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AAMT Summer 06.indd
Applying Massage to Aesthetic
Medicine and Plastic Surgery
By Piotr Szczotka
As part of an educational program
at the Bodywork School of Massage
in Poznań, Poland, Massage
herapist Piotr Szczotka worked
to develop a treatment co-
operation between physicians of
aesthetic medicine and plastic
surgery, and therapists such as
qualified massage therapists,
physiotherapists and beauty
consultants. In this article Piotr
discusses some of his findings.
medicine belongs to the physician, qualified
massage therapists, physiotherapists, and
nurses as well as properly trained qualified
beauty consultants co-operating with
doctors have a significant contribution in
beauty care, health prophylaxis and
aesthetic medicine itself. Qualified Massage
therapists and physiotherapists, contributing
directly to clinical, therapeutic programs,
work in clinics of aesthetic medicine.
Applying massage to cosmetic
and aesthetic medicine
Although we understand the use of
massage in cosmetic therapy (beauty
salons) very well, specialist massage in
aesthetic medicine is applied in very few
Massages in aesthetic medicine are used as:
• one of the diagnostic methods which
allows to define the condition of the
skin on bigger surfaces, its elasticity,
temperature and oiling, and the
degree to which we can move it
towards more deeply located tissues
• a preparatory method before some
interventions – massage can relax
tissues, or decrease a disharmony of
symmetry e.g. in face tension
• a revitalization method ater medical
interventions to maintain the effects
of the aesthetic medicine, mainly by
stimulating circulatory and hormonal
Properly selected massage techniques in
aesthetic medicine are applied during the
following treatments or methods:
• peelings (in few examples massage
application as diagnostic method)
• botulinum toxin injection (in properly
time – few days ater injection)
• fillers (massage stimulating
circulatory system also as a diagnostic
Massages are also used during figure
shaping and aesthetic prophylaxis among
others, ater pregnancy. Massage
application for health and aesthetic
purposes during the childbirth period
• striae distensae prophylaxis
• massage ater Caesarean section
• prophylactic-cosmetic massage of
breasts ater breast feeding.
Massage in aesthetic medicine
Specialist massage is one of the basic
physical interventions belonging to
aesthetic medicine. Long before the
contemporary notion of aesthetic medicine
was created, massages were efficiently
applied in health resorts, sanatoriums and
fitness centres. In the modern history the
first remarks about the use of massage in
overweight treatment go back to the 1920s.
Actually, until recently, many societies
regarded general classic massage as the
basis for stimulating the tissues and
circulatory system during overweight
treatment therapy.
At the end of the seventies, manual
lymphatic drainage was used to diminish
face swellings and other aesthetic problems.
In the mid-eighties, when Massage
therapists began to comment on the
worsening visible condition of clients’
skin, including even thin clients, many
medical circles didn’t treat the remarks
seriously. A few years later, however, the
new sinister terms: cellulite (PEFS) and
cellulitis appeared medical journals and
popular magazines (in Poland and other
Nowadays we know that lymphatic
drainage is a basic – but not the only –
physical intervention in the therapy of
cellulite, particularly efficient in the first
stages of the disease.
he notion of aesthetic medicine was
created at the end of the seventies, although
many attempts of medical intervention for
aesthetic purposes can be traced far earlier,
even to ancient times.
he quick development of aesthetic
medicine as a new trend is possibly due to
the progress in clinical research, the
production of special pharmaceutics, and
also new technologies enabling the
creation of more precise devices used in
diagnostics and medical therapy. he most
important decisions on starting adequate
medical actions, however, remain with the
physicians who, apart from professional
practice and theoretical preparation, have
to show the so called ‘sense of aesthetics’
and the abilities to predict favourable
visual, aesthetic effects of medical
As a result of this, the notion of aesthetic
medicine has emerged from medicine.
Aesthetic medicine deals with the ‘quality
of life,’ which is influenced by many factors
that depend on the patients themselves as
well as typical medical actions like
diagnostics, detail interview and, above
all, prophylaxis and therapeutic actions.
While the most essential decisions and
the way of running the therapy in aesthetic
Summer 2006
The role of a massage
in plastic surgery
Massage can play a role in diagnostic,
preparatory and revitalizing in procedures
such as:
• muscle and body shaping such
as abdominoplasty, liposuction
• breast correction (lit and augmentation)
• face lits
• surgical scar corrections and burn
Here again the manual lymphatic drainage
plays the main role, but not the only one.
he manual lymphatic drainage
(according to the Emil Vodder method) is
widely used, among others, following
general surgery, plastic surgery and
aesthetic medicine.
In many countries health security
funds cover the costs of massages in
oncology, phlebological diseases and
during complicated, multi-stage surgical
operations, e.g. during transplantations.
Due to a serious aesthetic defect
resulting from vessel changes, massage can
play an important role in the prophylaxis
of phlebological diseases. Massage is also
recommended during some reconstruction
interventions and during skin transplants
performed in stages e.g. resulting from
Applying massage to diagnostics
Here are some examples of the role of a
massage in the diagnostics of sot tissues:
a) Diagnostic techniques for the whole
– skin fold rolling technique from
segmental massage
– raising of skin with a whole palm
– palpation thermal examination/the
difference in skin temperature,
– layer/plane moving of skin
– skin elasticity around breast.
b) Diagnostic techniques in the area of
face and head:
– the technique of moving a fold of skin
from angulus oris to temples
– diagnostic techniques of muscle
symmetry and skin tension in the
area of forehead horizontally and
– the technique of moving of skin and
muscles (convergent and divergent
– the technique of moving bigger
surfaces of a face with a palm/test of
emotional and pain tension (migraine
and conditions ater inflammation of
facial and trigeminal nerve.
he palpation from precise performance
of the above techniques can give a therapist
a lot of information. In some cases these
techniques cannot be replaced by any
diagnostic equipment.
Despite the great number of performed
activities in cosmetics and SPA, restorative
centres which are not run by physicians
show the need of co-operation, not only
because of the common purposes, but
from the professional medical point of
view. As many doctors have found out,
co-operation results not only in the
prolonged effects of the performed medical
activities but makes the assistant staff
(i.e. massage therapist) conscious of safe
limits of their activities.
he assistant staff also know what kind
of restorative and cosmetic activities they
can perform which will not be in opposition
to the interventions conducted by the
physicians of aesthetic medicine.
Another application of a massage,
indirectly connected with body aesthetics,
is the technique of working with a body
from the so called group ‘body work’ in
order to increase such a subtle notion as
the ‘grace of a body,’ but this is quite a
different story ...
I hope to get in touch and co-operate
with other therapists and physicians with
like experiences.
Piotr Szczotka is a massage therapist
and Co-ordinator of this project at the
Bodywork Massage School, in Poznań,
Poland. From 1993-95 he developed
a method of massage and author
training on Integrating Massage
Bodywork (relaxing, anti-stress
massage, application of psychosomatic
revitalisation) and also on Dynamic
Massage (application of cellulite
therapy, body shaping and ater
pregnancy massage). He is the author
of several books, Modern Massage –
herapy, Prophylaxis , Relaxation and
Integrating Massage Bodywork –
Massage in Psychosomatic
Journal of the Australian Association of Massage Therapists
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