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A Complete System of Bayonet Exersise


A Complete System of Bayonet Exercise


By Richard F Burton,

Lieutenant Bombay Army,


Author of “Sindh, and the races that inhabit the valley of the Indus;” “Goa and the Blue Mountains;” “Falconry in the Valley of the Indus;” “Scinde, or the Unhappy Valley;” &c. &c.




Printed & Published by

William Clowes & Sons,

14 Charing Cross




Introductory Remarks                                                                                                                5

Section I              Introduction                                                                                                  11

Section II              The Guards                                                                                                  12

Section III              The Facings                                                                                                  15

Section IV              The Advancing, The Retiring & the Side (or Closing) Steps              17

Section V              The Points                                                                                                  20

Section VI              The Simple Parades, The Head Parade & the Body Parade              28

Section VII              Of Combined Motions                                                                                    32

Section VIII              The Feints                                                                                                  34

Concluding Remarks                                                                                                                35





THE days have been when there was a prejudice against attempting to introduce into our armies a regular System of Bayonet Exercise.  The feeling still lingers, however, amongst some officers of the different services, who oppose the innovation for a peculiar reason.  They do not object to teaching the lancer the use of his lance, or the swordsman to handle his sword skilfully: but they determine that the bayoneteer must not learn to attack his enemy, or to defend himself, with his bayonet.  The objections urged by them against Bayonet Practice are—that the men should be taught to depend solely upon the charge, when they have nothing to do but to keep together in line,—that the real old English system is to thrust at the enemy without any other consideration but to run him through the body,—and that the soldier that is induced to rely upon his individual strength or skill would be more likely to leave the ranks, thus throwing them into disorder.  It is certainly a novel thing in the history of arms, to put a weapon into a man’s hand, and, proscribing its efficient use on account of its possible abuse, to leave him in ignorance of what can be done with it.  A non-military reader would scarcely believe it, if told, that after teaching our soldiers only to fix and to unfix their bayonets…and to charge in one position, we leave them to direct or misdirect their weapons as they please, whereas all the military nations of Europe have authorised in their armies regular systems of attack and defence.

But now the march of improvement has commenced, even in the most stationary of our establishments. We have found out, at last, that no nation has wasted blood & treasure more wilfully than ours. We begin to think that the art of war is not a mere instinct, and therefore we require from officers proofs of proficiency in military studies. And in this country there is a feeling, every year increasing, that some improvements might be introduced into the arms and accoutrements, the dress, and drill of our soldiers. May the subject obtain the attention which it merits! So may we hope, in our future wars, to escape those heavy losses, which, as a general rule, have ushered in the brilliant closes of our campaigns. And thus we shall be enabled to do justice to our men, not just by trusting to their fatal courage and determination, but by bringing them into the field with all the advantages which their noble qualities deserve.

The Bayonet Exercise has been used for many years in almost all the armies of the Continent, and experience in actual service has taught the French to consider it a necessary part of soldier’s education. Upon the drill ground it supplies the recruit with vigour, suppleness, and elasticity of limb – in other words it teaches him the free use of his arms and legs which the Manual and Platoon tend to fetter & stiffen rather than otherwise. He becomes less likely to lose his balance, he feels the firelock, lighter in his hands, and what is of the greatest consequence, he acquires full confidence in that “queen of weapons” the musket. In the field it has many uses. After the charge, if a stout resistance be made, there ensues a confusion, during which enemy meets enemy hand to hand, when the able bayoneteer avails himself of his effective thrusts, and the half drilled man experiences the full effect of his incapacity. When engaged in skirmishing, or in crowning heights, light infantry may suddenly be set upon by small bodies of assailants – infantry or cavalry – when a general melee must take place. Even the sentinel may have an opportunity of defending himself with his bayonet. All feel that they hold in their hands a deadly weapon, which, when ably wielded, is superior to anything that can be opposed to it; they are therefore when acting in detached bodies both cooler in firing, and readier to reserve their fire till it can be delivered with effect. But the principle use of the bayonet exercise is for Light Infantry. And it may confidently be asserted that no armies require the knowledge of it so much as ours, engaged, as they are ever liable to be, in long and frequent wars with barbarous and semi-barbarous nations, whose tactics are skirmishes surprises and desultory onsets.

To the Indian army this exercise will, it is believed, to be found most advantageous. The Sepoy has not learned to trust to his musket as a European soldier does. The former, being inferior in physical strength, finds the firelock a cumbrous weapon, and perhaps he feels himself deficient in that dogged courage which must animate those who fight sturdily under a serious disadvantage. Consequently the Sepoy would often, if permitted, throw away his musket, & trust to the sword or dagger, the handling of which is more familiar to him. But Indians are not so adverse to innovations as they are popularly supposed to be. Show them a valid reason for changing the customs of their forefathers, and they will do so as readily as most people. Teach the Sepoy to use his arms and legs, lighten the musket in his hands by a proper course of training, and prove to him its superiority over spear, sabre, and poniard: he will not be slow to take the lessons and its deductions.

The following system of the bayonet exercise is drawn from those in actual use amongst the continental nations, and it has this advantage, that every motion described in it has stood the test of trial in the field.  An objection has been raised against it, that it is too complicated.  To obviate this defect, in page 35 will be found a concise everyday lesson, forming a foundation for efficient practice.

But why, it might be inquired, should the English soldier be deterred by difficulties which every French voltigeur can master?  As officers, we admire the intelligence of our neighbours in military matters.  We remark that they are born as soldiers, and that their men learn as much as four months as ours do in six.  Is bot this, however, partly our own fault.  In my humble opinion we mistake the cause of their quickness, attributing to nature the effect of Art. When our system of drill is thoroughly efficient – when Manual and Platoon is properly simplified – when a Salle d’ Armes is established in every corps, and when bayonet Exercise becomes a recognised branch of instruction, then, I believe, we shall find our soldiers equal in intelligence to any others.

In France a dozen lessons are considered sufficient to teach the soldier the use of his bayonet. Conceding to him superiority of acuteness, we may expect to effect this desirable object in a month or two. The instructor, however, must fully explain to his men the reason and object of every motion. He must be careful that the soldiers limbs be supple, that his postures natural, and that his motions be steady, but not stiff. As in Sword Practice so in Bayonet Drill, rigidity of muscles retards the action: it tends also to defeat one of the principle objects of the exercise, namely, that of “setting up” the soldier.

Light Infantry and rifle Corps should be taught to perform the Bayonet Exercise, both with the right hand & the left hand and leg to the front: this will be found to serve the purpose of a system of gymnastics. Loose practice should be encouraged, a wooden button with al leathern pad being fixed upon the point of the bayonet, and masks worn to prevent accidents. Sometimes two or three must be opposed to one man, who should be taught to keep his assailants in front by shifting ground; to attack them with feints; to perform several thrusts and parries in rapid succession, as explained in sect. VII; and to avail himself of any object that can secure his rear. The men must be accustomed to avoid the charge of a horseman, by springing to the side with a Right or a Left close; always avoiding. If possible, the enemy’s sword arm, - and to deliver a smart point either at man or beast, the moment they are within reach of the bayonet.




For detailed directions respecting the practice of bayonet against Sword, and sword against bayonet, the works of Mr. HENRY ANGELO, late superintendent of sword exercise, may be consulted with the greatest advantage.






OPEN ORDER in a single rank is taken by each Soldier stepping forward four paces from his right-hand man.

When the men are to be exercised in double ranks, the front rank is ordered to advance four paces. Then both ranks are faced to the left; and at the word March, all step off, stopping when each one stands four paces distant from his right hand man.

The instructor will begin by making his men advance arms. The firelock must be held on the right side, with the right hand as low as the arm will conveniently reach, the guard between the thumb and forefinger of the right hand, and the three last fingers under the cock, with the guard to the front.




The instructor will give the order to Stand on Guard against Infantry.



Prepare for Infantry. Slow time






One. On the word Guard, half-face to the right on the heels as pivots, without altering the ground, the right toe straight off to the right, and the left toe full to the front, so that the two feet may be at right angles to each other.

Two. Move the right foot 18 inches in rear of the left, the heels on a line with each other, and the toes at right angles. At the same moment give the firelock a cant with the right hand, and bring it to the position of Charge, the point of the bayonet raised to the height of the adversary’s breast, and the right wrist resting against the hollow of the thigh below the hip.

Three. Bend the legs so that the kneepans may be on a line with the tips of the toes, the weight of the body resting equally upon both legs.





One. On the word Arms, bring the heels together, come to the proper front, and at the same time return to the position of Advance.

Two. Bring the left hand smartly down to the left thigh.


In learning the Guards against Infantry and Cavalry, the men must at first be practised in slow time, performing every motion to the orders of One, Two, Three. When perfect in his preparatory lesson, they should be taught to come to the guard directly on receiving the word of command, Stand on – Guard; Being careful, however, whilst they change the time, to preserve the order of the, motions marked & distinct.

The instructor will then give the order to Stand on Guard against Cavalry.



Prepare for Cavalry. Slow time.






One. On the word Guard, half-face to the right, as before directed.

Two. Move the right foot 18 inches in the rear of the left, as described above, and bring the firelock to the position of Charge, the point of the bayonet raised to the height of the adversary’s eye, and the right wrist resting against the hollow of the thigh below the hip.

Three. Throw the body a little forwards, and extend the right leg.








As before directed




In going through the Facings, the left or foremost foot, as in Infantry Drill, never quits the ground: when making the movements the toes must be slightly raised, so that the heel may form a pivot.

The instructor having placed his men standing on guard, against infantry or cavalry, puts them through their facings as follows:-





Face to the right; which is done in one movement, by smartly bringing the right foot to the rear of the left, at the same moment turning to the right upon the heel of the left foot, and accurately preserving the position of the guard.




Face to the left; which is done in one movement, by smartly bringing the right foot to the rear of the left, at the same moment turning to the left upon the heel of the left foot, and accurately preserving the position of the guard.




Face to the right about; which is done by smartly sweeping the right foot, by the right, completely round in the rear of the left, so as to reverse the direction of the guard, the front becoming the rear.




Face to the left about; which is done by smartly sweeping the right foot, by the left completely round in the rear of the left, so as to reverse the direction of guard, the front becoming the rear.




On the word of command, Right (or Left) Half Face, each man will make an exact half face as directed.


When ever it is intended to resume the original front, the word of command, Front, will be given


The chief points to be attended to, in going through the facings, are –


1.       The distance between the feet, 18 inches, must be accurately preserved.

2.       The heels should always be on a line with each other, or the soldier will be liable to lose his balance.



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