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O CTO B E R 2011
New FINE Hardware USB
FFT Analyzer, p. 14
Drivers on the Test Bench, p. 18
Industry News and Developments
By Vance Dickason
131 st AES Convention NYC
This year’s AES Convention will be held, as it is
every other year, at the Jacob K. Javits Convention
Center in New York City, New York. Dates for this
year’s Convention/Trade Show are October 20–23,
2011. As with all AES conventions, this one prom-
ises to have a lot of information for the loudspeaker
industry. Between workshops, master classes, live
sound sessions, and paper presentations, there will be
an enormous amount of information available to the
loudspeaker engineering community. Paper presen-
tations of particular interest to the industry at this
year’s convention include the following. (Please note
that some paper presentation descriptions were not
available when Voice Coil went to print.)
The following Live Sound Seminars will take place:
Dr. William Marshall Leach
Remembered, p. 39
By Vance Dickason
A Full-Range 8" from Dayton
Audio and a New 10" Woofer
from Scan-Speak
By Vance Dickason
DSP Algorithms —Chairman: Rich Frembes,
Fulcrum Acoustics: It’s not talked about often, but
almost no two brands of digital loudspeaker proces-
sors use the same filter definitions. As a result, there
is no such thing as a cross-platform, DSP agnostic,
optimal crossover setting. This panel looks at how
to create a precise set of crossover and equalization
filters for the best loudspeaker performance despite
so much variability in DSP filter shapes. DSP engi-
neers and loudspeaker experts talk filter definitions,
By James Croft
By Vance Dickason
Products & Services Index
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Expert Cone, Dome, and Suspension FEA Modeling
Test Drive VIBR AT at 2012 CES and ALMA
Motor Design Modeling
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tips on DSP settings conversion, and the need for a
loudspeaker filter definition standard.
The following Paper Presentations will take place:
Accurate Acoustic Modeling of Small Rooms —Holger
Schmalle, AFMG Ahnert Feistel Media Group - Berlin,
Germany; Dirk Noy, WSDG Walters-Storyk Design
Group - Basal, Switzerland; Stefan Feistel, AFMG
Ahnert Feistel Media Group - Berlin, Germany;
Gabriel Hauser, WSDG Walters-Storyk Design
Group - Basal, Switzerland; Wolfgang Ahnert, AFMG
Ahnert Feistel Media Group - Berlin, Germany; John
Storyk, WSDG Walters-Storyk Design Group - Basal,
Switzerland: Modeling of sound reinforcement sys-
tems and room acoustics in large- and medium-size
venues has become a standard in the audio industry.
However, acoustic modeling of small rooms has not
yet evolved into a widely accepted concept, mainly
because of the unavailable tool set. This work intro-
duces a practical and accurate software-based approach
for simulating the acoustic properties of studio rooms
based on FEM. A detailed case study is presented and
modeling results are compared with measurements. It
is shown that results match within given uncertainties.
Also, it is indicated how the simulation software can be
enhanced to optimize loudspeaker locations and place
absorbers and diffusers in order to improve the acoustic
quality of the space and thus the listening experience.
Subwoofer Arrays and Beam Steering : Nothing seems
more topical than the control of low-frequency energy
via array design. The problem of excess low-frequency
energy will be addressed with subwoofer and array
design, placement, and DSP control. The methods of
achieving good coverage for the audience and elimi-
nating bass build up on stage or other areas will be
Production Wireless Systems Practical Applications
and Practices —Chairman: James Stoffo: One of the
prime RF coordinators in the industry, James Stoffo
will moderate a panel of leading manufacturers in a
discussion of RF techniques and best practices. Topics
will include proper radio spectrum band planning,
antenna specification and techniques, proper audio
gain staging, scanners and analyzers, wireless accesso-
ries, squelch threshold, RF war gaming, and tips and
tricks for maximum success.
The following Master Class is scheduled:
Human Hearing 101 How it Works (The Short
Version)—Presenter: Jim Johnston, DTS, Inc.: In this
class, a variety of subjects will be discussed at a con-
ceptual level, from head-related transfer functions to
the actual filters implemented in the human cochlea.
Along the way, loudness vs. intensity, the law of the
first wave front, localization, auditory masking, and
the effects of attention and inter-sensory interaction
will be discussed. For each subject, an example will be
given. For one or two of the subjects, a demonstration
may be provided. When you are done with this class,
you will have an understanding of how the ear does
frequency analysis, and the way that affects everything
else that relates to the human auditory system, from
localization, through masking, to the absolute thresh-
old of hearing. In addition to the above, issues of
envelopment, direct vs. diffuse sensation, and spatial
perception will be discussed as time allows.
MTF-Based Loudspeaker Optimization Objective
Functions —Andrew Christian
An Approach to Small Size Direct Radiation
Transducers with High SPL —Jose Martinez, Acústica
Beyma, S.L. - Valencia, Spain; Enrique Segovia, Obras
Públicas e Infraestructura Urbana - Alicante, Spain;
Jaime Ramis, Ingeniería de Sistemas y Teoria de la
Señal - San Vicent del Raspeig, Spain; Alejandro Espí,
Acústica Beyma, S.L. - Valencia, Spain; Jesús Carbajo,
Ingeniería de Sistemas y Teoria de la Señal - San
Vicent del Raspeig, Spain: This work analyzes some
of the issues related to small size, direct-radiation
loudspeakers design and aims to achieve high SPL
using this kind of loudspeaker. In order to reach it,
large diaphragm displacements are needed. Structural
Publisher - Hugo Van haecke
Editor - Vance Dickason
(E-mail vdc@northwest.com)
C. J. Abate.................Editorial Coordinator
Shannon Becker ..............Editorial Assistant
Shannon Barraclough ....Marketing Director
KC Prescott ...................................Graphics
Jeff Yanco ....................................Controller
Debbie Lavoie ..................Customer Service
Valerie Luster.....Administrative Coordinator
Send all press releases and information to
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Voice Coil , ( ISSN 1521-091X ),
the Periodical of the Loudspeaker
Industry, is published monthly by
Segment, LLC, 4 Park St., Vernon,
CT 06066 USA, (860) 875-2199,
FAX (860) 871-0411. Periodical rates
paid at Vernon, CT and additional
Copyright 2011 by Segment, LLC. All
rights reserved. Quotation from Voice Coil
is forbidden without written permission of
the publisher.
voice coil
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OCTOber 2011 5
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