
(0 KB) Pobierz
=2009: 	Limits of Control, The 
=2005: 	Broken Flowers 
=2003: 	Kawa i papierosy   (Coffee and Cigarettes) 
=2002: 	10 minut póŸniej: Tr¹bka   (Ten Minutes Older: The Trumpet) 
=1999: 	Ghost Dog: Droga samuraja   (Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai) 
=1997: 	Rok konia   (Year of the Horse) 
=1995: 	Truposz   (Dead Man) 
=1993: 	Kawa i papierosy III   (Coffee and Cigarettes III) 
=1991: 	Noc na Ziemi   (Night on Earth) 
=1989: 	Kawa i papierosy II   (Coffee and Cigarettes II) 
=1989: 	Mystery Train 
=1986: 	Poza prawem   (Down by Law) 
=1986: 	Kawa i papierosy   (Coffee and Cigarettes) 
=1984: 	Inaczej ni¿ w raju   (Stranger Than Paradise) 
1982: 	Nowy œwiat   (New World, The) 
=1980: 	Nieustaj¹ce wakacje   (Permanent Vacation)
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