Stargate Universe [02x16] The Hunt [ENG].txt

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[23][45]I may be on the verge
[45][76]of discovering the true nature|of Destiny's mission.
[76][100]You've had control of this ship
[100][115]the whole time!
[115][125]Why wouldn't you tell anyone?
[125][140]The Lucian Alliance
[140][156]is planning an attack on Earth.
[156][170]I killed Riley.
[170][192]I suffocated him|with my own hands.
[192][214]You are a good commander.
[214][227]There is no mission
[227][245]other than getting|these people home.
[245][262]It was never about going home.
[262][272]It's about getting us|to where we're going.
[272][306]That is the mission.
[306][323]This is Varro,
[323][344]one of our remaining|alliance guests.
[344][360]I haven't seen you in a while.
[360][374]Your kidneys are failing.
[374][386]End-stage renal disease.
[386][401]The only other option|for treatment
[401][417]would be a transplant.
[417][436]You won't reject it.
[436][451]Great, no pressure.
[451][473]There may be a little|infection setting in there.
[473][493]I'm fine.
[493][505]Eli, what the hell did you do?
[521][553]I transferred the memory where|they were stored into quarantine.
[553][577]They're cut off from the rest|of the ship now, and us.
[577][591]That's what I did,
[591][613]to save you.
[641][653]Space deer.
[653][666]They're beautiful.
[666][675]They're going|to look even more beautiful
[697][730]and served up with a side|of Becker's mash.
[730][753]You're not serious.
[753][780]Uh, and how exactly|would you cook 'em?
[780][801]I wouldn't.|I'm a vegetarian.
[817][835]For the past 10 months,|we have all been vegetarian.
[835][865]I am dying for a steak.
[866][886]I could use a steak.
[886][905]No, you guys can't kill|those creatures,
[905][927]and this has nothing to do|with being a vegetarian.
[927][943]I mean, we don't know|anything about them.
[943][957]They could be intelligent.
[957][973]We just saw one of them|eat its own vomit.
[973][983]How smart can they be?
[995][1012]I could use some help|over here.
[1012][1038]Okay, look, I'll tell you what,
[1038][1052]if they can give me|one good reason
[1052][1073]why I shouldn't eat them,
[1073][1088]I won't,
[1088][1122]but it better be a good one,|because I am mighty hungry.
[1135][1147]Let's do it.
[1182][1197]Not cool.
[1353][1363]Want me to take it?
[1363][1396]No. No...
[1396][1414]I got it.
[1467][1482]What the heck happened?
[1494][1513]Something must've spooked 'em.
[1513][1526]We've got plenty of time.
[1526][1536]Want to go after 'em?
[1536][1557]Hell, yeah.
[1602][1614]What was that?
[1614][1646]Hang on.
[1806][1818]Shoot it!
[2036][2067]<i>Shoot it!</i>
[2102][2119]<i>It's heading</i> <i>for the camp!</i>
[2119][2137]By the time we got there,|it was gone.
[2137][2158]Was anybody hurt?
[2158][2180]No fatalities, but|plenty of injuries,
[2180][2207]and two missing.
[2207][2232]Reynolds and T.J.
[2253][2272]Permission to go|after them, sir.
[2272][2284]Permission denied.
[2284][2297]Sir, I know things|may look bad,
[2297][2308]but there is still a chance|that T.J. and Reynolds
[2308][2320]could be alive down there.
[2320][2337]Which is why|we need to find them
[2337][2350]as fast as possible.
[2350][2368]I'm going to need you|here, lieutenant.
[2368][2384]While I'm gone,|you're in charge.
[2384][2400]You got a problem with that?
[2400][2422]No, sir.
[2547][2568]What are you doing?
[2568][2581]Checking to see what's inside.
[2581][2602]Why, what does it look|like I'm doing?
[2602][2624]Come on.
[2624][2642]I thought the whole point
[2642][2660]of exploring|unexplored sections of the ship
[2660][2685]was to, well, explore them.
[2685][2698]We are.
[2698][2708]Not really.
[2708][2720]Well, what can I say?
[2720][2742]Rush wants us to take|a cautious approach.
[2742][2758]Who cares what Rush thinks?
[2758][2769]He's not our boss.
[2769][2779]You tell him that.
[2779][2791]I will.
[2791][2801]No, you won't.
[2801][2812]I am not afraid of him.
[2812][2824]Afraid of whom?
[2842][2861]I think it's "who."
[2861][2873]"Afraid of who."
[2873][2901]Afraid not.
[2913][2927]What've we got here?
[2927][2964]This is one of the last rooms in|this section.
[2978][3000]I'm guessing|more ancient containers.
[3108][3130]I want to see them rescued|as much as anyone,
[3130][3150]but we have to consider|the possibility
[3150][3165]that they may already be dead.
[3165][3179]We swept the area.
[3179][3200]If they were dead,|why didn't we find the bodies?
[3200][3225]Maybe the creature|dragged them away,
[3225][3245]took them somewhere|it wouldn't be disturbed.
[3275][3303]Neither of them are responding|to radio communications.
[3303][3315]Maybe they're unconscious,
[3315][3329]their radios were lost|or damaged,
[3329][3342]I don't know.
[3342][3362]All I'm saying is,|we can hope for the best
[3363][3385]as long as we're prepared|for the worst.
[3385][3397]You're right.
[3397][3413]Why don't you guys|meet us at the gate?
[3489][3502]You mind, uh,
[3502][3512]telling me what happened
[3512][3526]back there on the planet?
[3526][3543]You had the shot,|and you didn't take it.
[3543][3554]Why not?
[3554][3580]I don't know.
[3580][3590]If it was a moment|of indecision,
[3590][3602]just one of those things,
[3602][3622]then you can drop it,
[3622][3659]but if there is a problem,|you need to find out what it is,
[3659][3679]and you need to fix it. Fast.
[3679][3702]Yes, sir.
[3731][3768]Stasis pods?
[3782][3793]Obviously designed
[3793][3811]for lengthy|intergalactic journeys.
[3811][3822]We've got multiple rooms
[3822][3831]exactly like this one
[3831][3842]going both ways.
[3842][3863]It's fascinating.
[3863][3875]That's a bit of|an understatement.
[3875][3884]This is huge.
[3920][3930]Okay, let's leave it for now.
[3930][3943]Let's go.
[3955][3973]You can't be serious.
[3973][3994]Well, given recent events,
[3994][4008]it may be wise
[4008][4026]to check over the ship's data|on this compartment
[4026][4044]before proceeding.
[4174][4182]Sergeant, hold up.
[4182][4196]I think we lost its trail.
[4196][4210]We should double back.
[4210][4225]Well, we need to keep|moving forward.
[4225][4244]No, not if we're headed|the wrong way.
[4244][4273]Back the way we came|is the wrong way.
[4273][4294]We keep moving forward,
[4294][4304]we'll pick up the trail again.
[4304][4334]Trust me.
[4334][4346]All right, you guys|check out the area,
[4346][4355]see if you can spot any tracks.
[4380][4410]What's up?
[4410][4429]We're up against|the clock here, sir.
[4429][4449]Which is why we can't afford|to make any more mistakes.
[4449][4461]Listen to me,
[4461][4474]I know this is|tearing you apart,
[4474][4493]but what's done is done,
[4493][4513]and you let guilt start|dictating your actions,
[4513][4525]you're just asking for trouble.
[4525][4540]I don't know,
[4540][4553]maybe you needed more time|to recuperate after surgery.
[4572][4583]I'm fine, sir.
[4583][4609]Then get your head on straight.
[4624][4644]James, Marzen...
[4903][4919]Any updates from the planet?
[4931][4959]They've lost the trail,
[4959][4984]so they're doubling back.
[4997][5023]I'd like to volunteer to help|with this rescue op.
[5023][5041]Well, much appreciated,
[5041][5060]but colonel Young and his team
[5060][5081]are more than capable|of seeing this through.
[5081][5101]With all due respect,|no, they're not.
[5101][5113]They have the training,
[5113][5131]but they lack|the necessary experience.
[5131][5152]Me and my people|have been hunting
[5152][5172]most of our lives.
[5172][5184]We can track|this animal for you.
[5184][5197]We can do it better, faster
[5197][5212]than anyone you've got|down there on the ground
[5212][5230]right now.
[5262][5277]When this is over,
[5277][5290]you're going to want to know
[5290][5314]that you did everything|in your power to save them.
[5375][5401]Well, it happened so fast.
[5401][5437]One minute I was helping|to catalogue plant samples,
[5437][5465]and the next I was on the ground|and everyone was screaming.
[5477][5488]I just heard.
[5488][5503]Come to check up on us, huh?
[5516][5528]Yeah, I came to|check up on you...
[5538][5554]How are you?
[5554][5567]Oh, in constant pain!
[5567][5581]I think my ankle's broken.
[5581][5591]Every time I move...
[5591][5610]Well, hang in there.
[5610][5630]How about you?
[5630][5652]According to the medical scan,|a cracked rib.
[5652][5677]Ha! I should be|so lucky.
[5677][5694]How do you, uh,|how do you treat a cracked rib?
[5694][5705]You don't.
[5705][5725]Speaking from|personal experience.
[5725][5735]Snowboarding accident.
[5735][5757]You just take it easy.
[5757][5774]It'll heal itself|in about a month.
[5774][5797]In a month?
[5797][5822]Okay, is there|anything you need?
[5822][5835]Anything I can do?
[5835][5845]Yeah, could you|take off my sock?
[5845][5862]Are you serious, dude?
[5862][5871]My foot's swelling up!
[5871][5887]I'll get that for you.
[5911][5932]Thanks for coming by.
[5932][5945]Yeah, it was nothing.
[5945][5970]Rush had me up on the bridge|running diagnostics...
[5973][5983]I really appreciate it.
[6005][6014]Yeah, no,
[6014][6035]I, uh...
[6035][6062]Just wanted to make sure|you were all right.
[6266][6276]Oh, thank God.
[6353][6363]Where are we?
[6364][6374]I don't know.
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