Kirael - Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift by Fred Sterling (2006).pdf

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Within us is an ancient memory often dismissed by a world
bloated with information, yet starved for wisdom. Kirael: Lemurian
Legacy for The Great Shift invites us to re-member ourselves once
—Elizabeth Kapu’uwailani Lindsey, Ph.D, Anthropologist
Kirael: Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift is a textbook of
genius status, yet, the message is simple. All is LOVE. “We are a
pathway of energy that can only be experienced as love, because the the Creation of Love itself.” The ancient Lemurians knew
this, and they healed sensing “love in everything...They embraced it
and took it to higher and higher levels until they reached the pinnacle
of its vibration.”
Yes, the message of this book is LOVE. As you read, you will
experience a Great Shift in Consciousness that will help you better
understand yourself as well as the loving world of the Lemurians
who dwelt on this planet in ancient times.
—Barbara Wolf, Founder, Global Meditations Network
This has been the most uplifting, loving, healing and mind-
blowing reading experience I’ve ever had. Kirael: Lemurian Legacy
for The Great Shift is so powerfully woven with the Light and Love
of Kahu Fred Sterling and Master Kirael that, by just holding it in
my hands for the irst time, my entire cellular consciousness began
vibrating in celebration of the upcoming journey.
This book will so perfectly awaken all who read it into an
understanding of Lemuria, a time and a way of life that is no longer
unimaginable nor is it unattainable in this lifetime. Read with your
heart and get ready to be swept into the wave of the most loving
vibration of words and visions.
Master Kirael lifts the shades and opens the window to an
exquisite and magical view of where we are headed. All questions,
asked and unasked, are answered within these very pages that
shimmer with the light and truth of Love itself.
—Reverend Alice Inoue, Feng Shui Expert and Astrologer
Other Books by Fred Sterling
Lemurian Legacy
The Great Shift
Kirael: The Great Shift Revised Edition
Original available in German
Kirael Volume II: The Genesis Matrix
Also available in Finnish
Kirael: The Ten Principles of Consciously Creating
Also available in Hebrew and German
Guide to the Unseen Self
Also available in German
Creator and Me: A Lightworker’s Prayers for Meditation and Healing
These books, as well as Kirael/Fred Sterling audio recordings of live
Kirael sessions, prayers and meditations, are available at or by calling +1 808-952-0880 or 1-800-390-1886
Fred Sterling
Honolulu, Hawaii USA
Kirael: Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
Fred Sterling
ebook ISBN-13: 978-0-9778685-1-3
printed book ISBN-13: 978-0-9675353-7-1
Published in 2006
This book is dedicated to Lee Carroll, a friend, mentor, and
most assuredly, an ancient Lemurian. So long have I known him
on this and other dimensions that it almost seems unnecessary
to thank him for all he has done for me. Never have I felt closer
to any human being, and that is because all he ever expected of
me was to be myself.
Copyright © 2006 by Fred Sterling
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a mechanical retrieval
system or transmitted in any form by electronic, video, laser, mechanical,
photocopying, recording means or otherwise, in part or in whole, without the
written consent of the publisher.
Honolulu, Hawaii
Toll free – U.S. only: (800) 390-1886
Printed in the United States of America
Cover Art: Holly Hill
Layout and Design: Han Cho
Author Photo: Keely Luke Photographie
Kirael (Spirit)
Kirael: Lemurian legacy for the great shift /
[channeled through] Fred Sterling.
p. cm.
Includes index.
LCCN 2005937135
ISBN-13: 978-0-9675353-7-1
ISBN-10: 0-9675353-7-9
1. Lemuria. 2. Civilization, Ancient. 3. Spirit
writings. I. Sterling, Fred, 1946- II. Title.
GN751.K57 2006 001.94
plane. Between my travels to present seminars and workshops, private
channeling sessions, healing sessions and ministry, they have corralled
me enough to bring this work to completion, and I say thank you.
Thank you to the participants of the focus group sessions with
Master Guide Kirael who asked the questions for the book: Lori
RRossana Domingo, Sonja Langley-Lau, Karinna Nielsen, Kendra
Llelan Robinson, Patti Athenna Sterling, Dierdra Ollivie Tompkins and
Rebecca Whitecotton. And my special thanks to the “We the People”
participants at monthly “Kahu + Kirael Live” channeling events and
“The Great Shift with Fred Sterling” webcasts who called in or were
present at the events to ask their questions.
To the editing team of Lori RRossana Domingo, Karinna Nielsen
and Dierdra Ollivie Tompkins, my humble gratitude for all your love
and light on the project. My thanks as well to proofreaders Priscilla
Rogerson and Rebecca Whitecotton, and to the transcribers of the
information from Master Guide Kirael: Sonja Langley-Lau, Sharon
Taphorn and Dierdra Ollivie Tompkins.
In addition, I’d like to thank you, my loyal readers, for your love
and support, as each of us in the Beauty unfolds in our respective
And inally, my greatest acknowledgement is a simple: God
bless you, Master Guide Kirael, for your patience. My only prayer is
to make you proud.
I would like to acknowledge, irst and foremost, my spirit teacher,
guide, and mentor, and most importantly, my friend, Master Guide
Kirael, whom I have known in this lifetime for almost two decades.
When we were irst introduced, I was so overwhelmed by his presence
of love that I almost ran from the arena. So daunting was the wisdom
he shared with me that I knew from the beginning that my life would
never be the same.
Master Guide Kirael was tolerant, caring, and above all, willing
to allow me to make just about every mistake possible in awakening
to my new life. Though never gifted with the simple answers I was
seeking, neither was I ever left on my own in my search. I was schooled
in listening to guidance, and soon I was honored by being introduced
to some of the great Masters, with whom I would spend countless
hours learning the ways of the multiple dimensions.
For so many years, I was given great tools of enlightenment, and
all the while was told that I couldn’t share these tools with the world.
“Why,” I would ask, “should one be given these gifts and not be able
to share them?” The only answer was always, “When you know, you
will know,” and on came even more lessons.
Now I know. And now I can sum it up in one simple statement:
“I am no one and I am everyone.”
It takes a team of dedicated individuals to put a work of this
kind together, and in creating an acknowledgement page, the author
often labors over making sure that no one is left out. From my heart,
I am deeply grateful for the love of all the people, both named and
unnamed, who have worked tirelessly to bring Master Guide Kirael’s
and my words forth in the highest light.
My heartfelt love to my Lightways Publishing team of Karinna
Nielsen, Patti Athenna Sterling and Lori RRossana Domingo, for not
only having the courage to bring this project to closure, but moreover,
for having the diligence it must take to work with someone who spends
as much time on other dimensions as he does on this third-dimensional
Kahu Fred Sterling
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