Antiarmor Weapons Subcourse IN0546(2).pdf

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Subcourse Number IN0546
Edition B
Edition Date: April 1996
This subcourse is designed to teach you to identify the characteristics of opposing forces
antiarmor weapons, current opposing forces antitank guided missiles, U.S. antiarmor
weapons, (including TOW 2 mounts and carriers and TOW missile types and markings),
and future antiarmor weapons (both US and opposing forces).
There are no prerequisites for this subcourse.
This subcourse reflects the doctrine that was current at the time it was prepared. In your
own work situation, always refer to the latest publications.
The words "he," "him," "his," and "men," when used in this publication, represent both
the masculine and feminine genders unless otherwise stated.
Action : You will be able to identify the characteristics of opposing forces antiarmor
weapons, current opposing forces antitank guided missiles, U.S. antiarmor weapons,
(including TOW 2 mounts and carriers and TOW missile types and markings), and future
antiarmor weapons (both US and opposing forces).
Condition : Given the subcourse material contained in this lesson.
Standard : To demonstrate competency of this subcourse, you must achieve a 70 percent
or higher on the subcourse examination.
Subcourse Overview
Lesson 1: Current U.S. Antiarmor Weapons
Part A: Antiarmor Weapons
Part B: TOW/TOW 2 Mounts and Carriers
Part C: TOW/TOW 2 Missile Types and Markings
Practice Exercises
Lesson 2: Current Opposing Forces Antiarmor Weapons
Part A: Antitank Grenade and Rocket Launchers
Part B: Antitank Guns
Part C: Antitank Guided Missiles
Part D: Soviet Tanks in Third World Nations
Practice Exercises
Lesson 3: Future Antiarmor Weapons Strategy
Part A: Future U.S. Antiarmor Weapons Strategy
Part B: Future Opposing Forces Antiarmor Weapons Strategy
Practice Exercise
IN0546 Edition B Examination
Lesson 1
Lesson Description:
In this lesson, you will learn to identify the characteristics of the following current US
Army antitank weapons: the Light Antitank Weapon (LAW); the Dragon Medium
Antitank/Assault Weapon; and the Launcher Cartridge 84-MM, M136 (AT4), HEAT. In
addition, you will learn to identify the characteristics of TOW/TOW 2 mounts and
carriers and TOW/TOW 2 missile types and markings.
Terminal Learning Objective:
Action: Identify the characteristics and components of the following
current U. S. Army antitank weapons: Light Antitank Weapon
(LAW); Dragon Medium Antitank/Assault Weapon; and the
Launcher Cartridge 84-MM, M136 (AT4), HEAT. In
addition, identify the characteristics of TOW/TOW 2 mounts
and carriers and TOW/TOW 2 missile types and markings.
Condition: Given the subcourse material contained in this lesson.
Standard: Identify the characteristics of the Light Antitank Weapon
(LAW); the Dragon Medium Antitank/Assault Weapon; and
the Launcher Cartridge 84-MM, M136 (AT4), HEAT; and
TOW/TOW 2 mounts and carriers and TOW/TOW 2 missile
types and markings.
References: The material contained in this lesson was derived from the
following publications:
FM 23-24
FM 23-25
FM 23-33
FM 23-34
FM 1-402
The United States Army has a number of antiarmor weapons to use against the armored
personnel carriers (wheeled and tracked) and tanks (as well as bunkers and other
fortifications) of opposing forces. These antiarmor weapons include the light antitank
weapon (LAW); the Dragon Medium Antitank/Assault Weapon; and the Launcher and
Cartridge 84-MM, M136 (AT4), HEAT. In addition, the TOW Weapon System is used to
engage enemy armor. This lesson will teach you to identify the characteristics of the
LAW, the Dragon, and the AT4 as well as the characteristics of TOW/TOW 2 mounts
and carriers and TOW/TOW 2 missile types and markings.
PART A - antiarmor WEAPONS
1. M72A2 Light Antitank Weapon (LAW).
The following paragraphs discuss the characteristics of the M72A2 Light Antitank
Weapon (LAW).
a. Background. The LAW (shown in Figure 1-1) is a lightweight, self-contained
antitank weapon consisting of a rocket packed in a launcher. The launcher serves
as a watertight packing container for the rocket and houses a percussion-type
firing mechanism to activate the rocket.
The launcher must be extended to the open position, as shown in Figure 1-2, for
firing. The rocket is fixed inside the launcher and attached to it by the igniter.
The rocket (shown in Figure 1-3) is a percussion-ignited, fin-stabilized, fixed
The M72A2 rocket has a greater armor penetrating capability than the M72A1
The LAW is used as ammunition rather than as an individual weapon. It is carried
and employed by the soldier in addition to his basic weapon. Basic loads of LAW
are assigned to units. Individuals assigned to units authorized a basic load of
LAW should be trained in its use. LAW supplements other organic antitank
weapons. It provides the primary means of antitank protection for the rifle squad
and other units or installations which do not have organic antitank weapons. It
may be used in the offense by assault elements or in the defense by any combat or
other element of the Army.
b. Offensive Capabilities. In the attack, the LAW should be readily available to
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influence the action where necessary. Due to its relatively short range, the LAW
should be spread throughout the maneuver element. The LAW is employed
primarily against the armored vehicle. It may also be used against:
Light vehicles.
Other crew-served weapon positions..
The LAW's light weight and size make it the ideal weapon for armor-killer
operations, ranger operations, and special forces missions.
The night vision sight (AN/PVS-4) (when available) can be attached to the LAW
for operation during periods of reduced visibility or darkness.
c. Defensive Capabilities. LAWs should be positioned laterally and in depth to
cover the most likely avenues of armored approach. Lateral dispersion is
necessary to increase the probability of obtaining oblique fire on enemy armor
approaching the defensive position. Due to its one-shot capability, more than one
LAW should normally be assigned to troops designated to fire it. Since all
riflemen may be given a LAW, consideration must be given to the backblast when
siting and constructing fighting positions.
The LAW can be effectively employed at night by using artificial illumination.
The 40-mm illumination round is good for LAW engagements. Illumination
should be placed above and slightly beyond the target. Night firing is an essential
part of LAW marksmanship training.
2. Launcher and Cartridge 84-MM, M136 (AT4), HEAT.
This paragraph discusses the characteristics of the launcher and cartridge, 84-mm, M136
(AT4), HEAT, or AT4.
a. Characteristics. The AT4 is a lightweight, self-contained antiarmor weapon. It
consists of a free-flight, fin-stabilized cartridge packed in an expendable launcher.
It is man-portable and fired from the right shoulder only. It is issued as a round of
ammunition and requires minimal operator maintenance. The launcher (shown in
Figure 1-4) serves as a watertight packing container for transportation and storage.
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