Week 7 - Comments & Homework.rtf

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Orgasmic Mastery -- A Course for Men

Week 7: Erotic Energy

Skeptical About Energy? I was too!

I'm what you might call an open-minded skeptic. I refuse to believe something simply because somebody says that it is true, or because I read it somewhere, but I'm always open to new possibilities. When I first moved to California and started meeting all these people talking about 'energy' all the time, I used to roll my eyes and tune them out. Since then, I've turned into a believer. Not blind faith, but rather based on personal experience.

So What Exactly is This Energy Bullshit Anyway?

Check this for a breakdown of 'energy' from a more concrete, science-backed perspective.

A Simple Exercise with Energy

Don't simply watch me demonstrate this exercise, follow along and do it with me! You just might have your first tangible experience of feeling energy. If not, try it again. And again. You'll get it!

Other Examples of Working with Energy

Tuning into energy isn't just about sex. People have been tuning into and playing with energy in a variety of ways throughout time.

The Microcosmic Orbit

Many cultures have been studying energy and how it moves through the body for thousands of years. The Taoists give particular focus to the "micro-cosmic orbit", a circular flow of energy through the central channels of your body. Watch to learn more, and again, follow along and try it out for yourself!

The Cure for Blueballs

"Blueballs" is nothing more than a buildup of erotic energy in your pelvis that is needing to move. Sure, you can move it through ejaculating, but you can move it up through your body, as well.

Week 7 Homework:

This Week's Erotic Self Explorations

This week we're going to explore building up to your level 8 or 9, and simply 'feeling.’ Tune into the feeling of the erotic energy buzzing in your body when you're in a highly aroused state. Explore, self-pleasure, pause and feel, just notice. Bring yourself back up and again, just notice. Tune in to the most subtle sensations. What do you notice? Where do you notice it? What do you notice in your cock? Your balls? The rest of your pelvis? Hands? Feet? Head? Other parts of your body? (Post to the boards!)

Advanced PC muscle exercises

This week we're moving into the advanced Kegel exercises: The Elevator Method. Now that you've built up a greater awareness of your pelvic floor muscles, tune into the subtlety of the squeeze. Instead of squeezing as tight as you can, contract the muscle 1/3 as much as you can, hold; contract 1/3 more, hold; contract Fully, hold. Release 1/3 of the way, hold; release 1/3 of the way, hold; release completely. And that's ONE rep. Add ten reps of the Elevator Method into your routine.


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