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Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
Anna Kowalska
Personal data
Date of birth 1 April 1983
Gender Female
Nationality Polish
Address ul. Jeleniogórska 101
dolnośląskie, Poland
Phone 406 405 231
October 2002 - June 2005 Kolegium Karkonoskie, Jelenia Góra, Poland
specialization: English philology
September 1998 - June 2002 I LO im. Stefana Żeromskiego w Jeleniej Górze
profil: mathematics
Work experience
September 2004 - May 2005 CKU Jelenia Góra: work as a trainee teacher; planning and
organizing lessons; leading lessons; observing lessons;
preparing materials for lessons
Known languages
English ( very good)
German (basic)
Polish (native)
Computer skills
Software MS Word (good)
Operating systems
Windows 2000 (good) , Windows 95/98 (good)
Other information
Additional info to CV
Since 2002 I have been giving private English lessons; working
with children, teenagers and adults on different levels of
I also worked at the seaside as a waitress (2 months) so I have
some experience in customer service. I am hard working,
responsible, flexible and reliable. I am willing to learn new
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