Fearless Photographer Portraits.pdf

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Fearless Photographer
Charlotte Richardson
Course Technology PTR
A part of Cengage Learning
Australia, Brazil, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Singapore, Spain, United Kingdom, United States
Fearless Photographer: Portraits
Charlotte Richardson
© 2012 Charlotte Richardson
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All images © Charlotte Richardson unless otherwise noted.
Library of Congress Control Number: 2011923901
ISBN-13: 978-1-4354--5824-6
ISBN-10: 1-4354-5824-9
eISBN-10: 1-4354-5825-7
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The circles of confusion seem farther away now—or is it just our age?
Cras amet, qui nunquam amavit, Quique amavit, cras amet.
Words of wisdom for my girls—avoid disappointment and future regrets by
heeding the following advice:
Always flush with your foot.
Only believe in what you cannot see if it makes you happy.
Question everything at least once.
Trust your mother.
Don’t marry until you’ve traveled to a different country. If you have to marry, elope.
I know everything because I’ve had 43 years’ worth of mistakes to learn from.
The only person who can save you is you.
Your reputation is everything, good or bad, so choose wisely.
School sucks, but minimum wage blows, so work hard in school so you can coast later.
Your gut feeling is always right; learn to listen to it.
Boyfriends are disposable; babies aren’t. Condoms are not negotiable.
Your mother loves you unconditionally.
Time does not stop for you, so enjoy every minute of your life.
When in doubt, ask your mother; I will never lie to you.
You get one body, so look after it.
You need health insurance.
Your past will shape your future, so don’t waste the present.
You are beautiful.
Only give your love to those who return it and your number to those who are worth it.
Never lose control of your mind; drugs and alcohol are for losers.
Your father means well, but he is a man, and it’s an unfair fight, so be gentle.
Always come home for the holidays, or I will hunt you down and
humiliate you on the Internet with pictures from your baby album.
When I am old, don’t treat me like an idiot, or everything goes to the animals.
Never make decisions on an empty stomach.
I love you.
This book would not have been possible without the support and strong-arm tactics of friends and family
(and more than one stranger) who stepped forward to be photographed. I would also like to thank my
editor, Cathleen Small, who shepherded me through the process to make my thoughts more clear and
concise, and who Americanized my grammar, much to my horror. Thanks go to Mark Suban of Nikon for
lending me equipment I needed for this project, which, in turn, I couldn’t live without and ended up buy-
ing: Curse you, Red Baron! To Lindsay King, for being the über assistant who gets my attention to detail.
To my mother, for our first Box Brownie 40 years ago and for sending the film out for development in the
little envelopes that magically returned with prints and free film. Lastly, to John Harrington, who believes
that once you hit the keyboard with your head to press “send” on your book contract, you are contractu-
ally bound, and who will cheer you to the finish line with chocolates and moral support, even when there
are only 24 hours in a day and you need 25.
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