Jack London - The Star-Rover # aka The Jacket, Dodo Press edition (keep).pdf

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The Jacket
(The Star-Rover)
Jack London
The Jacket (The Star-Rover)
All my life I have had an awareness of other times and places. I have
been aware of other persons in me.—Oh, and trust me, so have you,
my reader that is to be. Read back into your childhood, and this
sense of awareness I speak of will be remembered as an experience
of your childhood. You were then not fixed, not crystallized. You
were plastic, a soul in flux, a consciousness and an identity in the
process of forming—ay, of forming and forgetting.
You have forgotten much, my reader, and yet, as you read these
lines, you remember dimly the hazy vistas of other times and places
into which your child eyes peered. They seem dreams to you to-
day. Yet, if they were dreams, dreamed then, whence the substance
of them? Our dreams are grotesquely compounded of the things we
know. The stuff of our sheerest dreams is the stuff of our
experience. As a child, a wee child, you dreamed you fell great
heights; you dreamed you flew through the air as things of the air
fly; you were vexed by crawling spiders and many-legged creatures
of the slime; you heard other voices, saw other faces nightmarishly
familiar, and gazed upon sunrises and sunsets other than you know
now, looking back, you ever looked upon.
Very well. These child glimpses are of other-worldness, of other-
lifeness, of things that you had never seen in this particular world of
your particular life. Then whence? Other lives? Other worlds?
Perhaps, when you have read all that I shall write, you will have
received answers to the perplexities I have propounded to you, and
that you yourself, ere you came to read me, propounded to yourself.
* * * * *
Wordsworth knew. He was neither seer nor prophet, but just
ordinary man like you or any man. What he knew, you know, any
The Jacket (The Star-Rover)
man knows. But he most aptly stated it in his passage that begins
“Not in utter nakedness, not in entire forgetfulness. . .”
Ah, truly, shades of the prison-house close about us, the new-born
things, and all too soon do we forget. And yet, when we were new-
born we did remember other times and places. We, helpless infants
in arms or creeping quadruped-like on the floor, dreamed our
dreams of air-flight. Yes; and we endured the torment and torture of
nightmare fears of dim and monstrous things. We new-born infants,
without experience, were born with fear, with memory of fear; and
memory is experience .
As for myself, at the beginnings of my vocabulary, at so tender a
period that I still made hunger noises and sleep noises, yet even then
did I know that I had been a star-rover. Yes, I, whose lips had never
lisped the word “king,” remembered that I had once been the son of
a king. More—I remembered that once I had been a slave and a son
of a slave, and worn an iron collar round my neck.
Still more. When I was three, and four, and five years of age, I was
not yet I. I was a mere becoming, a flux of spirit not yet cooled solid
in the mould of my particular flesh and time and place. In that
period all that I had ever been in ten thousand lives before strove in
me, and troubled the flux of me, in the effort to incorporate itself in
me and become me.
Silly, isn’t it? But remember, my reader, whom I hope to have travel
far with me through time and space—remember, please, my reader,
that I have thought much on these matters, that through bloody
nights and sweats of dark that lasted years-long, I have been alone
with my many selves to consult and contemplate my many selves. I
have gone through the hells of all existences to bring you news
which you will share with me in a casual comfortable hour over my
printed page.
So, to return, I say, during the ages of three and four and five, I was
not yet I. I was merely becoming as I took form in the mould of my
The Jacket (The Star-Rover)
body, and all the mighty, indestructible past wrought in the mixture
of me to determine what the form of that becoming would be. It was
not my voice that cried out in the night in fear of things known,
which I, forsooth, did not and could not know. The same with my
childish angers, my loves, and my laughters. Other voices screamed
through my voice, the voices of men and women aforetime, of all
shadowy hosts of progenitors. And the snarl of my anger was
blended with the snarls of beasts more ancient than the mountains,
and the vocal madness of my child hysteria, with all the red of its
wrath, was chorded with the insensate, stupid cries of beasts pre-
Adamic and progeologic in time.
And there the secret is out. The red wrath! It has undone me in this,
my present life. Because of it, a few short weeks hence, I shall be led
from this cell to a high place with unstable flooring, graced above by
a well-stretched rope; and there they will hang me by the neck until I
am dead. The red wrath always has undone me in all my lives; for
the red wrath is my disastrous catastrophic heritage from the time of
the slimy things ere the world was prime.
* * * * *
It is time that I introduce myself. I am neither fool nor lunatic. I
want you to know that, in order that you will believe the things I
shall tell you. I am Darrell Standing. Some few of you who read this
will know me immediately. But to the majority, who are bound to be
strangers, let me exposit myself. Eight years ago I was Professor of
Agronomics in the College of Agriculture of the University of
California. Eight years ago the sleepy little university town of
Berkeley was shocked by the murder of Professor Haskell in one of
the laboratories of the Mining Building. Darrell Standing was the
I am Darrell Standing. I was caught red-handed. Now the right and
the wrong of this affair with Professor Haskell I shall not discuss. It
was purely a private matter. The point is, that in a surge of anger,
obsessed by that catastrophic red wrath that has cursed me down the
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