back into the fray. But once she meets
Sean, all rocker, all man and dripping with raw sex appeal, she knows she’s right where
she belongs.
Sean is reluctant to have someone investigating his crew, but when he meets Erin,
his objections fly out the window. The beautiful, hard-bitten agent turns him on like no
other woman ever has. Sean’s caught glimpses of the fiery passion lurking under Erin’s
cool front and he’s determined to break through her hard exterior and make her his.
But Sean’s stalker is still at large and she’s made it clear she’s willing to stop at
nothing—even murder—to get him.
Ellora’s Cave Publishing
Love and Protect
ISBN 9781419930058
Love and Protect Copyright 2011 Naima Simone
Edited by Meghan M. Conrad
Cover art by Dar Albert
Electronic book publication April 2011
The terms Romantica® and Quickies® are registered trademarks of Ellora’s Cave Publishing.
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This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales
is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.
Naima Simone
To my husband and children. You define my success.
To my Father. All things are possible through You who strengthens me. I am so
blessed to be a daughter of an Impossible God.
To Gary. You keep me grounded while encouraging me to reach for the stars.
To Connie. Thank you for cleaning while I worked!
To Jaynie Ritchie, for challenging and pushing me to become a “real author”. Thank
you for giving me the laundry list and then telling me, well done.
To my editor, Meghan Conrad, whom I have now christened “The Demolition
Man”. You razed it to the ground and created something stronger and more beautiful.
Thank you for being as invested as I am.
To Jessica, Lanna and Nina. You always give selflessly to my projects and I love all
of you for it. Nina…you just might get a 1099. And Jessica, you graduated from Jackie
Chan to Jet Li! Marsha, thank you for letting me know that yes, that position is
definitely possible!
To Debra Glass. Where do I start? You’ve been a friend, mentor, critique partner,
sounding board, Mother Confessor and the list goes on. Thank you for everything!
To the Southern Magic chapter of RWA. Thank you for the chocolate and the
And Daddy, faith is hope standing on tiptoes.
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