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English Corpus Linguistics An Introduction
English Corpus Linguistics
An Introduction
English Corpus Linguistics is a step-by-step guide to creating and analyzing
linguistic corpora. It begins with a discussion of the role that corpus linguistics
plays in linguistic theory, demonstrating that corpora have proven to be very
useful resources for linguists who believe that their theories and descriptions
of English should be based on real, rather than contrived, data. Charles F.
Meyer goes on to describe how to plan the creation of a corpus, how to collect
and computerize data for inclusion in a corpus, how to annotate the data that
are collected, and how to conduct a corpus analysis of a completed corpus.
The bookconcludes with an overview of the future challenges that corpus
linguists face to make both the creation and analysis of corpora much easier
undertakings than they currently are. Clearly organized and accessibly written,
this bookwill appeal to students of linguistics and English language.
. is Professor of Applied Linguistics at the University of
Massachusetts, Boston. He has published numerous books and articles on lin-
guistics, including Apposition in Contemporary English (Cambridge, 1992),
and TheVerbinContemporaryEnglish , co-edited with Bas Aarts (Cambridge,
1995). He is currently editor of the Journal of English Linguistics and former
co-ordinator of the International Corpus of English (ICE).
The aim of this series is to provide a frameworkfor original workon the English
language. All are based securely on empirical research, and represent theoretical and
descriptive contributions to our knowledge of national varieties of English, both
written and spoken. The series will cover a broad range of topics in English grammar,
vocabulary, discourse, and pragmatics, and is aimed at an international readership.
Already published
Christian Mair
Infinitival complement clauses in English: a study of syntax in discourse
Charles F. Meyer
Apposition in contemporary English
Jan Firbas
Functional sentence perpective in written and spoken communication
IzchakM. Schlesinger
Cognitive space and linguistic case
Katie Wales
Personal pronouns in present-day English
Laura Wright
The development of standard English 1300–1800: theories, descriptions, conflicts
Editorial Board
Bas Aarts, John Algeo, Susan Fitzmaurice,
Richard Hogg, Merja Kyto, Charles Meyer
English Corpus Linguistics
An Introduction
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