Stargate Universe [02x13] Alliances [ENG].txt

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[23][34]I may be on the verge
[39][74]of discovering the true nature|of Destiny's mission.
[82][105]You've had|control of this ship
[105][119]the whole time!
[119][133]Why wouldn't you tell anyone?
[133][162]The Lucian alliance|is planning an attack on Earth.
[162][176]I killed Riley.
[176][198]I suffocated him|with my own hands.
[198][219]You are a good commander.
[219][232]There is no mission
[232][250]other than getting|these people home.
[250][266]It was never about|going home,
[266][280]it's about getting us|to where we're going.
[280][310]That is the mission.
[310][330]You were in detention,|for good reason.
[330][350]I was just wondering|what to do about it now.
[350][372]That's not up to you.
[393][407]Take cover!
[407][420]Homeworld command needs|the intel they're providing,
[420][438]and it's quite possible
[438][450]that these prisoners|have information
[450][466]that could help|head off that attack.
[466][480]Ginn and I figured out
[480][502]how to dial the ninth chevron|back to Earth
[502][518]while Destiny recharges|in a star.
[518][539]Somehow,|I've come back through time.
[539][557]Tell them not to try|and dial Earth.
[557][572]It won't work.|They're all going to die.
[572][593]Stop trying to scare people|and get on with this.
[593][609]Wait three seconds|and follow me!
[609][626]The connection was made,
[626][650]but you were the only one|who made it through to Earth.
[728][738]Welcome back, David.
[764][777]What the hell happened?
[777][792]That's gonna take|some explaining.
[807][819]To the best of our knowledge,
[819][833]the connection was only|viable for a few moments,
[833][845]which is why|you were the only one
[845][854]who made it through.
[854][873]So where did everyone else go?
[873][896]The likely answer is
[896][920]they were simply killed|in an unstable wormhole.
[920][940]The other me?
[940][958]He died
[958][981]trying to retrieve|some valuable hardware
[981][998]from the other Destiny.
[999][1019]It was an accident.
[1071][1084]It's a lot to process.
[1103][1130]No, I get it.
[1130][1156]Sort of.
[1156][1172]Anyway, I've been|around the program long enough
[1172][1194]to know this stuff happens,
[1194][1210]but good luck|trying to explain it
[1210][1224]to senator Michaels.
[1224][1238]New head
[1238][1258]of the off-world|spending committee?
[1258][1279]I've got to head back,|but she's coming on-board.
[1279][1303]She'll want a post-mortem|on this latest fiasco,
[1303][1316]but what she's really|interested in
[1316][1332]is Rush's little|signal from God...
[1332][1347]I never called it that.
[1368][1382]That's what a lot of them|are calling it back home.
[1382][1423]It's created a bit of a stir.
[1441][1464]They want to know if|it's worth spending the money
[1464][1483]to get another Icarus base|up and running.
[1483][1522]Yeah, even if they do,|and they find another planet
[1522][1532]and make a connection,
[1532][1547]it's still only a one-way trip.
[1547][1568]You, me, and everyone|on this ship
[1568][1586]aren't going anywhere.
[1586][1599]Yeah, it'd be nice|to get supplies.
[1599][1614]I should switch|with the senator,
[1614][1630]talk to my people,
[1630][1667]find out how this is all playing|with our international partners.
[1668][1682]All right.
[1682][1702]We'll need|a male volunteer as well.
[1702][1720]She's bringing|a scientist with her
[1720][1734]to confirm Rush's findings.
[1734][1751]Oh, well, in that case,|I know the perfect candidate.
[1760][1774]He's the only one on-board
[1774][1792]who hasn't used the stones|to go back.
[1792][1819]He keeps turning it down.
[1819][1847]Well, then maybe|you should order him to go.
[1847][1864]He was borderline unstable
[1864][1876]when we came on-board.
[1876][1889]If anyone can use|some time off...
[1889][1920]All right,|I will make that happen.
[1941][1967]This was your idea, wasn't it?
[1967][2002]We don't have|all day, sergeant.
[2002][2032]I don't need r&r.
[2032][2050]Yeah. Yeah, I get it.
[2050][2062]You're the perfect soldier.
[2062][2090]No rest, no weakness,
[2090][2107]no fear.
[2107][2124]Now, can we get this over with?
[2209][2237]Identify yourself.
[2237][2248]What's going on?
[2248][2262]Identify yourself now!
[2262][2289]I'm Camile Wray, this is|master sergeant Ronald Greer.
[2289][2302]Authentication code.
[2348][2363]What is going on?
[2363][2378]This is a scheduled connection.
[2378][2401]At ease, sergeant.
[2401][2420]Sorry about this, Camile.
[2420][2435]Senator Michaels and|Dr. Covel were briefed,
[2435][2452]but there was|no time to warn you.
[2452][2482]We are at a heightened|terrorist threat level.
[2494][2512]What happened?
[2512][2525]Nothing yet,
[2525][2541]but intel says that|the Lucian alliance
[2541][2562]is on the verge of|launching an attack.
[2562][2583]Homeworld command|is the target.
[2679][2700]Stargate Universe|- Alliances 
[2727][2745]Does anyone know this guy
[2745][2761]that they're sending|to check up on us?
[2761][2772]Uh, supposedly,
[2772][2781]he's the new head|of all research
[2781][2791]at Stargate command.
[2791][2819]Um...|Hovel or Shovel,
[2819][2832]something like that.
[2832][2847]It's Covel.
[2847][2870]Dr. Andrew Covel.
[2870][2887]We worked together|for a short time at Cornell
[2887][2908]before we were both recruited|into the program.
[2908][2935]<i>Rush, come in</i>.
[2935][2947]Yeah, go ahead.
[2947][2970]<i>Our guests</i> <i>have arrived.</i>
[2995][3020]Yeah, I'm on my way.
[3080][3109]So... uh, what's he like?
[3127][3140]I didn't know him|that well, actually.
[3140][3161]But you said|you worked with him.
[3161][3193]Yeah, well,|what can I tell you?
[3193][3216]He's the type of man
[3216][3230]who likes to keep secrets.
[3248][3272]Yeah, we know the type.
[3314][3329]The design predates|any ancient technology
[3329][3347]we've seen in the Milky Way|or Pegasus.
[3347][3362]Well, it's a pretty big ship.
[3362][3381]Anywhere in particular|you'd like to start?
[3381][3409]I'd like to start by|clearing something up.
[3409][3423]Given recent events,
[3423][3438]I would like to know|once and for all
[3438][3457]if we're closing the book|on the feasibility
[3457][3478]of dialing within a star.
[3478][3502]I'm not the man|you should be asking.
[3502][3523]Your first order of business
[3523][3549]was supposed to be|to get these people home.
[3549][3570]Presumably|without killing them.
[3570][3583]If I'm not mistaken,
[3583][3592]all of our people|signed off on it.
[3592][3603]The numbers were good,
[3603][3617]but it's true,
[3617][3637]conditions inside a star|are unpredictable.
[3637][3649]It's just unfortunate
[3649][3667]that the other Destiny was lost
[3667][3690]before anyone had a chance|to go over the logs.
[3690][3707]We needed those spare parts.
[3707][3722]There wasn't a lot of time.
[3722][3734]That's understandable.
[3734][3754]Unfortunately, it means
[3754][3770]we have no idea|what really happened.
[3770][3804]You're assuming|the other Rush was lying.
[3804][3816]My impressions of the man,|colonel,
[3816][3838]are based entirely|on your reports.
[3838][3851]We've had our differences,
[3851][3862]but this time|I was prepared to support him,
[3862][3877]stay behind,
[3877][3890]as long as we had|enough volunteers
[3890][3903]to keep the mission going.
[3903][3913]Sorry I'm late.
[3913][3931]Problems with|power distribution
[3931][3941]as usual.
[3941][3960]Dr. Rush,|senator Michaels,
[3960][3977]and I believe|you know Dr. Covel.
[3988][4001]Nicholas, good to see you.
[4014][4029]What are we talking about?
[4042][4069]I was just telling|colonel Young
[4069][4083]how I'd like to see Chloe.
[4083][4099]I was very good friends|with her father,
[4099][4126]and I've know her since|she was a little girl.
[4137][4161]She's on the bridge.|I'll take you to her.
[4250][4268]Is that what I think it is?
[4268][4283]We're sweeping|the building for radiation.
[4284][4318]The alliance has|managed to infiltrate
[4318][4330]a couple of our off-world bases
[4330][4342]and plant naquadria bombs.
[4358][4370]All clear, sir.
[4370][4382]Thank you.|Carry on.
[4382][4398]Yes, sir.
[4398][4417]We have escorts waiting
[4417][4428]for both of you outside.
[4428][4443]They'll take you|wherever you need to go.
[4443][4463]All due respect, sir,|with everything going on,
[4463][4474]I think I'd like to stay|right here.
[4497][4508]Appreciate the thought,|master sergeant,
[4508][4519]but we've got this.
[4519][4540]Look, I know|these people, colonel.
[4540][4560]I've dealt with them.
[4560][4579]Unlike some of us...
[4579][4599]I never trusted them.
[4599][4629]I'll keep that|under advisement,
[4629][4640]but for now, you're dismissed.
[4640][4667]Yes, sir.
[4958][4978]Senator Michaels, is it you?
[4988][5001]Oh, my God.
[5001][5013]Hi, sweetheart.
[5030][5042]Look at you.
[5042][5056]Wow, uh,
[5056][5069]welcome to the Destiny.
[5069][5092]I can't believe it.
[5092][5113]Well, what are you doing?
[5113][5142]Oh, um, I was just going over|the ship's FTL jump logs.
[5142][5171]We're trying to improve|the accuracy
[5171][5180]of manual navigation.
[5190][5204]It's the new me.
[5204][5217]What do you think?
[5217][5234]Well, I...
[5234][5262]I think I'd like to leave|the science and technology
[5262][5279]to somebody else|for a few moments
[5279][5292]so we can talk,
[5292][5307]if that's okay with...
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