Wiley (2005) Drawing the Line - Art Therapy with the Difficult Client.pdf

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Drawing the Line
Art Therapy with the
Difficult Client
Lisa B. Moschini
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Moschini, Lisa B.
Drawing the line : art therapy with the difficult client / Lisa B. Moschini
p. cm.
ISBN 0-471-68773-1 (pbk./CD-ROM)
1. Art therapy. 2. Drawing—Therapeutic use. 3. Psychotherapist and patient. I. Title.
RC489.A7M675 2005
Printed in the United States of America
This book is dedicated to the treasures of my youth:
to my father, the late Giuliano P. Moschini, for you held my hand;
and to my mother, Josephine, for you taught me to be myself.
To gether you provided a precious balance of wisdom, love, and compassion.
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